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Arms warrior bloodlust ability and sigil of earth.

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> @"Scritch Yiffinton.1943" said:

> Okay I’ll accept that answer but to clarify. When I crit I flip and coin with 60% odds of placing a bleed and if that one fails then I flip another coin for 33% odds? Or can I win the coin flip twice? Placing 2 bleeds on the target?


The way I see it, you either apply no, 1 or 2 bleeds depending on the success of two individual "tosses".

For what it's worth, in this case the chances should be around 26% for no bleeding, 20% for 2 bleeding, and 54% for 1 bleeding, assuming both passives are off cooldown.

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There's alot of assumptions here. Let's go over from the top:


"Bloodlust" = 33% chance to inflict bleed on crit

"Sigil of Earth" = 60% chance to inflict bleed on crit


These are 2 separate rolls made independent of eachother whenever you crit, with the sigil only proccing if off cooldown.


Do they stack? In the sense "can they both proc on the same critical hit?" - Indeed they can as long as the sigil is off cooldown.


So what are the chances (if sigil off cd)?

No bleed:

0,66*0,4 = 26,4% (every 4th crit)

Max bleed:

0,33*0,6 = 19,8% (every 5th crit)

A single bleed:

33% from trait

60% from sigil


You are correct, for every crit you flip 2 coins. One with 33% odds and the other with 60%. But both coins will be tossed regardless, so whether the first one fails or not doesn't affect the other at all. Same goes if it wins. You always get 2 flips and they don't affect eachothers odds.

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