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Adding more lore into game


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Maybe there is a better place to post this but is there any work being done to incorporate lore into the Point of Interests locations you can unlock on a map. Or more generally, is there any talk of dropping lore books within more of the world that could find on the ground and read?

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You mean there should be more opportunity to find notes/inscriptions/diaries/books etc. on the points of interest?

Sounds like a neat idea, since Tyria is such an interesting place, that likely has a lot of history. It is also a vast place, so that must be a significant amount of work.

So they writers would have to limit themselves to either one area at a time, or cut the workload into small subunits, like tombs, crypts, cities, etc.

I'd favour the former approach, as it may be a reason for players to revisit certain areas of the game.*

For instance, we know that Nageling used to be the place where charr officers had their vacation, until skritt showed up and stole all the shinies. The skritt were long since driven away, but we only learn this through Marri Strongshot.

There may be other interesting history buried in so many places, but a zone can only hold so many NPCs.

Readables are a good alternative.


*The writing team is also busy writing the Living Story and the coming Expansion, so they, or the other team members had to do that in their downtime.

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