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[Video] Ridiculous Scepter One-Shot Weaver in WvW


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So I've been roaming around on scepter/focus weaver lately. Not really an expert with the build, but I've been having a fun time. Anyone have any similar builds they are willing to share? I've been running something like [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJArYhMMoyhlMwzB8RsIBY3P6J9lW4OGAqgFPhmwRA-jlRBQBXZ/R5HAeAAJU9HzoEEP6BWwJAgUARMZD-w "this").


Recently uploaded a video if anyone is interested:

**Warning: The music is loud.**

[Ridiculous S/F Burst Weaver WvW Roaming](

"Ridiculous S/F Burst Weaver WvW Roaming")
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> @"TakeCare.3182" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > I don’t play Ele but that was oh so entertaining to watch.


> Haha Thanks! The build is so satisfying to play. No one ever expects the ele smite. xD


You have anything thrown in a build editer? Id be really interested in seeing it.


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