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Ok, I play the game for some years and I know how important fashion is here. If, by mistake, your char will look like another one, you are cursed.....so many customizations, skins, colors that is nearly impossible to find similar looking people.......but then......it comes........the chairs. When I first saw the chair collections I believed that is a test for a future fully customizable home instance (yes, we need it, even ESO got one and is super cool) and I was very happy. But then it started to rain chairs: raiding chair, gemstore chair, normal chair....wth is with so many chairs and why the chair? Why not normal lookig travel novelties like the flying carpet etc. I am confussed.


I mean it looks like Anet said: "We finally implemented a small step for homing instance, let's milk some cash off it. Next time we give them beds." Imagine people lying around in LA in different lookig beds.

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anet introduces mounts > some dev modifies the code to allow sitting in chairs > add a bunch as an aprils fools joke and a raid reward > get's popular.


and since popular=$ we got our current situation, i very much doubt anet did chairs as some precursor to housing. more as an improvment to open world

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> Ok, I play the game for some years and I know how important fashion is here. If, by mistake, your char will look like another one, you are cursed.....so many customizations, skins, colors that is nearly impossible to find similar looking people.......but then......it comes........the chairs. When I first saw the chair collections I believed that is a test for a future fully customizable home instance (yes, we need it, even ESO got one and is super cool) and I was very happy. But then it started to rain chairs: raiding chair, gemstore chair, normal chair....wth is with so many chairs and why the chair? Why not normal lookig travel novelties like the flying carpet etc. I am confussed.


> I mean it looks like Anet said: "We finally implemented a small step for homing instance, let's milk some cash off it. Next time we give them beds." Imagine people lying around in LA in different lookig beds.


> @"Daniel.5428" said:


> I mean it looks like Anet said: "We finally implemented a small step for homing instance, let's milk some cash off it. Next time we give them beds." Imagine people lying around in LA in different lookig beds.


Haha. Yes, I could see beds... After a hard fought battle. Lol.


I personally find chairs pretty ridiculous.

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I love the idea of different kinds of chairs being weirder than a flying carpet. I know what you mean, but it's still funny.


And yeah, Derd.6413 pretty much summed it up. They built a whole system for mounts and then realised some small changes would allow them to use the same code on chairs - and players had been asking to sit in chairs since the game came out so they did it. They hyped up this small change like it was a huge thing because it was funny and added a collection to draw attention to it.


Players picked up on the idea and seemed to really enjoy the new update (and the over-the-top attention it got) so Anet pushed it further and added some purchasable chairs and a couple of raid rewards.


It's not really any stranger than adding tonics or travel toys or balloons, and if you don't think it's worth buying a chair from the gem store then don't. It does absolutely nothing, so you're not missing out on anything by not having it.

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> Ok, I play the game for some years and I know how important fashion is here. If, by mistake, your char will look like another one, you are cursed.....so many customizations, skins, colors that is nearly impossible to find similar looking people.......but then......it comes........the chairs. When I first saw the chair collections I believed that is a test for a future fully customizable home instance (yes, we need it, even ESO got one and is super cool) and I was very happy. But then it started to rain chairs: raiding chair, gemstore chair, normal chair....wth is with so many chairs and why the chair? Why not normal lookig travel novelties like the flying carpet etc. I am confussed.


> I mean it looks like Anet said: "We finally implemented a small step for homing instance, let's milk some cash off it. Next time we give them beds." Imagine people lying around in LA in different lookig beds.


We can make beds for our guild hall with the latest patch.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> To be honest, I fail to understand any issues here at all. They are just...chairs and a source of income to pay for content. There are way worse shiny things than these and they cause no one any problems. Plus 3-4 chairs is hardly a major influx of them


I just did not understood how it ended up being a chair and not....idk, a bench where more than 1 ppl can sit.

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > To be honest, I fail to understand any issues here at all. They are just...chairs and a source of income to pay for content. There are way worse shiny things than these and they cause no one any problems. Plus 3-4 chairs is hardly a major influx of them


> I just did not understood how it ended up being a chair and not....idk, a bench where more than 1 ppl can sit.


Because chairs use the existing player specific mount tech. Multi person seating would be a whole new tech they would have to design.


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> @"Kodokuna Akuma.9570" said:

> > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > If we ever see multi-person chairs, then expect multi-person mounts in the future.


> Didnt festival of the four winds have multi-person benches ?


Prob single benches seamlessly strung together to look like that

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> Ok, I play the game for some years and I know how important fashion is here. If, by mistake, your char will look like another one, you are cursed.....so many customizations, skins, colors that is nearly impossible to find similar looking people.......but then......it comes........the chairs. When I first saw the chair collections I believed that is a test for a future fully customizable home instance (yes, we need it, even ESO got one and is super cool) and I was very happy. But then it started to rain chairs: raiding chair, gemstore chair, normal chair....wth is with so many chairs and why the chair? Why not normal lookig travel novelties like the flying carpet etc. I am confussed.


> I mean it looks like Anet said: "We finally implemented a small step for homing instance, let's milk some cash off it. Next time we give them beds." Imagine people lying around in LA in different lookig beds.


Milk some cash ? In a game where we can convert gold to gems...dude please stop.

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