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Could this build work for general purpose WvW?


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General purpose as in not completely helpless if I get ambushed 1v1 and can still contribute in team-fights without being a burden.




Not sure what sigils to use so I kinda left those empty on the longbow... At the moment it's kinda hybrid between condi-power.

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The build has a ton of wasted stats since your condition application is abysmal. Ranger is the worst class to go hybrid on since it's power scaling is already gimped because ranger shares a part of its damage with the pet, on top of which going hybrid means going squishy because you ether have to give up defensive stats to make both power and condition damage effective or give up defensive traits for the same reason (elementalist is the only exception i can think of).


No offense but your build is garbage, long bow is not a hybrid weapon, and sword is only used in condi/hybrid builds because it is effective at creating distance. That is why you always pair sword set with sigil of geomancy for a initial condi burst upon swapping to your sword set after which you are on a defensive game plan.



This is an effective hybrid setup for wvw solo/small scale, it is squishy as any hybrid build on ranger will be, but it has synergy across all lines and weapons and it is dangerous when played well.

Play it by going in and out of beast mode with smoke scale, going in for an oh axe burst; merge - close distance with smoke assault if needed - instinctive engage for quickness - take down - whirling defense; all this under vulture & one wolf pack stances. Then unmerge and ether disengage by using smoke cloud and leaping thrugh it with the other charge of instinctive engage or put on more pressure by using doly stance on you and the pet. Swap to snow owl only if you need a burst of healing, resistance, or to run away/chase a target or for longer stealth (smoke could with smoke scale, swap pets, merge with the owl, then leap through the cloud with instinctive engage and the merge swoop; this way you will have longer stealth and create distance).

While running around stay merged with the owl for the 30% movement buff and to use quickening search so that you have swiftness for when you leave beast mode when combat is about to start, but in combat NEVER camp beast mode and never pet swap from smoke scale just because pet swap is off cd, swap because you need the utility from owl.

The thing about this build is the survivability depends on how well you can kite, upkeep weakness and abuse stealth from combo finishers, if you play the game by getting carried by passives alone then i do not recommend this build.

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> General purpose as in not completely helpless if I get ambushed 1v1 and can still contribute in team-fights without being a burden.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAsYTnE8CNsglsAuCCctglZB7JAUn+W591/ailZSlvaajIN-jFSBQBP4EAQV1fyoyPTqEEP6CAwDA4paB23+DAA-w


> Not sure what sigils to use so I kinda left those empty on the longbow... At the moment it's kinda hybrid between condi-power.


Wow, your build is a hot mess, no offense. The following wall of text might contain harsh critique but don't take it personaly, I just have to make some things clear. I'm not attacking you. I will give you a step-by-step explaination why I change your build and what you did wrong. This is no complete build, it's just the basics but it should help you a bit.


Any condition damage is wasted on your build. Why? You are applying condi, right? But look at the damage. You can apply 3 stacks of bleeding which tick for 150 damage a second. 150 damage. That's nothing. You can stack up to 5 stacks of poison, ticking for 300 damage a sec. So you can do 450 condi damage a sec but not even permanent. And that is with condi investment. This is not hybrid, this is just kitten.

We are now here: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAsYTnE8CNsglsAuCCctglZBjZSlvaa591/ai9JAUn+WjIN-j1RBQB4RfwNU/Zf7P8gTAgJVCmRlfA4BAAA-w

I switched the griefing gear for berserker because condi has no place in your build. Next is the weapon choice.

For a power build longbow in WvW is good. Sword can work well for escape (if you use the instant turn around keybinding, has no key by default) with the smoke field you even have access to stealth, good. But what about the dagger? Well, it adds a dodge and a cripple on a melee set. But the cripple can actually hinder you: It prevent people from creating distance. Good on a melee set, right? Wrong. Your melee set is not for offense, it's a utility set (kite, stealth, evade). Also your bow does more damage the further away the enemy is. So keeping them close is not good. But they can't get near me, right? Well if a single 6 second cripple keeps enemies away from you they are playing crappy, the cripple does nothing for you. What off hand weapon should you choose than? Axe is too static and only gets you killed, torch is condi which has no use in your build, so warhorn it is. But is it just the best of the worst or does it something for you? It is perfect for you. It has a blast finisher which gives even more stealth with the smoke field and adds swiftness, allowing you to better controlling distance (kiting and keeping up against running foes) and it is much harder to deny this for the enemy as boon rip is not that common (not as common as a single condi cleanse for the cripple) and also gives fury for a damage set up for the bow. Horn 4 also stacks vuln on the enemy, setting up the damage burst for the bow even more.

