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[spoilers] Heart of Thorns Migraine Achievement


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Hi there


Just wanted to let you know: This Achievement is still possible to get, and even more so since there had been quite some powercreep updates since its initial release.

I did it yesterday with a T4 fractal group. You could also use the raid lfg, since those people are really good too.


On dulfy's website it is considered to be very time consuming, since you will wipe a lot. However that wasn't the case for us (around 30 minutes I'd say). As already said, this achievement is quite old, we had powercreep and the introduction to raids which are way harder, so obviously the increase of better players is also given.


Yet I'd still recommend using meta builds, one heal druid, one chrono, rest DPS. Our group lacked the chrono, so I'd argue you could be even faster than us.

(and yes, I know, this achievement was soloed quite some time already, but that's not the topic here)


General tips: Go in with Canach and Braham. For Eir and her dog take A LOT of CC. You have to cc both of them. If you're too slow with getting Garm down Eir will shoot "fire arrows" onto every player that cause tons of dmg - but you can easily avoid it by just running and not touching the burning ground. Canach is nothing special. Neither Mordremoth, except the last phase where he can oneshot you with an aoe circle which you simply can dodge roll to avoid.


I wasn't so keen about going for this achievement in the first place, but doing it and being successful was still quite some fun. And honestly I wanted the mordrem loop too :)


Hit me up ingame if you need any further tips.



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