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How much rating have you gained or lost since pof hit?


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> @shadowthejedi.3089 said:

> I lost about 100. All from decay. I'm not touching ranked until the stealth bug that Frostbll and Vallun are abusing to climb the ladder is fixed. Not out of fear of encountering it, but I doubt my teammates can match my incredible performances against such cowardice.


[At the time of your post, it has been fixed for almost 20 hours.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/158083/#Comment_158083 "At the time of your post it has been fixed for almost 20 hours.")

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> @Habitax.8124 said:

> i have won about 20 out of 25 matches since POF - T3 Gold. The match quality has gone way up imo.


What times are you playing? I typically play from 11pm EST to 5am EST, and the match quality has been absolutely terrible. I've dropped from ~1520 to 1250 in the past week, and not because of PoF specs either. Almost every game I'm getting teammates that have absolutely no clue what they're doing; not focusing targets, not fighting on/near points, not going for map objectives when they come up, not listening to callouts, suiciding mid over and over, the list goes on and on. Obviously I play a part in those losses, and it's not every player on every team (there's usually 1 or 2 people on my team that have some semblance of game knowledge), but I can't carry a 2v8.

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I didn't touch pvp for the first 5 days, but since i started playing again i have had a pretty good win rate and gone up about 200 points. Been playing only holosmith and experimenting with builds. I feel like there quite a bit of variance in many games because people(like me) are doing a lot of experimenting with builds and classes while others are playing builds that are already pretty popular among the community

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