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A Build for Every Rune Project

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> I've been playing around with Superior Runes of Speed on my warrior. Let me say, perma super speed is kind of nice...


> Build: Speed Spellbreaker

> Rune: Superior Runes of Speed

> Gamemode: PVE, Fractals, Dungeon

> Build Link: [LINK](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3enMdAVeg9dAmkCElilrA79zWaftIBgEQqTJH06qBA-jBCBQBA4JAgFlfnRJYAuAAL8gAkHdDVS9Hks/ApAGYMA-e/ "LINK")


> Use Signet of Rage and Bladestorm to maintain swiftness. Warrior's Sprint gives a damage boost with swiftness on, Bowl of Seaweed Salad gives a damage boost while moving while also generating swiftness on kill. Sustain through Might Makes Right, and Sun and Moon Style healing you. This one is a CC variant.


> Warrior's Sprint from Discipline is part of what makes this so mobile. Not tested in PvP or WvW, but the mobility increase should be very handy.


> Build: Speed Berserker

> Rune: Superior Runes of Speed

> Gamemode: PVE, Fractals, Dungeon

> Build Link: [LINK](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3enMdAVeg9dAmkCElilrA79zWaftIBgEQqTJH06qBA-jBCBQBA4JAgFlfnRJYAuAAL8gAkHdDVS9Hks/ApAGYMA-e/ "LINK")


> This one uses Berserk mode as a damage boost, but also generates swiftness through berserk mode and bursts. More of an active high risk high reward variant


> Build: Speed Warrior

> Rune: Superior Runes of Speed

> Gamemode: PVE, Fractals, Dungeon

> Build Link: [LINK](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAnXUjMdQlH21BmhAnIG+BKbBCgGQTjuvMwbPHaBA-jxBBAB5pPoS1fOTJIS7PglyvAOFAA8EAIFwAjBA-e/ "LINK")


> Lastly the core warrior variant. I purposefully added in the rifle, because with perma pseudo superspeed you can stay safely out of danger while harrying a foe.


I had been hearing about this new Rune of Speed and was wondering when we'd see a build pop up here.

I've linked the Core build on the spreadsheet (bounty headed your way soon) because rifle kiting. That's how I play most action games; burst in melee then run in circles with ranged attacks. :)


You could probably swap Sigil of Accuracy for Sigil of Agility if one of the builds isn't _quite_ perma swiftness. Then again for PvE, fight length might be short enough to not matter (38 seconds from Signet lol).


Side-note: Your Spellbreaker link is just the Berserker link again.

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My apologies. That is what I get for having multiple tabs open while a baby is sleeping on one arm. Here is the link to the Berserker build: [LINK](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQRAnY5XnEdAVegdeAG7CciglfADPJPlzyKphu3OwYBEAOaA-jBCBQB5R/QlU/JAnAAdeEAwiyPA8QAQy+DnRJIpAGYMA-e/ "LINK")


I made this a power build, but there is no reason not to run Condi. As to your point, I tried for a more active play style in these builds, so long as you are using your bursts and killing things you should have swiftness up. However, if that is not enough then you can use a warhorn on one of the weapon sets. This brings some very nice condition cleanse as well.


As for speed runes, for those that have not noticed yet, they raise your movement speed due to swiftness from 30% to 99%, so 1% less than superspeed on an easier to maintain buff. Warriors in particular can maintain swiftness with great ease. This is good not just for moving around, but for getting out of AoE without having to dodge it as well as keeping an opponent from escaping. I have not taken this into WvW, but I expect that a warrior with speed runes would be bothersome for some people to fight against.


I'll post a Guardian build a bit later with scrapper runes ;) I have to say I like the idea of this project, it appeals to the theorycrafter in me.

