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Easy Lazy Gold Guide : 50 gold in 30 Minutes Daily.


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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> > @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

> > Hey, I’m Cellofrag :)

> > « How I make My gold in GW2 « is my new Guide, a lot of people asked me to make it !

> Ah, straight forward, clear, and very doable, even for someone like me who has never done any serious gold farming. You've inspired me to try a number of these tips, which will also expand my gameplay. (Haven't done fractals or pvp yet but will give them a try.) Thanks!



Fractal is extremely interesting & fun to make, for me its far & away the best dungeons & way to farm gold. At lower level it will take some time but keep going :D

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Thanks for posting this video, it'll be helpful to redirect people asking about the best ways to earn gold. :D Personally, I already do an amount on this list, though I don't do Istan but now think that I should given how much gold one can get in an hour of meta. I knew it was good gold, even post nerf, but not that good! Here's my take as a gold farmer,


I'm a lazy fractal farmer, I don't do T4s often enough though I'm going to be remedying that in the future. -3- I already flip legendaries for a living, I'm actually getting low on gifts of exploration so I gotta do some more map completion. |D I personally may do it (once I have my personal keeping toons all map completed) on a guardian instead since I like their burst DPS. SW farming is a pretty big key to my (lazy) gold farming, though I actually keep the T4 mats for crafting into ascended materials daily for even more profit.


As for PvP, it ain't my cup of tea so I don't bother, even now knowing it can be pretty profitable. For home instance, my brother in law has been playing for a /very/ long time and has an almost full home instance that he lets me farm when possible as he's a very busy man irl! The problem I find with using spirit shards for gold is I actually don't get enough of them with how often I flip legendaries. I swear, I'm the only person in GW2 who actually needs MORE of the dumb things!! LOL


Excellent gold farming guide, well done!

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> @"Sciger.1679" said:

> Thanks for posting this video, it'll be helpful to redirect people asking about the best ways to earn gold. :D Personally, I already do an amount on this list, though I don't do Istan but now think that I should given how much gold one can get in an hour of meta. I knew it was good gold, even post nerf, but not that good! Here's my take as a gold farmer,


> I'm a lazy fractal farmer, I don't do T4s often enough though I'm going to be remedying that in the future. -3- I already flip legendaries for a living, I'm actually getting low on gifts of exploration so I gotta do some more map completion. |D I personally may do it (once I have my personal keeping toons all map completed) on a guardian instead since I like their burst DPS. SW farming is a pretty big key to my (lazy) gold farming, though I actually keep the T4 mats for crafting into ascended materials daily for even more profit.


> As for PvP, it ain't my cup of tea so I don't bother, even now knowing it can be pretty profitable. For home instance, my brother in law has been playing for a /very/ long time and has an almost full home instance that he lets me farm when possible as he's a very busy man irl! The problem I find with using spirit shards for gold is I actually don't get enough of them with how often I flip legendaries. I swear, I'm the only person in GW2 who actually needs MORE of the dumb things!! LOL


> Excellent gold farming guide, well done!


Thanks a lot <3

Btw Fractal T4 offer A LOT of Spirit Shard, at the end of each fractal :) So you can combine the 2, fractal T4 and spirit shard use :)

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Amazing guide and one of the most helpful videos on this subject I have seen. I love everything you do for the community with all of the guides and giveaways.

You're Elementalist guides helped me stop sitting on my Staff Tempest and got me to finally start playing and loving being a Sword/Dagger Weaver, and I am

only just a casual open world PvE player (No PvP WvW or Fractals), but I still watch all of your videos when they come out.


Keep up the fantastic work and thanks again for help making the GW2 community so incredible Cello :+1:

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> @"Hellisa.7132" said:

> Amazing guide and one of the most helpful videos on this subject I have seen. I love everything you do for the community with all of the guides and giveaways.

> You're Elementalist guides helped me stop sitting on my Staff Tempest and got me to finally start playing and loving being a Sword/Dagger Weaver, and I am

> only just a casual open world PvE player (No PvP WvW or Fractals), but I still watch all of your videos when they come out.


> Keep up the fantastic work and thanks again for help making the GW2 community so incredible Cello :+1:


Haha thanks <3

I'm going to test tempest again with last buff btw in pvp :3

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> @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

> > @"Faffin.6741" said:

> > We got 10g in the AT today :D thx for that Idea. First match was all AFKs though, someone just went in for the 5g and didn't even move out of home!


> Haha GG ! But I hope the afk are not because of my guide


The other team was all AFK. Just did enough not to get kicked. Not really sure what they were up to. If they were throwing the match for someone, they got the wrong team.


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I think opening unid bags with high magic find is a great way to make gold if you already have a lot of gold say 3k+. Its also a great way to raise magic find too. I can make maybe 100 gold if I salvage 8k unid bags. You need:


* To max out bag slots with high capacity bags. Its best to have 2 invisible bags as they will be were you hold your unid gear so you can salvage a large stack at once. Slowly work your way up to 32 capacity bags, this will make them account bound. You need a lvl 500 craft to do this and they can either be soul bound on use or **craft** check that out closely! I crafted an equipment box on the wrong char and it became char bound before I even used it.

* Do the Silver Waste meta to get 200% magic find boost. You open all your bags in silver waste without leaving the instance.

* Boost your magic find using celebration boosters if you have them and use a dedicated bag opener character to extend how long they last rather than running them out doing misc stuff. You need to use magic find food/util too check out the wiki on how to max your [magic find.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magic_Find "magic find.")

* Both salvagers. You can prob get away with just the copper fed if youre starting out and opening only the blue common unid bags. But beyond that you need the silver fed.

