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Berserker update shortlist (10/2018)


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> @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> King of fires has no ICD when using leap finishers and can contribute to a ton of condi damage, so I didn't change that. Agree that blood reaction isn't great but wouldn't suggest anything at this time because it competes with nothing if the player is opting for a physical damage build.



King of Fires may have no ICD, but you actually have an ICD of whatever leaps you have, then whatever berserker skills you have.


This limits it to:

Core Warrior Leaps + A Berserker Skill (longer cooldown)

Savage Leap (Good)

Bull's Charge (limited Utility Space)

Eviscerate (Also good)

Shield Bash (No Torch limits fire field)


As for Instant Detonations, there are only 2.

Sundering Leap (long cd but gives you 30 adrenaline if you hit, takes away a defensive utility)

DECAPITATE (the best, just look at that 6.5 second cooldown, also puts you in perfect range, unlike Flaming Flurry which may or may not be in the right range when it ends).


I do believe its damage is actually fine, but it should also gain 2 might similar to Transmute Fire Aura (honestly it should just use that skill for easy balancing). What King of Fires needs is a way to guarantee your Leap Finishers on Fire Fields, so basically I'd make it so your leaps check for fire fields first no matter what order the fields were placed (especially since in group fights, your longbow fields or torch fields are basically non-existent with all the light fields and such).

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