We are now here: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBMhN6kgXohFskFwVQgrFsMLYMTq8VTLvv+XTsPBg603aEpB-jlRBQBZU5nJVCCgHAAe0HcD1f23+DAA-w

Weapon looking good, stats okay (you can exchange marauders for berserkers for more damage, nothing major). What is next? The rune.

Why on earth are you using Durability? The 1sec resistance won't save you from a condi burst and the boon duration boost is not enough (for a boon based build you would need nature magic for the extra 16% boon duration and other boon traits in there). And the toughness boost doesn't really help you either. If you are playing longbow you should ramp up your damage. Scholar is the best option (power and ferocity boost +10% damage but you need to stay over 90% health which requires perfect dodging and burst set up), Rage is the cheaper and easier to maintaining option (+5% damage with fury + fury duration boost and since you have a lot of fury).

We are here: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBMhN6kgXohFskFwVQgrFsMLYMTq8VT7JAUn+W591/aidEpB-jVBPABAo+TQ6DEX537KBdY/BA-w

Now the traits:

If you want to keep skirmishing you should at least change striders defence to spotter. The quickness does not much for you on sword (after a switch to bow it does but there are other ways for this) and a general 5% crit boost is always good. Beastmastery is okayish for the passive boosts but the traits do nothing major for you. Marksmanship helps your bow (especially in zerg fights aka piercing shots, piercing rapid fire into a zerg sounds godd right? Beware of retaliation (it could actually kill you) but good positioning and caution can lead to some interesting opportunities), far sighted is a generic boost and stoneform is a lifesaver (watch those thiefs and mesmers).

The last trait I have to comment on: Second skin. Go, look for high protection uptime in your build to make is work. Did you find any? Nah, me neither. (And 3sec from durability rune are not enough, you would need nature magic with protection on dodge for this to work). It can work in a zerg but you should otherwise change to Essence of Speed as you at least have a reliable source of quickness in your build.

Now the other skills. You have no real condi clear. Bear Stance is not enough. Wilderness Survival offers good condi clear but we are at a point where you have to make trade offs. You can't have it all (you are no mirage). If you play without real condi clear it's kill or be killed. Just be aware of this. I would take Troll Unguent or "We heal as one!" as heal instead.


Just a basic sketch but it should help.




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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > @"Schnuschnu.9857" said:


> This post had a lot of the information I was looking for, it makes sense to me so I am going to take your word. Thanks a lot man! :+1:


You're welcome. Just some additional general combat advice:

Always try to attack your enemy from behind or at least the side. This is hard or even impossible in a 1vs1 but gets easier the more players are involved on both sites. This is to make sure you get the boost from Hunter's tactics (10% crit, you always want to abuse this... nothing hurts more than a hit which could have killed not critting and the enemy gets away or heals up).

Merge right before an important longbow burst to make sure it's not getting blocked.

Use longbow 4 before a burst to get "Twice as vicious". Best used after a swap from sword (fury after swap from skirmishing) or after getting fury otherwise to also get "Furious strength".

So an optimal burst is from the side or back (10% crit) -> get fury (7% damage) -> merge (unblockable) -> longbow 4 (5% damage) -> longbow 2 -> profit

Oppressive superiority will kick in anyway as the burst does loads of damage unless you play against a bunker with tons of damage reduction. For example rev with retribution line can lower your burst by 99,5%... this completely negates anything you try. Always poke with a CC first against frevs to test for this. If the auto counter CC happens delay your burst by 5sec or simply wait for the next oppotunity.

I know this because I play bunker rev (a fun build and completly off meta which works suprisingly well) with retribution and this catches some soulbeasts off guard getting them killed, by a core rev. The moral of this: Never underestimate any opponent (some players even use starter gear optics to mimic a new player so you play sloppy and then they wipe the floor with you).

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> @"Schnuschnu.9857" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > General purpose as in not completely helpless if I get ambushed 1v1 and can still contribute in team-fights without being a burden.

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAsYTnE8CNsglsAuCCctglZB7JAUn+W591/ailZSlvaajIN-jFSBQBP4EAQV1fyoyPTqEEP6CAwDA4paB23+DAA-w

> >

> > Not sure what sigils to use so I kinda left those empty on the longbow... At the moment it's kinda hybrid between condi-power.