* Once you have a load of cash you can prob invest in permanent bank access and more bank slots. Im still working my way up to that goal.


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> @"Faffin.6741" said:

> > @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

> > > @"Faffin.6741" said:

> > > We got 10g in the AT today :D thx for that Idea. First match was all AFKs though, someone just went in for the 5g and didn't even move out of home!

> >

> > Haha GG ! But I hope the afk are not because of my guide


> The other team was all AFK. Just did enough not to get kicked. Not really sure what they were up to. If they were throwing the match for someone, they got the wrong team.



I guess they were here only for gold. But they could try at least :/

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> @"Blackarps.1974" said:

> Great up to date video guide! These are definitely the best ways to make gold now. As a WvW player though it makes me sad. Maybe one day they will give us boxes or some kind of system like Fractals received that uses badges of honor to help encourage fights for more loot/gold.


Yeah I'm sorry but there is no tips to make gold in WvW in this video.

Sadly it's not really a good way to make gold... but you still can with long term :)

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> @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> I think opening unid bags with high magic find is a great way to make gold if you already have a lot of gold say 3k+. Its also a great way to raise magic find too. I can make maybe 100 gold if I salvage 8k unid bags. You need:


> * To max out bag slots with high capacity bags. Its best to have 2 invisible bags as they will be were you hold your unid gear so you can salvage a large stack at once. Slowly work your way up to 32 capacity bags, this will make them account bound. You need a lvl 500 craft to do this and they can either be soul bound on use or **craft** check that out closely! I crafted an equipment box on the wrong char and it became char bound before I even used it.

> * Do the Silver Waste meta to get 200% magic find boost. You open all your bags in silver waste without leaving the instance.

> * Boost your magic find using celebration boosters if you have them and use a dedicated bag opener character to extend how long they last rather than running them out doing misc stuff. You need to use magic find food/util too check out the wiki on how to max your [magic find.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magic_Find "magic find.")

> * Both salvagers. You can prob get away with just the copper fed if youre starting out and opening only the blue common unid bags. But beyond that you need the silver fed.

> * Once you have a load of cash you can prob invest in permanent bank access and more bank slots. Im still working my way up to that goal.



You mean, you are opening THEN salvaging/selling the uni gear ? Is it Rare uni Gear, or other ? I already tried rare uni (1000+ full MF) but no profit :/

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> @"Lasiurus.4067" said:


> You mean, you are opening THEN salvaging/selling the uni gear ? Is it Rare uni Gear, or other ? I already tried rare uni (1000+ full MF) but no profit :/


Open then salvage, whilst selling exotics. This is where bank storage/perm bank access contract is useful cause it takes time to sell exotics. I have only tried opening a limited number of rare gear so dont have the numbers to say how much return im getting. In total I have salvaged over 1mil bags with a mix of 40% blue and 60% green and have found 11 precursors including 2 dusk and have made on average (talking profit) prob 100g per 8k green bags I salvage with a lot of the proft coming from ectoplasm. If youre worried about the price fluctuations of ecto, you can salvage blue gear where your profit will come from a split of elder wood/ecto and since you can salvage blue gear faster than greens thus do more you will get more mats in return. Its a reliable way to make gold and you will not make a loss doing this. I think the problem with rare gear is that exotics themselves take time to sell and thus your money will be locked in TP for a long period. Most exotics also arent all that valuable and it take longer to sort so I dont recommended that, unless perhaps youre really eyeing a precursor.


You also need to be somewhat efficient with your sorting but you will get that overtime and with inventory space increasing. I do 8k green bags in 1hr comfortably right now, but at the beginning was struggling to do 5k but had less inventory space. You also **must** get both salvages as buying kits from the vendor slows you down a lot but you will make profit even if you salvage slower, only less and will burn more booster time. Also clear out everything in your inventory opener that isnt useful, remember this guy is a dedicated bag opener and will do nothing else until he/she retires from it lol.





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> @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> > @"Lasiurus.4067" said:


> > You mean, you are opening THEN salvaging/selling the uni gear ? Is it Rare uni Gear, or other ? I already tried rare uni (1000+ full MF) but no profit :/


> Open then salvage, whilst selling exotics. This is where bank storage/perm bank access contract is useful cause it takes time to sell exotics. I have only tried opening a limited number of rare gear so dont have the numbers to say how much return im getting. In total I have salvaged over 1mil bags with a mix of 40% blue and 60% green and have found 11 precursors including 2 dusk and have made on average (talking profit) prob 100g per 8k green bags I salvage with a lot of the proft coming from ectoplasm. If youre worried about the price fluctuations of ecto, you can salvage blue gear where your profit will come from a split of elder wood/ecto and since you can salvage blue gear faster than greens thus do more you will get more mats in return. Its a reliable way to make gold and you will not make a loss doing this. I think the problem with rare gear is that exotics themselves take time to sell and thus your money will be locked in TP for a long period. Most exotics also arent all that valuable and it take longer to sort so I dont recommended that, unless perhaps youre really eyeing a precursor.


> You also need to be somewhat efficient with your sorting but you will get that overtime and with inventory space increasing. I do 8k green bags in 1hr comfortably right now, but at the beginning was struggling to do 5k but had less inventory space. You also **must** get both salvages as buying kits from the vendor slows you down a lot but you will make profit even if you salvage slower, only less and will burn more booster time. Also clear out everything in your inventory opener that isnt useful, remember this guy is a dedicated bag opener and will do nothing else until he/she retires from it lol.






I already got all the storage/320 slot & all the stuff needed :) Will test it.

But blue & green can give exotic ? Did not even knew this...

How much do you win in 1h / 8k green ?

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