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No downed WvW... Permanently


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So we are still with the majority which would like the downstate removed from WvW, yet a lot of players(30%) desires the downstate to stay. I have matured an idea which could help with this, but i don't think it deserves it's own thread so i'll comment it here.


So what about this idea:

* Remove "F to resurrect" action from the menu while the player is in combat and replace with _"F to assist". This is meant to avoid what is called power-ress which means basically to insta-ressurrect somebody between 5-10 team members but using F over a downed player would trigger the traits related with that state.

* The Downstate still exists as such the downed player still can rally by defeating another player or by using the traits which helps the resurrection. Still it would indirectly balance traits like [Transfusion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transfusion "Transfusion") as it would not benefit from the _"F to ress"_ action.

* Other traits like [Ritual of Life](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ritual_of_Life "Ritual of Life") would be effective as well, as the _"F to assist"_ would trigger the trait.

* Mercy runes would still have some effects as the traits/skills which help downed players which should still benefit from this effect.


Positive changes:

* Now support players which desire to help fallen players will need to actually equip traits and skills which is better than just equip tanky wear and just instantly resurrect a fallen ally between 6.

* This action would make the fallen player because of one-shot builds to have a chance to survive if they rally or can heal using own/team skills.


Further improvements to make zergs less overpowered:

* now blobs of 60 players can have many players out of combat even during the combat itself because they have more numbers than the enemy.

* That's bad for balance as it allows some zergs to share participation with those players which can then dedicate themselves to ressurect defeated players.

* To solve this a fully defeated player has the same treatment as PvP. After 20 seconds the player is respawned at the closest uncontested way point.







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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> So we are still with the majority which would like the downstate removed from WvW, yet a lot of players(30%) desires the downstate to stay.



Uh, no. You are with the majority in a vocal minority that is using a biased wording poll to try to remove downstate. BIG difference. There have already been many other polls all in favor of keeping downstate. Downstate is a core game mechanic and will most likely NOT be removed on a permanent basis. You will still get your No Downstate week once in a while so just be happy with that.


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two notes for all in here to consider:

1. if DS is ONLY reason for your group to get wiped in a clash against bigger group then your group is not as skilled as you may believe it to be.

2. all of ye guys claming permanent removal of DS will not affect zerg meta are delusional if you really believe so - because it will all roll back to bunker meta very quick if such hypothetical scenario ever happened. but it won't happen because for it to even be workable on very basic level it'd require way too much rebalancing of everything than AN is ever likely to want to spend on WvW.


securing a kill with DS up takes a skill, landing alot into downstate can mean either you are to glassy for what you are trying to do and are carried by your group, or you are lacking skills and carried by your group or you are actually quite skilled playing very risky game of exploiting one of core game mechanics for maximal bomb.


and how exacly this sort of getting carried by your group differs from being carried by your group in form of boons/heals keeping you alive? (as in not going into DS at all)

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > Lol? So yes those "full glass cannons scourges" would bunker up,

> > >

> > > And yes those new players would bunker up, go super stealth glass cannons or quit completely.

> > yes pleaze tell me more about you can see the future and what every single player will decide...

> >

> > I say they'll go with their guild and follow their guild lead orgo to metabattle and use the op build of the season. Either way i foresee they will have a blast. Prove me wrong.

> >


> I've been roaming for 6 years. Learning people and how they respond to my presence on the map gives me the foresight to see many things.


> Generally people play what they find fun and generally what people find fun in gaming is living or killing. Polarizing their choices polarizes their choice of build.


the problem isn't downed state. you talked about those 4 newbies.. how in the world would downedstate help them????


I have done many 1v3-1v5s in my time vs complete newbies. they don't know how downedstate works. it doesn't help them at all. downed state only helps the larger group when both teams are smart enough to use it and use it well. granted ofc it doesn't take much brain to press F, but newbies will die with or without downedstate. your argument is invalid imo.

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