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2019/20 Wish list for Warrior


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Hey guys

So, I was really dissapointed with the latest balance patch for Warrior. Yes we got some buffs, it's welcome, but it feels like ANet doesn't know or doesn't have a set idea of what changes to do on Warrior.. For the last 3 balance patchs they tweek something, to the next tweak something different, leaving the 1st change feeling incomplete

And since we, appenrantly, already wasted the BIG CHANGE card this year already with the buffs to Peak Performance, I've compiled a "small list" of changes to come (next year most likely) mostly related, and that could easily been done, this last balance


Let's keep in mind that one of the "focus" of this balance patch was weapon traits

What got buffed: Longbow, Off hand Sword, Hammer


Longbow.. does it have a trait? Hum.. :thinking: it seems it does. What does it do?

*Dual shot causes burning and longbow skills recharge faster.*

Hum.. why isnt this baseline (except the CDR)? Longbow mostly sees play on Condi builds.. makes sence.. where is that trait located?

Tactics? What is that? Ooooooh Tactics.. right

BOOM: Longbow buffed (so same result) and we got a free slot, to do whatever we feel like and maybe upgrade Tactics line!

Wow, 2 birds with just one stone, AMAIZING!


Sword off hand.. nice memes there. Sword off hand doesn't suffer from numbers, its suffers from desing..

Why should any Warrior take Sword off hand, when literally Shield does the exact same but better? What this weapon needs is a rework, and not that big one

Imagine Impale and Riposte still.. BUT the second activation of Impale makes the Warrior jump to his target and ripping that shit out showing who CLEARLY is the BOSS OF THIS GYM

Wow AMAIZING! Now sword off hand offers and gap closer with high damage and maybe see some utility, PogChamp


Hammer.. hum Hammer does seem to have a trait indeed, what does it do?

*Deal increased damage with a hammer when attacking a foe that is dazed, knocked down, launched, or stunned. Hammer skills gain reduced recharge. Inflict confusion when you interrupt enemy skills.* Hum seems okay.. wait.. is that correct? Who was the genious who placed Confusion paired with Hammer!?

Wait.. I saw something in that line.. what is this? Body Blow? Wtf is this?

*Stuns, dazes, knockbacks, pulls, pushes, and launches inflict bleeding and weakness.*

Huuuuuum, this does seem to have a similar effect with the confusion one, why are they seperated? Oh I know, lets merge these 2 and .. brace yourselfs.. MOVE IT TO ARMS


WHAT!?? TO ARMS!? A Condi related trait moved to the condi related trait line? What is this witchcraft!?

Wait, but what do we take out of Arms?


Daniel comes in running: What about Signet Mastery!?


What if we swap this with the Signet trait, that feels really out of place in arms, and place it in Strength



Wait, what about the Hammer trait? What about it? Seems unfinished...

Well this is only 2019/20 wish list, that only has room for 2021, we got time till there



Sorry for the long and weird post, but seeing this changes being made, when there is such more important issues with the class not adress feels really bad

For the last 3 balance patchs, most classes got cool shit, we got nerfs and useless changes, useless because there is never follow up changes to up the ones previous made


Yeah lets buff it here, and there, nerf here, fixed job done..

Yet, Tactics sees play only because it has EA on it (and even that is barely worth nowadays)

Arms feels like it has 3 traits and that is it, since both option on Master and Grandmaster don't feel like they belong there, and are straigth up SHIT

Hope 2019 is better for us

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I'd like them to keep Signet mastery, but drop the ferocity and take it back to precision. Precision is a better crossover for Condi or Power. I also think they should add some offensive signet buffs. Signet of Fury: Also apply 2 stacks of burning for 4 seconds in a 180 radius around you. Signet of Stamina: Also apply 5 stacks of torment and bleeding for 12 seconds to your target.


I disagree on hammer moving to Arms. Rather, move Longbow to arms and Body Blow and Hammer to Defense. This way Longbow is where it should be. Longbow auto should have 1 second burning, but trait should increase it to 1.5 and a 50% chance to combo finisher [remember when it was 100% combo finisher?]. Hammer can merge with mace skill and Body Blow can be modified/merged with Cull the Weak.


Tactics should be the utility/healing skill tree. Sadly, we dont have enough to support that unless they radically re-designed banners. Tactics needs a lot of help.


Thinking out loud here, but maybe tactics should become a secondary condi line? Keep longbow there and move hammer and body blow there also? I dont know, tactics is tough. If they ever redo the boon system and only 3 classes can effectively share boons, I'd say make it the "might sharing" trait line. Trait for 33% might duration, might to allies on crit or dodge. Shout trait also grants one stack of might to allies... stuff like that. Doesnt work now because healers can simply do all/nearly all boons now...

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Yea, our tactics trait line desperately needs a re-vamp, probably bring in things like inspiring battle standard, re-work banners in the process, make banner of tactics a heal skill. Make battle standard actually work with inspiring battle standard. But yes take LB out of tactics it has no place there. My thoughts are we make the tactics trait line have 3 different thought processes to it. 1 line gives group support (banners, shouts, warhorn), 1 line is about granting your team more power through group things like empower allies, and PS (revert the nerfs it had done to it), and lastly a line for personal support/utility.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> Yea, our tactics trait line desperately needs a re-vamp, probably bring in things like inspiring battle standard, re-work banners in the process, make banner of tactics a heal skill. Make battle standard actually work with inspiring battle standard. But yes take LB out of tactics it has no place there. My thoughts are we make the tactics trait line have 3 different thought processes to it. 1 line gives group support (banners, shouts, warhorn), 1 line is about granting your team more power through group things like empower allies, and PS (revert the nerfs it had done to it), and lastly a line for personal support/utility.


I agree, what's more I think that the entire idea about getting bonuses for reviving players is useless and should be changed.

Instead, those minor traits should be changed to affect banners and shouts.

For example, the trait that gives banner regeneration would make more sense as minor trait in tactics.

In general re-working tactics to empower banners and shouts will make it far more useful than the mess it is now.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> Warrior traits are a complete mess. You play Axe/Axe and no Physical skill? Then all Adept and Major Traits in Strength are useless.


What you talking about?

You don't play Axe/Axe without Physical skills


Arms and Tactics need revamp, Discipline is good, and thank god the axe trait is there

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> @"mPascoal.4258" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > Warrior traits are a complete mess. You play Axe/Axe and no Physical skill? Then all Adept and Major Traits in Strength are useless.


> What you talking about?

> You don't play Axe/Axe without Physical skills


> Arms and Tactics need revamp, Discipline is good, and thank god the axe trait is there


-> If <- Not everything has to be about Meta Builds.

And you have to agree here that IF you play a Power Build and no Greatsword the Major Traits are all trash.


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