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Charr running speed


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Since every race has access to mounts, now is the right time to make charr running as fast as a mount. I really hate the "slow motion" on charr's 4-leg running animation. There are multiple ways this can be implemented, I am sure it is not that hard to find a balance.




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Norn look equally silly when they jog along in a casual speed. But there is no way to do anything about it. Whatever you call "balance", there is none.


Just think about it: a Human gets thrown off their mount by engaging enemies and can't escape, while his or her Charr friend makes an escape due to a faster running speed. What good is having a mount in these situations? The same goes for all instances that don't allow mounts, like Fractals and Dungeons. There is no satisfactory way to do this.

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> @Eme.2018 said:

> Charr 4-leg running can be just like a mount ; you will have to enquip it, it wont even have the advantages of jumping or teleporting or whatever. I don't think it gives any advantage to the charr.


By "equip" you mean losing all your weapon skills and ability to fight? Hmmm... in that case I demand something similar for the Norn. ;)

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I always thought of the Charr as being too bulky and awkward to run properly like a normal cat, hence the slow (normal speed) movement. Also, not everyone is going to own PoF so not everyone would have access to mounts as described in the OP. This would give a clear unfair advantage to one race. And the only race that deserves a clear unfair advantage is Asura. Asura master race!

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@"Lahmia.2193" and @"Boysenberry.1869" The the things you describe as problems are not problems. In the areas of the game that mounts are not allowed, the running speed could be normal, and the fast running should unlock only to PoF users. Worgen in WoW have the same thing.

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It seems like people are taking this to extremes. This has been done in WoW with worgens. I know GW2 isn't WoW. But if you look at how they did it worgens use the skill to basically mount up, if they are hit they break out of it, and can't mount up in a fight. It's really not an advantage because everyone else has a mount, you can just think of it as a unique mount skin where you need the expansion to own it.


Whether or not Anet should put the time into doing this is up to them. But I don't see a balance problem with this request.

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> @sacredninja.5236 said:

> I have the best solution, the Char should all become our mounts, so we (human, Silvari Norn and Asura) can ride on them :D

> Who would still be using raptor's if you could have a Charr instead?


Would you still pay 250 gold? :p I could spare an hour here and there to lug you around.


"Go left. Your other left!"


Charr is a little bit more stubborn than raptor.

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> @Eme.2018 said:

> @"Lahmia.2193" and @"Boysenberry.1869" The the things you describe as problems are not problems. **In the areas of the game that mounts are not allowed, the running speed could be normal,** and the fast running should unlock only to PoF users. Worgen in WoW have the same thing.



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> @Gattaca.7326 said:

> It seems like people are taking this to extremes. This has been done in WoW with worgens. I know GW2 isn't WoW. But if you look at how they did it worgens use the skill to basically mount up, if they are hit they break out of it, and can't mount up in a fight. It's really not an advantage because everyone else has a mount, you can just think of it as a unique mount skin where you need the expansion to own it.


> Whether or not Anet should put the time into doing this is up to them. But I don't see a balance problem with this request.


WoW has racial abilities....


GW2 does not...and never will....

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @Eme.2018 said:

> > Charr 4-leg running can be just like a mount ; you will have to enquip it, it wont even have the advantages of jumping or teleporting or whatever. I don't think it gives any advantage to the charr.


> By "equip" you mean losing all your weapon skills and ability to fight? Hmmm... in that case I demand something similar for the Norn. ;)


Yeah let's make the Norn elite forms actually useful.

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