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Build: Never say Die Guardian

Rune: Superior runes of the Scrapper

Game Mode: PVE, Dungeons, Fractals

Build Link: [LINK](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAS8ensABNChddCWBBkdiF/hK7BrxM0KA+27UO8H/2H-jBSBQBnRJ4DuAA88gAYw9HAwTAILK/unuhDq+DpA0cMA-e "LINK")


So GW2skills doesn't have slaying potions or fractal potions, but this build would make use of them. Outside of fractals you have damage reduction as follows:

Scrapper Runes: 7% while within 600 units

Light Aura (F1 spam): 10%

Signet of Judgement: 10%

Slaying Potion: 10%

Food: 10%

Hunter's Fortification: 10%

protection: 33%

Total: 90% reduced damage


In fractals use Large Mist Defensive Potions: 25%. I do not know if this counts as a potion effect, so if it stacks with slaying potions then the total is 115%, otherwise it is 105%. This also assumes these all stack additively, some modifiers could stack manipulicatively. Even if that is the case, you have one tough Guardian here that spams burning and has high +damage modifiers from Retribution.


Yes, there is some overcap here, but some of the modifiers are situational, so the buffer keeps the damage reduction high if a few conditions are not met.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> Build: Never say Die Guardian

> Rune: Superior runes of the Scrapper

> Game Mode: PVE, Dungeons, Fractals

> Build Link: [LINK](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAS8ensABNChddCWBBkdiF/hK7BrxM0KA+27UO8H/2H-jBSBQBnRJ4DuAA88gAYw9HAwTAILK/unuhDq+DpA0cMA-e "LINK")



I like this. I get some flak for my tastes in buildcraft but sometimes staying alive is a sound strategy.

And to be fair, I don't think anyone would use Scrapper runes otherwise. >_> Maybe PvP, rarely.


> Yes, there is some overcap here, but some of the modifiers are situational, so the buffer keeps the damage reduction high if a few conditions are not met.


Mist potions _would_ stack with your buffs there as it's an effect. Also gives bonus toughness.

Light Aura is specifically for reduced condi damage but that's fine. I think you'd still be capped in Fractals with -15% condi damage to boot.


Now I really want to see a screenshot of "Mai Trin hits you for 0 damage." or something. :#

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Build: No-Crit Crazy Hands

Rune: Rune of the Warrior

Game-mode: PvE

Build Link: [LINK](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQRAne3ZnMdAVeg96C2dAcigFoA7oJEAmdKHhd3QA/E/irxA-jBiIQBA4gAkH1f44DAoL6Fqx+DvRJYBV+xtTAApAiYmG-e "LINK")


Annoyingly, the 6th bonus for Rune of the Warrior only really works on War. The few 'on weapon swap' traits on other classes have a recharge of 9 seconds; making the 8 second swap from the rune not line up properly. Luckily, Warrior's 'on swap' traits account for both Fast Hands _and_ this rune and have a mere 4 second recharge. I took all of them.


After that, I leaned into the stats on the rune and went Valkyrie. But hey, Full Counter and Eviscerate always crit! Keep your effects up by interrupting and casting your signets and keep swapping those weapons!


The boon output on this build is low so I would run Natural Healing if you need more burst heal. The signets are all pretty viable and can be slotted in as needed.

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Build Name: Vital Guardian

Rune: Wurm

Type: PvE Open World




This is the build my guardian rocks through the PoF open world and story. It's a tanky variation of the "standard" core Radiance GS build. Marauder weapons and armor + Valkyrie accessories + Wurm runes = over 21K HP. The Precision balances out with Retaliation and Fury to over 80% crit, and the Wurm runes turn a chunk of all that Vitality into extra Ferocity, so I still have plenty of critical burst. Second weapons are scepter/focus for range. I'm using the healing signet because it gives both a large shot of instant healing and casual condition clearance, but I really wish we had a skill like the Ranger's Heal as One, or Warrior's Mending. Anyway, this build pairs much better durability with the GS burst that we all love.


I have found that adding more durability to my other toons has made them more enjoyable as well. Maybe it's just because I'm an old school MMO player who has never fully adapted to this "active defense" thing, but it's so nice to not be instantly downed just because a champ mob looked at me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again!


I like this continuing project because it forces me to make interesting choices. And sometimes those choices lead me to play in a completely different way.