> Wow, your build is a hot mess, no offense. The following wall of text might contain harsh critique but don't take it personaly, I just have to make some things clear. I'm not attacking you. I will give you a step-by-step explaination why I change your build and what you did wrong. This is no complete build, it's just the basics but it should help you a bit.


> Any condition damage is wasted on your build. Why? You are applying condi, right? But look at the damage. You can apply 3 stacks of bleeding which tick for 150 damage a second. 150 damage. That's nothing. You can stack up to 5 stacks of poison, ticking for 300 damage a sec. So you can do 450 condi damage a sec but not even permanent. And that is with condi investment. This is not hybrid, this is just kitten.

> We are now here: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAsYTnE8CNsglsAuCCctglZBjZSlvaa591/ai9JAUn+WjIN-j1RBQB4RfwNU/Zf7P8gTAgJVCmRlfA4BAAA-w

> I switched the griefing gear for berserker because condi has no place in your build. Next is the weapon choice.

> For a power build longbow in WvW is good. Sword can work well for escape (if you use the instant turn around keybinding, has no key by default) with the smoke field you even have access to stealth, good. But what about the dagger? Well, it adds a dodge and a cripple on a melee set. But the cripple can actually hinder you: It prevent people from creating distance. Good on a melee set, right? Wrong. Your melee set is not for offense, it's a utility set (kite, stealth, evade). Also your bow does more damage the further away the enemy is. So keeping them close is not good. But they can't get near me, right? Well if a single 6 second cripple keeps enemies away from you they are playing crappy, the cripple does nothing for you. What off hand weapon should you choose than? Axe is too static and only gets you killed, torch is condi which has no use in your build, so warhorn it is. But is it just the best of the worst or does it something for you? It is perfect for you. It has a blast finisher which gives even more stealth with the smoke field and adds swiftness, allowing you to better controlling distance (kiting and keeping up against running foes) and it is much harder to deny this for the enemy as boon rip is not that common (not as common as a single condi cleanse for the cripple) and also gives fury for a damage set up for the bow. Horn 4 also stacks vuln on the enemy, setting up the damage burst for the bow even more.

> We are now here: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBMhN6kgXohFskFwVQgrFsMLYMTq8VTLvv+XTsPBg603aEpB-jlRBQBZU5nJVCCgHAAe0HcD1f23+DAA-w

> Weapon looking good, stats okay (you can exchange marauders for berserkers for more damage, nothing major). What is next? The rune.

> Why on earth are you using Durability? The 1sec resistance won't save you from a condi burst and the boon duration boost is not enough (for a boon based build you would need nature magic for the extra 16% boon duration and other boon traits in there). And the toughness boost doesn't really help you either. If you are playing longbow you should ramp up your damage. Scholar is the best option (power and ferocity boost +10% damage but you need to stay over 90% health which requires perfect dodging and burst set up), Rage is the cheaper and easier to maintaining option (+5% damage with fury + fury duration boost and since you have a lot of fury).

> We are here: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBMhN6kgXohFskFwVQgrFsMLYMTq8VT7JAUn+W591/aidEpB-jVBPABAo+TQ6DEX537KBdY/BA-w

> Now the traits:

> If you want to keep skirmishing you should at least change striders defence to spotter. The quickness does not much for you on sword (after a switch to bow it does but there are other ways for this) and a general 5% crit boost is always good. Beastmastery is okayish for the passive boosts but the traits do nothing major for you. Marksmanship helps your bow (especially in zerg fights aka piercing shots, piercing rapid fire into a zerg sounds godd right? Beware of retaliation (it could actually kill you) but good positioning and caution can lead to some interesting opportunities), far sighted is a generic boost and stoneform is a lifesaver (watch those thiefs and mesmers).

> The last trait I have to comment on: Second skin. Go, look for high protection uptime in your build to make is work. Did you find any? Nah, me neither. (And 3sec from durability rune are not enough, you would need nature magic with protection on dodge for this to work). It can work in a zerg but you should otherwise change to Essence of Speed as you at least have a reliable source of quickness in your build.

> Now the other skills. You have no real condi clear. Bear Stance is not enough. Wilderness Survival offers good condi clear but we are at a point where you have to make trade offs. You can't have it all (you are no mirage). If you play without real condi clear it's kill or be killed. Just be aware of this. I would take Troll Unguent or "We heal as one!" as heal instead.

