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Why have a never made a Charr Character before?


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I like all races except charr (for usage). I have one of each race most are human. 3 humans 1 norn 1 asura 2 sylvarie I do have 1 charr but this is how I figured out i disliked the model it uses. But with that said, I do like seeing them and other people play with them. i just personally don't like to use them. For longest time, probably by my 3rd week in game i always wanted my engineer to be asura, if i could change his race without having to restart him i would have 2 asuras lol.

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Because I agree with Gwen that the only good charr is the one in a grave. Anet may feed me this ceasefire alliance bullcrap, but to me I'll always be a separatist hoping for a charr holocaust given what they did to Ascalon and the fact charr got to keep Ascalonian relics like Sohothin.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> Because I agree with Gwen that the only good charr is the one in a grave. Anet may feed me this ceasefire alliance bullcrap, but to me I'll always be a separatist hoping for a charr holocaust given what they did to Ascalon and the fact charr got to keep Ascalonian relics like Sohothin.


So I'm guessing you didn't like Pyre Fireshot henchman much huh? lol Think I used him think he in my hench setuo as a R/Rt lol spirit spam anyone?

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> Because I agree with Gwen that the only good charr is the one in a grave. Anet may feed me this ceasefire alliance bullcrap, but to me I'll always be a separatist hoping for a charr holocaust given what they did to Ascalon and the fact charr got to keep Ascalonian relics like Sohothin.


^ This human is obviously still upset that the Charr kicked the humans out of Charr lands. I get that the resentment can be strong, but move on. You will all be Asura puppets/pets in the end anyway.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @hourglass.2486 said:

> > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > Good to hear! I mainly play asura but I do have a charr character, and I love them!

> > >

> > > I think a better question is, you're a human in real life, why would you choose to be one in this game when there are other, far more interesting possibilities?

> >

> > I know. I tend to play human in all MMO's/RPGs and don't really stray from that but may have to now.


> Because for a lot of people, the character is essentially an avatar for them in the game world. They still experience all the other interesting races from the perspective of a human, as they would if it was real life.


This might be why I was drawn to making a Charr. I'm an industrial-minded misanthropic antitheist with anger issues IRL, and that spoke to me far more than actual appearance.

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> @Kichwas.7152 said:

> > @hourglass.2486 said:

> > The devs were original going to have orcs in the game but decided that orcs were already over done in other games. So then they start come up with other options for that race and end up with a cute cat race but wanted something way more scary so that went back to the drawing board and came up with the Charr.


> I doubt that is true.


> This game started with Guild Wars 1, not Guild Wars 2. If you look at how the Charr were depicted back then - it does not look like their inspiration had much to do with D&D or Lord of the Rings.


this was way back before Guild Wars 1 when they were coming up with races

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> Good to hear! I mainly play asura but I do have a charr character, and I love them!


> I think a better question is, you're a human in real life, why would you choose to be one in this game when there are other, far more interesting possibilities?


It's funny. In most games I avoid laying as a human, for the same reason I don't like playing as a "warrior" or "fighter," they are just such unbelievably boring choices for a fantasy game. Here, though, the other races annoy me so much I have a hard time not choosing human.

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Most of my toons are Charr. Back when GW2 was released I wanted an unusual character, so I created a big bad male Charr Mesmer. It was the first I leveled to 80 and I also did the 100% world exploration with him. The good experiences made me creating lots of other Charr chars. But I have at least 1 character from all other races too, mainly because of cultural weapons and armor.

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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> I tried to like the Charr but I couldn't. I made one only to end up killing her off.


> Asura all the way for me (though I do have a couple of Humans). <3


Heh, same here, I only tried charr once but barely made it past the 2nd story mission before deleting. They were the enemy in GW1 and their animations looked too weird to me so I just couldn't.

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