Like this build:

Build name: Fan the Hammer

Rune: Rune of the Trapper

Game-Mode: PvE (possible sPvP with modifications)

Build Link: [LINK](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAqYYl0Mh2mYdTwsJQ/ELwEGXPIGsD4PmRzsp2fKAUAA-jBSFQBXb/hRqEshK/61JAAAPBAfpDofq/0OtBkCYRlVA-e "LINK")


So Rune of the Trapper is condi damage/duration, and its 6) bonus is gain stealth and superspeed when placing a trap. DH and Ranger _can_ both benefit from this to escape/reposition but thief's stealth traits/skills and trap shape are better suited to use this for defense _and _offense.


So here's the deal: the 6) bonus from Rune of the Trapper applies _after_ the trap is 'armed', not when placed. Thief traps in particular have an obvious 1 second 'arm time' before they trigger. What this means then is even non-quickness autoattacks will bring you out of stealth without triggering the stealth pause or letting you do a stealth attack. The timing is obnoxious and prevents melee options in particular.


The solution here is obvious. I just needed to turn GW2 into a 3rd-Person Shooter. :o


Yep! Equip a pistol, turn off autocast on your 1 skill, and turn on action camera; we're gonna shoot some mobs. \o/


Plays like this:

Mark target -> Malicious Sneak Attack -> Body Shot + A couple clicked autos.

Is it dead? - Yes? Cool.

No. - use stolen skill -> lay a trap, wait for stealth -> Malicious Sneak Attack. Repeat.


Feel free to look through the build to see how it all fits together. Malicious Intent, in particular, makes sure you always have Malice to apply Torment.

One thing I _didn't_ use was Thief's trap specific trait. The bonuses only trigger when the trap is tripped and the recharge reduction is covered by Payback. Also Panic Strike is really handy in this build.


If you need a stunbreak, replace Trip Wire first. Shadow Meld is a powerful alternative to Dagger Storm.

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Hey nice thread! Gave me the envy to publish something, here are one for Engineer I made! Require Holosmith btw.


Build name: Aetherblade Captain

Rune: Superior rune of Infiltration

Game-Mode: PvE

Build Link: [LINK](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAsencTBlIjVXBWIDsehF2CDMEdiCA9tx34dMMFNbiNA-jxCBABKqHwLlE7phoLlY/s/QZKD+U9HAeQAOfCBMTpQaKBBA-e "LINK")


How is it great for my engineer? It increase power and precision, stats where he is beery weak since the whole armor is mostly based on Toughness and Ferocity.

80% of the equipment is Cavalier apart earings, a ring and the amulet which boost precision. What about those poor condition damages?

Here come the sigils: One increase condition damages by 5%, the other increase critical chance by 7%. + The last rune increasing damages by 10% on half-health enemies.


That way, you have an engineer, with an amazing armor of 3337, have a chance of 34% (almost half) to inflict critic, dealing important damages (202% for critic). Equipped with all the skills that can boost is damages and armor even more.



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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Hey nice thread! Gave me the envy to publish something, here are one for Engineer I made! Require Holosmith btw.


> Build name: Aetherblade Captain

> Rune: Superior rune of Infiltration

> Game-Mode: PvE

> Build Link: [LINK](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAsencTBlIjVXBWIDsehF2CDMEdiCA9tx34dMMFNbiNA-jxCBABKqHwLlE7phoLlY/s/QZKD+U9HAeQAOfCBMTpQaKBBA-e "LINK")


> How is it great for my engineer? It increase power and precision, stats where he is beery weak since the whole armor is mostly based on Toughness and Ferocity.

> 80% of the equipment is Cavalier apart earings, a ring and the amulet which boost precision. What about those poor condition damages?

> Here come the sigils: One increase condition damages by 5%, the other increase critical chance by 7%. + The last rune increasing damages by 10% on half-health enemies.


> That way, you have an engineer, with an amazing armor of 3337, have a chance of 34% (almost half) to inflict critic, dealing important damages (202% for critic). Equipped with all the skills that can boost is damages and armor even more.



