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Idea: Instanced Boss Rush Mode for casuals- lower difficulty than Raids but higher than Metas

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I like the concept of Large scale PvE boss fights. Its the main appeal of Meta train, and Raids.


But I would like a new feature that fits between the two above.


Metas are for the more casual side of Large Scale PvE. They arent balance around number of players, since that can always be inconsistent.


and Raids are for the more Core player side of Large Scale PvE. They are always balanced around a specific number of players consistently since its instanced content.


I was thinking about having a queue feature, that puts players in some sort of large scale Boss Rush mode instance, similar in concept to Raids, where the fights are always balanced by having a consistent number of players, but the difficulty is lower for more casual players to be able to random queue with others to tackle.


Raids can stay for the Core players, Metas for those that just want to do some nice hit and runs, and Boss Rush for people that want that Controlled Raid feel, but dont have time and dedication to join raiding guilds on a consistent basis.

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