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Sand Portals on the maps


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. . . why is this not a thing?!


After spending the evening in the Desolation, getting more used to my Jackal, I really got annoyed with the sand portals, which tend to send you a completely random distance and often right into a pack of enemies. "Oh! Where the kitten am I? Who are these enemies shooting at me?! Is there another portal out of here?!!" Why?


Previous maps fixed this, HoT Nuhoc wallows show where each goes. LWs3 Magma tubes have a direction of travel. Yes, Jackal portals basically face in the general direction of its mate, but they might be up, down, they might be 30ft away or half a mile, there's zero consistency. These really need to be on the maps, with a little arrow pointing in the right direction.


I suspect that you guys know this, and that they aren't in already is because you wanted some amount of "mystery" to finding these things, and if so, fair enough, but at least make them unlockable somehow, so that once you travel through them once, they are visible on the map with arrows. I realize secondly that this would likely take slightly different tech than the current map elements, and might take a little time to implement, so spend that time if necessary. And if you don't believe it's worth the effort, or can't manage it within the first month or two, then kitten it, and just make them always visible, because being able to tell where each portal goes matters a whole lot more than the mystery.

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There will be a Nice spam into the maps if you add an icon for them.


Personally i mostly used em in order to unlock mastery Points ( map completion can be achieved with 2 mounts only. Or maybe 3 i don't remember ).


And many of em can be get without using jackal, which was Definitely fun for ppl like me who like exploration.


Like the tower locked by djinn in vabbi.

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> @Nikal.4921 said:

> Yeah, after my experience with one, I don't think I'll be touching these sand portals unless it's for a mastery point, or I know where it's going to take me. What's the point of them if they just shoot you to random places into mob groups?


It's not random... you just don't know where all the portals go without doing it a lot. Many of them outside The Desolation are quite useful for skipping through something that would take a while to go around.


But yes, indicators on the map would be very, very helpful.

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I have yet to unlock the mastery for using the portals and honestly find myself thinking, "Oh man, I cannot WAIT to find out where this one goes." I find it adds a lot of replayability already in my mind to not know where in the world the things go since you just have to try it and find out. Love that mystery :3

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