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Power Sword Rev Advice Needed


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I'm playing a revenant with a power sword build. I use Glint and Jalis or Shiro depending on the situation. I run with a necro, weaver, and ranger usually. I have been using different exotic armor sets-- primarily zerkers and marauder. I have an ascended zerk sword and 2 handed hammer, and am planning on making an assassin's ascended sword for more precision. I currently have 2 zerker ascended rings. I think I'll continue to acquire zerker trinkets I think, but am torn between which armor set to make. I'm not interested in the condi build though I am aware it's more damage and better for raids. I just like the power sword build better. I also like the extra vitality with Marauder armor. Our group mainly does open world PVE, bosses and events. We have started doing some fractals as well, but we have only been playing since summer. We're really not interested in PVP at this point. Could I get some advice on which gear I should be moving towards given that we do PVE exclusively at present?

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Assuming you want max power based damage, it's just straight up berzerker gear. For fractals your primary reason for making ascended armour is for the agony resistance by slotting infusions. Generally, getting ascended trinkets for the AR is less costly than the weapons or armour. You may also want to think about getting a staff as a secondary weapon for break bars.

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Well Zerker is the ultimate power dmg set, and most classes would need to take it because of one principle: getting 100% crit.chance and not all classes have a chance for it as the revenant does (i think guardian and thief does top that), because revenant can trait that fury is doubled from 20% to 40% crit.chance therefore making it possible to get a very high chance on your own. which means marauder set is good too, only downside ,less power but your survivability gets boosted af through the vitality from the gear, and the new minor herald trait that extends your max. health by 10% (and doing your math, the more base health, the higher interaction with percentage numbers). so its up to you. if you want to squeeze the last dps potential out of the revenant, berserk gear is your go, but if you want to play more defensive or more safe, with accually not that much to loose, marauder is your good to go

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If you mainly focus on open world and occasionally some fractals then marauder serve you just fine or should i say perfect ?. Frankly speaking im not into fractal or any kind of dungeon, my main focus is open world, farming gold and WvW and as a rev precision or crit chance is never going to be your problem at all, i run power renegade in open world and herald in WvW, my crit chance alway stay above 90% using full marauder gears.


The scaling system in open world will become stupid sometime with bosses or mob overscaled plus fps drop due to massive increasing players around you, marauder will be a better choice to keep your HP stable also you lost about 10% DPS compare to zerker but your HP pool is sitting at 20k - 21k.


Also gear doesnt matter in PvP, WvW does and alot.

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Craft zerker weapons and armor, and use either zerker or marauder accesories.


Reason: you can craft a marauder armor and put zerker in enerything else, but if you need go full zerker then changing the stats in the armor and weapons will be more expensive than resetting or replacing your trinkets.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> Craft zerker weapons and armor, and use either zerker or marauder accesories.


> Reason: you can craft a marauder armor and put zerker in enerything else, but if you need go full zerker then changing the stats in the armor and weapons will be more expensive than resetting or replacing your trinkets.


^ This.

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