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Gem Store

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> @"SunShamon.4320" said:

> im from the opinion that when things are cheap it will create a buyers mentality especialy if the things you buy are useful in game, and probably you make players spend eventualy even more. But i dont know the facts the cash cows or how many of them there are



This is some what of a fallacy that people say in many MMOs with cash shops and Mobile games, imho.


However we can be sure that companies have done a ton of market research on spending habbits, whales, the middle class and the free loaders and they've found it's not true, other wise they'd do it. Their goal is to maximize profits after all and they've likely found the sweet spot and it's not make things cheap and people will buy more which will make them more money.






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While I'm willing to spend money on gems, I still think that they're a bit overpriced. I know that there's no subscription, and that everything is entirely optional (although bank and bag slots do feel like a necessity to me in some ways, and no additional character slots would make the game way less fun).

But relatively speaking, gems are too expensive. Some mounts for example are almost 30€. 20€ is what I spend on food for a week. Yes, mount skins are completely unnecessary, but that doesn't mean that they're not unreasonably expensive.

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It feels high in a vacuum, but we must consider its competitors: Any lootbox game (Overwatch, "gatcha" games, Activision's latest wave of BS, etc...) charges hundreds of dollars for the chance at maybe getting something you can use until planned obsolescence rears its ugly head and your treasure becomes worthless. Warframe, for example, is a "freemium" collection game that charges $80 USD for new character releases (that are objectively more powerful than existing/free equivalents). Now, it does allow you to unlock these in-game through gamble-farming, but charges $5 for slots to use the characters _you've already earned_... and _then for its weapons_, unless you sell your current ones. (btw, Warframe is considered one of the more "fair" freemium models). Even our closest economic rival, World of Warcraft, has a cosmetic market that generally charges more per-skin than GW2 does (averaging ~$25 instead of $20).


I wouldn't call the current pricing structure "good" - it's far too much for what it is in my personal opinion - but it is extremely competitive in its market; one of if not the best values available. (Which is kinda sad, thinking about it, but that's a whole other subject...)

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The cost of gems is fine, especially since you can purchase them with gold. I'm bothered more by the cost in gems of the gem store items. Even purchased with in game gold, I won't be spending 2000 gems on anything, ever, doesn't matter how cool it is. 800 gems is my limit threshold. Anything that costs above that I can live without.

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