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[Video] Soulbeast Ranked Match


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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> > > I've mentioned that smokescale's stealth is RNG based, so you can't always count on that. But IMO, siamoth's "invulnerability" is already worth taking because you get a free utility skill. In this power meta having no "invulnerability" can cost you a fight. Specially when they all go: "focus the ranger!".

> > > So, yeah, siamoth is overall better right now, imo ofc. But everyone has own preferences.

> >

> > I think you want to say Siamoth's stealth is RNG , not Smokescale :P . Regarding Siamoth's "invulnerability" idd you have 4 sec of this, but every 35 sec, in meantime you have 1 1/2 sec evade from Smoke Assault every 20 sec (+ 612 damage on 5 target). This was about defensive skills, so yes, Siamoth is better due to his 4 sec of invuln vs 3 sec of inv for 40 sec of a fight. But when we talk about damage, Siamoth has Maul with 2496 damage on 1 target every 12 sec, Brutal charge 760 damage on 3 targets + 3 sec of knock on 3 targets every 30 sec, instead Smoke Assault has Worldly Impact with 2313 damage on 5 targets every 25 sec, Take down 856 damage on 1 target + 2 sec of knock on 1 target every 20 sec. Ofc another bonus is from Siamoth 200 Toughness + 100 Vitality and from Smoke Assault 200 Power + 100 Ferocity. So, I don't see why Siamoth is OVERALL better because is not, they are 2 pets used for different scopes, defensive or offensive, Siamoth defensive, Smokescale offensive, but both have also some abilities for offensive and defensive. In my opinion, they are equal and ofc like you said, everyone has own preferences.

> >

> > PS: the numbers are based on my build ...

> >


> Based on your build, if you were mainly fighting one target at a time, at far of course,

> which pet would you use, Smokescale or Siamoth?


> Because it seems to me, that the dmg on Siamoth is just as good if you're only fighting one person.


> What I like about Smokescale, I think i was unclear in mentioning before, is the ability jump to your target with f2

> while they may be pillar humping or trying to kite


Depend on the enemy class. Even in 1 vs 1 sometimes I need more damage (and not only from F1-F3, but from my weapon skills) to finish a fight, than have an extra Toughness and Vitality. Siamoth is more for 1 vs 2 or group fights when 2 or more ppl are focusing you. Usually, I roaming with Owl (for moving) and Smokescale, but if I am with a group and we decide to fight till the last drop of HP, then I'll take Siamoth or Electric Wyvern + Smokescale (one for defence and one offensive). Once again, every fight is situational. For example 2 nights ago I fought for 25 minutes vs 5 enemies. The fight was in a camp, and ofc I used every single house, obstacle, running around the house, jumping on the cut trees etc. The fight starts me vs 3 (scourge, engineer and soulbeast). After I killed 2 times the Soulbeast and 5 minutes of fight they called another one, a revenant. After 10 minutes of the fight, I manage to kill again that Soulbeast and almost I killed 2 times the engi and revenant, the 5th enemy comes, a Dragonhunter. We fought for another 10 minutes. The enemies were red. In last 10 minutes a green thief comes to the camp and he helped me to kill the Dragonhunter (Dragonhunter died in just 5 sec because we focused on him). After that, the thief runs away because all 4 red jumped on him. At the end of those 10 minutes I died, because I tried again to kill someone instead of defending myself. Was a fun/troll fight, 5 ppl can't kill 1 Soulbeast. I played a boon build, everything wanderer+durability, and I think all accessories were wanderer too. The pets were Owl and Siamoth and weapon were GS (Assasins)+LB(Berserker). This is not my style of fighting, usually, I like to kill fast and if I can't I retreat. I am sure that those red ppl were newby, otherwise, I don't explain how they couldn't kill me for 25 minutes. Also @"EnderzShadow.2506" I do not know if I used Smokescale instead of Siamoth if I could not have killed more than 4 times. As I said, both pets are good, depending on your build and the fight situation, which one is better at some time.


PS: What was interesting, they didn't jump or put any siege weapon on me, even they lost 25 minutes for 1 enemy. These days many ppl are doing rude things, even they are 2,3,4 vs 1 :( .

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