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Like why... I know I should take a careful look on my asc armors before stat swap, but why can't gw2 just have "infusion slotted gear can not be mystic forge" or "infusion atomically goes to bag after getting mystic forged" I lost my winters heart infusion because of this, and I don't know who to contact, bug report? send it 2 time no answer. Where can I request to regain the item, it's not the most expensive stuff but it is quit a lot for casual players. @~@

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You can click support at the top of this page and explain the situation. I believe that the standard rule is to not return items but occasionally they might be able to make an exception.


I do not believe it's a bug but rather simply how it works. Sometimes we make mistakes and there are consequences and the game is not set up to cover all the possibilities of making mistakes. That's particularly frustrating when it's something rare and at that moment it certainly feels very unfair that it happened. I suspect that it doesn't happen very often and so it's unlikely that they will do anything about it and I suppose you'll never make that mistake again after this.


But try it. Go to CS and see. Chances are they have to say no, but you never know. Clearly it's something you didn't expect to happen and it's not something that you are ever warned off. So they might feel sympathetic. My advice though, don't be aggressive or angry. That doesn't help your chances.


Good luck.


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> @"leboitz.6903" said:

> Like why... I know I should take a careful look on my asc armors before stat swap, but why can't gw2 just have "infusion slotted gear can not be mystic forge" or "infusion atomically goes to bag after getting mystic forged" I lost my winters heart infusion because of this, and I don't know who to contact, bug report? send it 2 time no answer. Where can I request to regain the item, it's not the most expensive stuff but it is quit a lot for casual players. @~@


As the other two have stated, go to support and explain _kindly_ what happened. ArenaNet are amazing for cleaning up a mistake, I'm sure a GM would be more than willing to help you :)

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Support is the way to go, I hope they can help!


Now, the implicit suggestion in the post is pretty good, actually - I imagine a non-trivial amount of support tickets involve similar situations.


Would there be any negative consequences to block items with infusions slotted from being trown in the MF? (A regular +7 or +9 AR isn't exactly pocket change either...)

Auto-popping them would of course be a better qol, but I imagine that would be somewhat harder to code.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Just displaying a warning would be enough. If they auto remove them then people won't buy infusion extractors, and if they make it so that people can't forge infused gear than people without the fractal masteries can't ever upgrade that gear.


Warnings generally gets ignored, unfortunately.


I had forgotten the infusion extractor was mastery locked. I'd be more for making the extractor available for everyone and locking forging.

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