Interesting. I'm not too disappointed that the 'vigor when stealth' bonus doesn't get used here as it's not great. (I might look into a stealth Bounder tho)

Some observations:

With Fury and Hematic Focus, you'll be sitting at 64% crit chance. And it looks like that would be basically all the time.

With No Scope, you have 222% crit damage while you have fury. A bit better than you thought. :)


I think you would be better served by taking Sigil of Force over Bursting. Your conditions are acting more to amplify your power damage than dealing damage themselves. For example: your Blade Burst hits for ~630 + ~200 bleed (over 8 seconds) per hit. With 5% condi damage that's ~630 + ~210. Compare to 5% power dmg at ~661 + ~200 bleed. On that one skill, Force over Bursting is a difference of 20 damage. This gap would only widen as you continue hitting things.


In that vein, you could also consider replacing Incendiary Powder with Modified Ammunition. MA is a strong 'better with friends' trait but should give you at least 6%-8% bonus damage at all times with your build.


Experimental Turrets looks like an unusual choice if you're only running Supply Drop. Do you feel you're getting the use out of the shields and the boons?

You could consider Mecha Legs as an alternative. Movement speed is nice on melee builds and the reduced duration on movement conditions would mean you're more likely to cleanse 2 _damaging_ condis when you heal. Just a thought.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New Year, New builds!

Do you hate being CCed? Do you like fire? Does 25 stacks of Might give you a warm fuzzy feeling? Do you like the option to trade damage for not dying?



[The Juggernaut](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAqancTBFpiVXB2aBsehl7iSsg+hQEsBjwAge1j9aH-jxCBQBcRpR1Ui9MdAPZ/hMqMAUqxAgHAwjUC+HtAIU1hKcCAIFwpy0A-e "The Juggernaut")

Rune: Rune of the Engineer

Mode: General PvE/metas


The 6) bonus on Engineer runes only really lends itself to Engi for maximum uptime. I considered a Conjure build on Ele but there wasn't enough synergy for my taste. I wonder if Firebrand tomes get the bonus as well...


Anyhoo, the playstyle is: camp flamethrower. As such, your actual weapons can be whatever you like. On the off-chance that you're overwhelmed; hammer or shield are good to have as backups.


The main synergies are: Flamethrower, Juggernaut, Backpack Regenerator, Compounding Chemicals, Mass Momentum, and ~~Final Salvo~~ Kinetic Stabilizers. That combination gives you 12-13 Might OOC (easy 25 with Sigil of Strength and Flame Jet), Stability, ~180 hp/sec, and +10% damage. You have a 50-_95%_ crit chance depending on range and fury. And Iron Blooded means that you will always have at least -4% incoming damage; usually -6% to -10%.


For variations, swap out Elixer B first. Usually a condi cleanse or extra CC. And if you're still having trouble surviving, swap out ~~Final Salvo~~ Kinetic Stabilizers for Adaptive Armor.


And that's it! It's not fast but it won't get 1-shot anytime soon. :)

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["No boon for you"](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhF6kjGocTsdTw8GgeTsgLYQXtAwBIuKuFDjRbt81HA-jJRHABA8IAE4MAg2+D2XGAA ""No boon for you"")

Rune: Aristocracy Runes

Mode: PvP


This build is similar to the Power Reaper that got a lot of play last season.

After its proc dmg in the Spite was reduced, it lost a bit of its strength. BUT with the Rune update, the former Noble Rune is now the [Aristocracy Rune](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Aristocracy "Aristocracy Rune") .


Its 6th effect is the one i based the build on:

(6): +20% Might duration; gain 5 stacks of might for 4 seconds after inflicting weakness on a foe. (Cooldown: 1 Second)


Power Reaper needed Soulreaping to generate enough lifeforce to use Onslaught. Soul reapings ferocity buffs and utility areawesome as well for Onslaught Reaper.


But with Aristocracy Runes 6th effect having only 1s internal cooldown, it is possible to generate Life-Force with Blighters Boon. Everytime you inflict weakness, you gain lifeforce, might etc.

