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Crazy idea to introduce open world players to Raids


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> @"Scar.1793" said:

> The yes answer looks like a kitten reply. Besides that it would be fun and give some life back to old maps


Because open world players love difficult bosses and every time a some what difficult boss was added people were overjoyed with it and began praising Arenanet on the forums.


Somehow I recall those events differently.


On a less sarcastic note: absolutely not. Every single semi difficult boss added to open world (every one, no exceptions) was met with despise and forum whining by the open world community until they either got Arenanet to fix and reduce the difficulty to brainless status (HoT metas, Tequatle, etc.) or the boss was shunned by the open world zerg (Triple Trouble) and became only complete able by dedicated organized groups.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Scar.1793" said:

> > The yes answer looks like a kitten reply. Besides that it would be fun and give some life back to old maps


> Because open world players love difficult bosses and every time a some what difficult boss was added people were overjoyed with it and began praising Arenanet on the forums.


> Somehow I recall those events differently.


> On a less sarcastic note: absolutely not. Every single semi difficult boss added to open world (every one, no exceptions) was met with despise and forum whining by the open world community until they either got Arenanet to fix and reduce the difficulty to brainless status (HoT metas, Tequatle, etc.) or the boss was shunned by the open world zerg (Triple Trouble) and became only complete able by dedicated organized groups.


Teq was very interesting to do before the changes. It’s a bit of a joke right now. Besides if you do not like it or do not want it, just do something else. The bosses don’t have to appear in a locations that would annoy other players that don’t want to fight.


This game is extremely easy and forgiving in PvE, adding a bit of spice here and there wouldn’t be too much. Especially if it doesn’t affect you.

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Don't forget that a big part of GW2 players are casual players, who do not play on a daily basis, do PvE explorable content only, have zero interest in building up a class requiring specific equipment/rotation and don't care about earning tons of gold. Those players don't want difficult contents (many of them are not even doing meta events).

I believe it should stay as is now: Different contents allowing all types of players to enjoy their own fun. For hardcore, there are raids. For casual players, there is PvE explorable.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> I think you're missing a fundamental point: I don't raid because of the people that raid. It has nothing to do with skill or difficulty.


> And, there are a LOT of people who hold the same opinion.


But how do you know what ppl raid when you don't raid? Disgusting generalization

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Because when they left to raid, the other parts of the game became less toxic.


> When ~10% of the players moved, and ~80% of the toxicity left with them, well, you do the math.


This assumes that people who raid do not play other parts of the game. Given that raiding requires a lot of dedication to a game both time and commitment wise, it seems a wierd assumption to make.


I'd assume people who raid specifically play the game more in all areas versus some who only occasionally play open world content. Especially since open world pve content is required for so many things.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > Because when they left to raid, the other parts of the game became less toxic.

> >

> > When ~10% of the players moved, and ~80% of the toxicity left with them, well, you do the math.


> This assumes that people who raid do not play other parts of the game. Given that raiding requires a lot of dedication to a game both time and commitment wise, it seems a wierd assumption to make.


> I'd assume people who raid specifically play the game more in all areas versus some who only occasionally play open world content. Especially since open world pve content is required for so many things.


No assumptions, but it is my own perception of the facts (and thus, perhaps even less valid).


However, your point is valid. Where I saw the greatest reduction in toxicity was in dungeons and fractals. Those are more "high-end" (at the time), which is similar to what raids are. But, I was going through fractals when the first raid came out, and it was like night and day. And, it happened almost overnight.


Now, to give the raiders their credit, at the same time as they left for raids, they also took a lot of skill with them. PUG fractals were harder for a few months as players upped their game to make up for the missing player-skill capabilities. And, seriously, I don't think it ever rose to the heights of skill it had attained while the raiders were still there.


Now, don't get me wrong: not all raiders are toxic. Heck, my son-in-law raids a LOT, and I like him. No, probably only a small percentage of raiders are toxic. Unfortunately, they tend to be the most vocal as well, so I'm probably doing a disservice to the majority of raiders.


I'll probably eventually join in raiding, but it won't be with PUGs. It will be with my guildmates, all of whom are decidedly un-toxic (including the aforementioned son-in-law).

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I don't WANT to raid. It's restrictive, forces me to play according to other peoples schedules, and exposes me to the second most toxic subcommunity in the game.


Anet is pushing it, now apparently randoms on the forum. Why do you people keep trying to drag us into it? Shuffle off.

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Please do not make global statement about toxicity in raids. Personally, I have never ever experienced toxicity while raiding, simply because I do raids with guildies. I heard about some cases of toxicity, but for what I know, it happens mostly with pugs and probably it is the root cause.

Raid - due to the level of difficulty - requires to have an organized team, with a defined strategy, each in the team knowing its role well, with classes and corresponding equipment properly set up, used to work together, so that all contribute properly to an overall powerful team performance.

I believe it is very difficult to obtain such cohesion with a pick up group, and I suppose that pugs is therefore a quite big risk for conflicts. It puts together people who have never practiced together, with probably different views of how to do it as well as different classes and equipment set up... From there, the chance that all of the team members use the same strategy with the same understanding is rather low. It's more an open door for arguing about how to do it, classes and equipment.


Generally, I tend to believe that for raids, the best is to be in a guild so that when you build up a team, you are with friends, with whom you trained regularly, with whom classes and equipments are agreed, roles in the team are known and so on... When that is given, then raid is just big fun without any sort of toxicity.


@Rhyse.8179, you are right. Raid is not an activity that can be played "just like that". It needs a lot more due to the degree of difficulty. It needs to learn, and because of that, it needs commitment, that's true. That's why it can seem restrictive.

However, raiding is optional. So why being upset? It is like any other activities of this game: WvW, fractals, dungeons, PvE explorable and so on... Each is free to do what he/she is enjoying and ignore the rest. Nobody is forced to anything. I have not noticed that Anet is pushing more for raids than for something else. These last times, there is a new one (wing 6). Because of it being totally new, it is true that we talk a bit more about, but that's just because it is new.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> Bigger picture! You are being blinded by the rock and don't see the rest of the beach!


> This change will accomplish two things:

> - No raiders will have an opportunity to sample the Raids mechanics and lose the fear to begin with it.

> - It will introduce no-raiders to raids rewards. Having access to an small sample of the long term rewards will make some start raiding just to be able do something with those LI. It works with the black lion chests i don't see i can't work with this.

> - To avoid failing to meet the weekly quota probably more players will join.

> - Hardcore raiders will have an opportunity to play the raid once more but somehow different! For more rewards!

> - More people playing the content (Raids) in words of MightyTeapot means more resources from the company to develop more content!


> But Hey! I see most of the voters here(62% at this moment) (Raiders i guess?) don't want new opportunities for new players to join! And then here complain about why it takes so long to develop a raid...



1. It is not fear but boredom that keeps me out of raids. The whole idea of bashing my head against a wall until it breaks does not appeal to me, no matter how much I am sugarcoated into it.

2. When I can get LI from open world, why raid? With the introduction of legendary wvw and pvp armor, raids have nothing to offer but challenge anyway.

3. Lol, weekly quota. Is raiding a chord now too? Pretty sad if so.

4. That is definitely a point for your argument, and people would learn about the lore of the raid bosses this way.

5. What if I don´t want raids to get more resources?

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