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Fixing boring P/P thief


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Gutted after the ini change, why not help it a little?



Remove might

Increase damage by 5%

Add superspeed while channeling.


When I think of a dual wielding pistol character, I think of someone agile, dodging around and being sneaky while unloading lead on their opponents.


Somehow, a rifle thief fits that description more than the clunky ass pistol thief moving like a slug, being predictable and highly counterable. Unable to kite or move away from counter pressure.


Would be cool if pistol #2 also turned like the warrior rifle skill where you shoot then quickly evade, but that's too much for now.


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I don't think someone being sneaky involves being loud with firearms. Joking aside, the thief's pistols were never good in PvP environments even before it got the initiative nerf which I'm glad it happened. Adding in a 5% damage increase along with superspeed while channeling won't improve this weapon set that not only is it boring to play involving one skill that's worth using while the rest of the skills are bad, but it also gets countered by reflects, blocking, LoS and stealth, which is one of the reasons why you don't see a lot of p/p thieves in PvP. I only saw one in unranked and they were awful.

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As someone who’s Mained P/P daredevil competitively, the recent changes have made the build worse than it was before the buffs. 6ini on an unload that does 3-5k damage is just too much when a ranger can auto you for the same amount.


PP thief needs a rework so that it’s not completely broken when used with DE. Someone suggested making the auto attack a lesser version of unload (basically the sneak attack is the auto attack, just remove the bleeds) and changing pistol 2 to a dash type skill that can move you forward slightly (like unhindered combatant without the evade) and then changing unload to a more powerful skill that can combo with the smoke field.


And please no Condi/power hybrid BS



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> @"snowflake.9037" said:

> **Unload:**

> Remove might

> Increase damage by 5%

> Add superspeed while channeling.

That wouldn't address the main problem with P/P thief at all. The reason why P/P thief doesn't work in PvP (and only barely in PvE) becomes very apparent if you think about why D/P works (imagine for example dagger 1 having similar ini costs to unload or only doing as much damage as the pistol auto (relatively speaking)). Unload should replace the auto, skill 2 and 5 (when dual wielding pistols) need a complete rework (like other people said some mobility would be nice) in adition to a new skill 3. Skill 4 is fine as it is but rn there is really no (practical) point in playing a P/P thief as it's quite bad and rifle is essentially better in every way.


> And please no Condi/power hybrid BS


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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"snowflake.9037" said:

> > **Unload:**

> > Remove might

> > Increase damage by 5%

> > Add superspeed while channeling.

> That wouldn't address the main problem with P/P thief at all. The reason why P/P thief doesn't work in PvP (and only barely in PvE) becomes very apparent if you think about why D/P works (imagine for example dagger 1 having similar ini costs to unload or only doing as much damage as the pistol auto (relatively speaking)). Unload should replace the auto, skill 2 and 5 (when dual wielding pistols) need a complete rework (like other people said some mobility would be nice) in adition to a new skill 3. Skill 4 is fine as it is but rn there is really no (practical) point in playing a P/P thief as it's quite bad and rifle is essentially better in every way.


> > And please no Condi/power hybrid BS



Rifle is very immobile bar skill #4, pistol should be the mobile alternative. But everyone can outrun it or quickly LoS it, or how about get in your face and behind you mid-cast so that it gets interrupted! I love when that happens.


Skill #2 most definitely needs to be changed to some sort of shot+evade.

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> @"snowflake.9037" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"snowflake.9037" said:


> Skill #2 most definitely needs to be changed to some sort of shot+evade.


2 things, a shot + evade mechanic would be clunky, much like warriors rifle, and which wouldn’t be all that nice


Second, adding an evade would just be more power creep. A simple dash mechanic would give pp thieves what they need which is positioning and mobility. Imagine if heartseeker was an evade...it would be super broken.


Edit : so another cool idea would be to change unload (PP 3) into a ammunition style skill, for example, it would be a skill you press and it loads shotgun rounds into your pistol, and becomes a heightened version of headshot, which knocks your opponent back and deals damage. Much like how sword/dagger 3 is two skills when used in succession.


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