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You have a point, but still it's no sense that every expansion of every game classes tends to be unbalanced.

I mean, it could happen once, then you SH should think "we did it wrong not testing classes before release, there's no balance at all".


I mean, will the expansion be released in 5 months, ok?

Then find some players to test what you are going to introduce ( skilled for each of the 3 modalities ), then release it.


It will be probably unbalanced as it has always been, but still this is way over.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> You have a point, but still it's no sense that every expansion of every game classes tends to be unbalanced.

> I mean, it could happen once, then you SH should think "we did it wrong not testing classes before release, there's no balance at all".


> I mean, will the expansion be released in 5 months, ok?

> Then find some players to test what you are going to introduce ( skilled for each of the 3 modalities ), then release it.


> It will be probably unbalanced as it has always been, but still this is way over.


I wish they would. Most complaints come from people who haven't settled in to a new playstyle or haven't discovered a meta build yet. Been thief since beta - Always hated, but man I'd lie if I was saying we haven't struggled with builds in the past. If somebody quits the game because it doesn't feel fair or actually isn't fair, that's on them! I still enjoy playing and not one profession is going to forfeit all I've had fun with.

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You can feel the balance...for example just try to 1v1 as Core Necro vs Scourge.

There is no way to get Scourge below 50% hp... cause Scourge has tons of condis he can apply - even without any transfer. Of course you cant kill a Reaper aswell, but you are at least able to pressure him.

It does not make sense to "balance" or tweak core Skills ( like it happened to Deathshroud before POF release) when u make them useless with every new expansion. It's a waste of people/money programming things no one will ever play.


Even in PvE ... it was somehow challenging in Fraktals or Raids .... then u introduce POF-specs and it's again boring as fck cause powercreep.

There is no reason to buy POF for me. It aint offers more variety ... it just replaces the old builds with new ones ... not more Build variety. I watch those Deadeye gamplay-vids and i simply facepalm how boring and brainless this class is - You stealth and oneshot people..... how could this class be fun to play ?!


And Hey ... they need more than 1 year to somehow make HOT enjoyable and make every class somehow viable ... I dont want to pay a game more than 1 Year before i am able to enjoy it. And it seems to repeat with POF. 1 unbalanced Balance Patch to replace one Broken Class with another until 1 or 2 year passes.

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