With atm´s builds, you can corrupt might on almost every class, allowing you to drop Soulreaping for Curses, which will add some more procced pressure when entering shroud and more ways to deal with condis.

It also boosts your crit chance and your bleeding stacks.


With the amount of weakness you can put out, with corrupts and as necro in general, 25 might 5 seconds after the fight started is guaranteed, as well as tons of debuffing conditions and loads of vuln, thanks to support FB´s :)


I really do enjoy playing it, because it adds so much more condis and ways to outplay your opponent, for example chainCCing that warrior that just used rampage and is wondering why he gets feared every second, etc etc.


I sometimes change the stunbreak for worm, if the enemy team has a powermesmer or rev, but thats up to what you prefer.


In generelly, dropping Soulreaping does not change how much of a sitting duck reapers generally are :), but it increases your pressure against boonheavy classes (holo, boonbeast, fb, coreguard) a lot.



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> @"DerJoker.9081" said:

> ["No boon for you"](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBHhF6kjGocTsdTw8GgeTsgLYQXtAwBIuKuFDjRbt81HA-jJRHABA8IAE4MAg2+D2XGAA ""No boon for you"")

> Rune: Aristocracy Runes

> Mode: PvP


I _love_ how much work the rune is doing in there. It's like a key that unlocks the build's potential or a rug that ties the room together. So good.



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I know there's already a build in the PvE slot for this rune but I still want to throw mine into the ring.

Rune: Krait

Build: Maximum Overbleed


Personal PVE build I came up with while trying to make an earth-based Elementalist work. It focuses on bleeding as much as possible while also holding onto the tankiness you'd expect from something like a rock. I haven't tried it in PvP or WvW but I'm sure it could be effective in either to an extent. It definitely works well in PvE, though.

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  • 1 month later...

Heyo guys. The project lives!


While my GW2 activity is slowing a bit, I'll still be theorycrafting and maintaining my Rune Build Archive. If you check in and see something not workable after a patch or if a build moves, let me know and I'll give it an update. We're at literally _half_ of the runes with builds. Let's go.


Is anyone running [Rune of the Cavalier](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Cavalier "Rune of the Cavalier") in WvW now?

> @"Firepawnch.1325" said:

> I know there's already a build in the PvE slot for this rune but I still want to throw mine into the ring.

> Rune: Krait

> Build: Maximum Overbleed

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYnUMA9NgF5Cu4CM5iFNArYN2BzB3/5A9ieIAsAOgA-jxRAQBoS9HFpnQBnQAA8gA6x+D3UJYIV+RKgJFWB-e


Neat. In PvE, you're overcapped on bleed (thus the name?). You can swap out a ring and the accessories for Sinister to get just a little bit more damage but it's a minor optimization. In PvP, the overcap would counteract opponent's condi reduction.


And here's a new build from me:

[Various Discharges](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAsensTBNehVIDGJDcJjlNDbcC8dCAf3mdTvp/BOBvgA-jBDFQBXRJoJ3fQhKLSiSEH8AA2lSI3oFAAnAgCp+Sa0BgElC6TFCSBExyI-e "Various Discharges")

Rune: Rune of the Holosmith

Mode: PvE/Fractals


The Holosmith Rune bonus, a lesser Laser Disk, _is_ affected by your heat level. So only holo can take full advantage of the rune. Unfortunately, it triggers when you hit 75% and not anything active. Thus you have to keep yourself at high heat to get the most of it when it procs.


The build is more selfish than Explosion Man (my previous engie build) but it can do more dps if the support is on point. CC is amazing and the heal burst from medkit 3->5->4 is nothing to sniff at. Fight loop involves getting to around 80-90% heat and then maintaining the heat levels between 50 and 90% with forge swapping and Thermal Release dodges. Also, spam those toolbelt skills. :3


I would actually swap the Laser Disk out if you need more defense or utility. Photon Wall is just super good for surviving and rezzing your friends.


I tried a condi variant of this build first but it felt spread too thin. The gear at the link is my preference for fractal but you can, of course, play this full zerk.


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