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how can anet make more money with PVP?


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Pve is what makes the game and company live.

PvP is what makes the game's image and reputation spread and get new customers.


I work in the fashion business. As an analogy, ready to wear and mass products are the cash cow, haute couture and luxury products have little return on investment, but are what make the people dream and want to buy the products.

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They need to build a competitive scene for it and hype it up. Sure as hell worked for WoW.


This game is a LOT more interesting to watch and is def more spectator friendly than WoW Arena ever was afterall.


Its just all about the hype train. Building up "hero" players, building up their "story", hiring charismatic faces to cast their game (or like in WoW's case have an healthy mix of clueless people that can handle himself in front of a camera and awkward people who at least know what they're talking about.) Etc.


But sadly as far as i can tell marketing really isn't Anet's strongest point as a company.

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Lets throw some terrible ideas to the wind:


- We need a better progression system. Or more specificallly, a better "grind" for PvP. PvP levels doesn't matter anything nowadays besides unlocking finishers and ranked arena at 25.

The point of a "grind" is to make people to PvP and continue PvPing. Not the current "play 3 ranked games and leave". Long term objectives play a important part for any MMo.

(PS: "PvE Mentallity my a**. To build a community you need more than convince then to join you, you need to convince then to stay).


- @"Just a flesh wound.3589" The idea of selling locked content like specializations was actually really incredible. I will plus 1 that

- We could get "PvP Exclusive" tonics that change appearence that only work on SpvP. Like a tonic that makes you play as Tengu on PvP only. It works here since there is no story content or anything to screw the race change.

- Customizable voice lines, sprays, finishers, emotes. (non offensive)

- Play of the Game. Yes. yes. yes. Yes, no one cares if you don't like it, just pres esc and skip it. You can sell then through gems and make money for those who like it.

- Exclusive PvP skins and outfits. Sounds stupid, but I know a lot of people that got hooked on PvP after working on The Ascension. Just remove these skins from ranked and its all fine.

- A proper custom room system, becase gods, paying for rooms is the worse idea ANET ever had.

- Sell tickets to watch AT's. Only ANET partners can watch AT matches, this is a stupid decision.

- ~~A betting system~~. Forget you read that.

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