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Why have a never made a Charr Character before?


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I erased my level 54 human warrior. For some reason this morning I woke up was like I want to create new character so i erased my Warrior since all other characters that I have are all human the warrior is my newest character that I created. So I was torn between asura and charr and well after creating a Charr I'm glad I did. I really like that race and why did it take me 5 years to finally create one? Next class I'm going to do is an Asura male Necromancer, then a Sylvari Ranger down the line when I can purchase more character slots. So far enjoying my level 40 Warrior Charr. Yes, I used a level 40 booster from the 4 year birthday level boost.

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> Good to hear! I mainly play asura but I do have a charr character, and I love them!


> I think a better question is, you're a human in real life, why would you choose to be one in this game when there are other, far more interesting possibilities?


I know. I tend to play human in all MMO's/RPGs and don't really stray from that but may have to now.

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Having played GW1 for the years prior to GW2 launch, I was keen to try different races. My first GW2 character was a Jora inspired Norn warrior, but I proceeded to create one of each race over the early months. I think each race has something going for it, but if pushed, I'd probably say Sylvari is my favourite. You won't know YOUR favourite until you've tried them all!

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> @hourglass.2486 said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > Good to hear! I mainly play asura but I do have a charr character, and I love them!

> >

> > I think a better question is, you're a human in real life, why would you choose to be one in this game when there are other, far more interesting possibilities?


> I know. I tend to play human in all MMO's/RPGs and don't really stray from that but may have to now.


Because for a lot of people, the character is essentially an avatar for them in the game world. They still experience all the other interesting races from the perspective of a human, as they would if it was real life.

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I know how you feel! Until a few weeks ago I only played female humans. All my classes were female humans. Now I made all of the other races and they are so much fun too! The different stories, the outfits, their animation and quirks. Next I will try to create male characters :)


> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:


> Good to hear! I mainly play asura but I do have a charr character, and I love them!


> I think a better question is, you're a human in real life, why would you choose to be one in this game when there are other, far more interesting possibilities?


For me I think it's because of immersion? I can identify more with my human characters and (it's a little embarassing to say) I like to create characters and imagine that that could be me. Like..."Ohhhh, I wish I would look like that! If I would look like that I would love to wear this and that and do this and that!". It's silly, I know. But fun. Don't judge :flushed:

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> @hourglass.2486 said:

> I erased my level 54 human warrior. For some reason this morning I woke up was like I want to create new character so i erased my Warrior since all other characters that I have are all human the warrior is my newest character that I created. So I was torn between asura and charr and well after creating a Charr I'm glad I did. I really like that race and why did it take me 5 years to finally create one? Next class I'm going to do is an Asura male Necromancer, then a Sylvari Ranger down the line when I can purchase more character slots. So far enjoying my level 40 Warrior Charr. Yes, I used a level 40 booster from the 4 year birthday level boost.


I used to have all Asura, then I had my eyes opened and deleted them all.

Now I only have Charr :)

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My main has been a charr ranger for the past 5 years and I’ve always loved their treatment in the story. It seems only more recently with LS3 and PoF that they’ve “normalized” the Commander’s personality and responses. Through these segments of the story, I really think my charr acts too human. I really hope they expand the Commander’s approach to the story progression to be more in line with their racial backstory for future releases.

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> @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> My question is...why are you deleting all you characters? The older a character is the better because of all the birthday presents etc.! :scream:


The warrior was my newest character. So I deleted that character since my other characters are from years ago just never touched them. My warrior was fresh only a few weeks old so didn't see why not delete that character to try out another race but keep the class.

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> @hourglass.2486 said:

> > @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > My question is...why are you deleting all you characters? The older a character is the better because of all the birthday presents etc.! :scream:


> The warrior was my newest character. So I deleted that character since my other characters are from years ago just never touched them. My warrior was fresh only a few weeks old so didn't see why not delete that character to try out another race but keep the class.


I am glad to hear that. I was worried you threw away a nice old character without knowing about the birthday presents.

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I forced myself to make one of every race. Even a Sylvarri - which I don't like - just to be sure I got the full 'experience' out of the game.


I don't know where the poster above me gets this notion of orcs...

They almost added elves though... the original concept art for the Sylvarri was an elf in a flower dressed posed in a hentai pose... (this is why I don't like Sylvarri... I have never gotten past that they were meant to be elves... and I hate elves in fantasy).


As for Charr... they were the heroes of Guild Wars 1. We played the villains back then. But most people didn't know this - it was an obscure footnote in the lore written in the booklet that came with the CD. Guild Wars 2 finished telling us why they were the heroes.


I love the Charr. But I've only got one of them - haven't liked how the outfits look on them so much. But my Charr Warrior looks perfect.


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The devs were original going to have orcs in the game but decided that orcs were already over done in other games. So then they start come up with other options for that race and end up with a cute cat race but wanted something way more scary so that went back to the drawing board and came up with the Charr.

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I know a lot of people who have made a Charr, and eventually delete it or just shelve it to play another race. The complaint from all of them, myself included, is the running on all 4 out of combat. It makes jump puzzles a lot more difficult, and just seems out of place for the GW2 world. It doesn't make them run faster, and as a species that has developed to using their hands for tools, weapons etc, it makes no sense from an evolutionary standpoint. I found it tedious to constantly use any weapon skill to keep myself running on two legs to avoid the out of combat run. Eventually, they just got deleted.

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> I know a lot of people who have made a Charr, and eventually delete it or just shelve it to play another race. The complaint from all of them, myself included, is the running on all 4 out of combat. It makes jump puzzles a lot more difficult, and just seems out of place for the GW2 world. It doesn't make them run faster, and as a species that has developed to using their hands for tools, weapons etc, it makes no sense from an evolutionary standpoint. I found it tedious to constantly use any weapon skill to keep myself running on two legs to avoid the out of combat run. Eventually, they just got deleted.


Yeah I can see that. I wish when they were running that it was a little faster but it is what it is. I like the lore behind the Charr. I wish the devs did more with the race and all the other races besides humans.

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> @hourglass.2486 said:

> The devs were original going to have orcs in the game but decided that orcs were already over done in other games. So then they start come up with other options for that race and end up with a cute cat race but wanted something way more scary so that went back to the drawing board and came up with the Charr.


I doubt that is true.


This game started with Guild Wars 1, not Guild Wars 2. If you look at how the Charr were depicted back then - it does not look like their inspiration had much to do with D&D or Lord of the Rings.


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