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How to make Raid LFG 1000X better (.)

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> Or you can gut parts of chronos current kit and spread it to other specs to force a more diverse selection. Where the activation is a tad more unique than jam a button.


> And replace the removed parts of chrono that makes him decent in other content.



This won't make a more diverse selection. It would simply replace the need of 2x chrono with the exact same need for "1 chrono, 1 ". It would be even worse if you spread it across more than 1 spec, making you need to replace 1 chrono with more than 1 other support. It will make comps more restrictive instead of less so.

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Although I haven't had the opportunity to test it yet myself, I'm pretty sure 1 Harrier Renegade + 2 Heal or Hybrid FB (+BS and 6DPS) can clear Raids perfectly fine now with perma pretty much all boons and massive over healing.


If you struggle to find Chronos, thanks to the last patch, the alternatives are already there. It's more a community problem now, thinking that nothing but the most "optimal" comp that shaves off only seconds each boss, is viable.

Especially when you consider that the alternatives are much, much safer, it would probably be even faster for the vast majority of Raid squads due to less occasional wipes.

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put lesser soi back and make it for 10 as well. put dps spec instead 2nd chrono with cc like de/dd/reaper. don't want some fb/rene to complete the chronos. it'll look awkward and waste of dps since they need diviner/seeker/whatever. and add a bit more health to each boss. ez

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