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBMhN6kgXohFskFwVQgrFssHY5t34b+lZgFw6dLNhAwZbEpB-jVBPABOs/AAq/Iuyv3VCGk+AA-w

> Just a basic sketch but it should help.




Please don't follow this advice.


Nature magic doesn't give protection on dodge. That's ws. Durability runes are also great for general purpose the op is going for. In zergs, the more ppl running it leads to better survivability for the group. For solo, if your have ws, the 1 sec resistance isn't that big of a deal although nice. It's the regen, heal on prot, 33 reduction to power and condi damage and just general boon duration that make durability a great choice.


BM is also great raw stats and 30% move speed while merged. Merged bird also gives almost perma quickness. If you have ws, proccing zephyr is nice.


I'm a sucker for full glass builds but zerker, rune of rage and mm, skrimish, sb is just BAD. mm bm sb is the glass build to run. Marauder durability mm ws sb gives you a nice balance.

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> @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:


> Please don't follow this advice.


> Nature magic doesn't give protection on dodge. That's ws. Durability runes are also great for general purpose the op is going for. In zergs, the more ppl running it leads to better survivability for the group. For solo, if your have ws, the 1 sec resistance isn't that big of a deal although nice. It's the regen, heal on prot, 33 reduction to power and condi damage and just general boon duration that make durability a great choice.


> BM is also great raw stats and 30% move speed while merged. Merged bird also gives almost perma quickness. If you have ws, proccing zephyr is nice.


> I'm a sucker for full glass builds but zerker, rune of rage and mm, skrimish, sb is just BAD. mm bm sb is the glass build to run. Marauder durability mm ws sb gives you a nice balance.


Wow. Yes, it's Wilderness Survival with prot on dodge, right. Didn't remember this right, but the rest... Yes, in zergs many people with dura are nice but the op wanted a build which can also 1vs1. Dura is therefore not really good. And the 4s prot are not saving you from anything. If 4sec of random (!) prot keep you alive a whole fight then you simply outplay the enemy, nothing more. Same for the 4s of regen. Without healing power it's a 520 heal over 4sec. That's not really much especially not on a glasscanon. Any def on a glass canon is mostly wasted (reactive defense is always good, like a block etc) and won't save you. The enemy should die fast anyways making scholar/rage good. Also Rage is a cheap option (good for starters).

Yes, BM is raw stats and skirmishing is not optimal but i worked with what I got from OP. I'm not the person saying: Here, take this meta build. I just showed errors and gave some basic advice. And the lifesaver from Marksmanship is good for newer players (which OP seems to be). So simply dismissing a piece of advice (based on reason) and labeling it as false is just rude. Yes, your advice is meta but we know how meta and new people not fully comfortable with their classes works. So a basic sketch based on their ideas is a good step forward and helps them getting comfortable with the class.

So, @"TwiceDead.1963" take Booms advice but beware that the glass canon variant is not easy to play and the marauder dura variant fromBoom might be a easier and a good option too.


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Well I'm not really a new player, just a new Ranger. Haven't had a go with this class in PvP or WvW at all, started just yesterday.


I played around with Scholar runes, SB Skirmishing and MM with zerker armor and marauder trinkets, and it works out pretty well. I did miss the move-speed I got from BM though. The damage is sweet and capitalizing on Unstoppable Union was great fun.


Didn't stand much chance against Thieves and Mesmers though the few times I got jumped, but I did manage to do fairly well against Warriors and Guardians. Scourges were no problem as long as I didn't let them close up... Because when the conditions started applying the gig was up. Really don't have any cleansing aside from the SB heal, and once I popped that I just had to run away... So I am considering swapping out Skirmishing for WS.


Anyway, Ranger is a lot of fun in WvW. Having way more fun with it than I thought I would, coming from Thief, Elementalist and Engineer as my previous WvW ventures. I have so many opportunities now! I can help the edge-fighting roamers and the zerg and whoever I come across really without having to think too much about it so long as I don't overextend myself, Ranger has so much freedom in group fights it's kinda amazing.


Except when the projectile hate rolls in, but that's to be expected.


It was also kind of funny to see how many of my own arrows I could eat thanks to Guardian, Mesmer and Warrior reflects.




Yeah Durability runes have served me well in the past in WvW which is why I initially wen't for them. I guess they're still not a bad choice, just depends how much I am going to be hugging the zerg. I will try to swap out Skirmishing for Beastmaster as well, just gotta play around with this. But I think I am gonna stick with Scholars for now. Didn't die as much as I thought I would, and I picked Durability runes for extra survivability.

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