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??? Mushrooms


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The asura tell us that he haven't seen that before, but I'm pretty sure that I've already seen that shrooms in Tangled Depths! Not far from Rata Novus in a Fungi cavern with some of these living shroom foes. Also if we consider that an anomaly reproduce the environment's physical properties too like toxic atmosphere, low gravity etc, then it should come from somewhere where the gravity is low. So, like mistlock sanctuary, he came from space or a cave destabilized by magics and asuran technologies like the magneton lab. What we are certain about is that the mushroom is toxic and his spores can affect your brain, bringing you strange sensations and halucinations, a mix between poisonous shrooms in maguma and ibogas poison. Also if like Orr, this is an echo, that cavern doesn't exist anymore.... Maybe the mushrooms are an illusion and in reality, horrible aliens. We earned no infos by taking a sample, someone could have confirmed us that is fungus....

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> @"Xenon.4537" said:

> I like to think they are actually from another planet. The gravity is different because its a smaller planet, maybe the moon? It would be very cool if there is a mysterious environment with creatures living on the moon and we only get small glimpses of them.


I had similar thoughts. And it wouldn't be the first time that a rift in the space-time continuum brought us to some alien place. Just think about the final location in the Lonai fight, which was definitely somewhere in space.

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> @"Xenon.4537" said:

> I like to think they are actually from another planet.

Another dimension would probably be more accurate given that the mists are basically the space between dimensions. To bad we're never actually going to properly visit other planes of existence because a dev. once said that every new map has to be on the current world map so new overworlds for other dimensions are sadly out of question.


On an unrelated note: I want griffon races in low gravity.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Xenon.4537" said:

> > I like to think they are actually from another planet.

> Another dimension would probably be more accurate given that the mists are basically the space between dimensions. To bad we're never actually going to properly visit other planes of existence because a dev. once said that every new map has to be on the current world map so new overworlds for other dimensions are sadly out of question.


> On an unrelated note: I want griffon races in low gravity.


Someday in Guild Wars 3 maybe

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Also during the story step, I noticed that we started to see hallucinations and feeling bad after taking a sample of the mushroom, is it only toxic after touching him? Like a self-defense mechanic? Because when you arrive on the place, they are no poison dome or bad trip effect. :o

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