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Yet another Revenant Concept


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I was just wondering what is actually missing with the Revenant class in general. We get it that its a Warrior class that has cool Legendarys. And I think this is were the problem lies which I think may have already been cited many times before. It makes the class too predictable and too limited but this mechanic also identifies the rev as unique from all the other classes. tl;dr I was thinking why not have Revenant its own skill set not relying to the Legends. Legends could serve as more of a Utiliy Bar change just like how elementalists work but the Utility Bar is changed, and each swap will contain an energy bar which the utility skills would consume and once depleted it just goes back to the regular Rev utility bar and would go on cooldown (or if the rev unequips it, it can have its own cd before swapping into another legendary). Ofcourse this may sound OP but it gives more freedom to the revenant class as general since legendaries will all be accessible and can be used but it depends on your traits which one you are going to use specialized on using. Heck they could even affect the weapon skills you have depending on the weapon on hand depending on which legendary you have to give more variety due to revenants lack of weapon skills. It doesn't have to be all the weapon slot be changed, it can be just 1 skill out of a weapon set depending on the legendary you are using. This may be a lot to ask and difficult to balance, but again just a concept if you guys can give feedback that's completely appreciated.

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> @"killerbee.4716" said:

> I was just wondering what is actually missing with the Revenant class in general. We get it that its a Warrior class that has cool Legendarys. And I think this is were the problem lies which I think may have already been cited many times before. It makes the class too predictable and too limited but this mechanic also identifies the rev as unique from all the other classes. tl;dr I was thinking why not have Revenant its own skill set not relying to the Legends. Legends could serve as more of a Utiliy Bar change just like how elementalists work but the Utility Bar is changed, and each swap will contain an energy bar which the utility skills would consume and once depleted it just goes back to the regular Rev utility bar and would go on cooldown (or if the rev unequips it, it can have its own cd before swapping into another legendary). Ofcourse this may sound OP but it gives more freedom to the revenant class as general since legendaries will all be accessible and can be used but it depends on your traits which one you are going to use specialized on using. Heck they could even affect the weapon skills you have depending on the weapon on hand depending on which legendary you have to give more variety due to revenants lack of weapon skills. It doesn't have to be all the weapon slot be changed, it can be just 1 skill out of a weapon set depending on the legendary you are using. This may be a lot to ask and difficult to balance, but again just a concept if you guys can give feedback that's completely appreciated.


The Legendaries already change your Utility skills. You just have access to two at a time. Additionally, at present, when you switch your Legends your Energy goes back to 50%. I also don't find the profession too predictable. Swapping Legends also already goes on CD. Revenant seems to do most of what you suggested already.

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> > @"killerbee.4716" said:

> > I was just wondering what is actually missing with the Revenant class in general. We get it that its a Warrior class that has cool Legendarys. And I think this is were the problem lies which I think may have already been cited many times before. It makes the class too predictable and too limited but this mechanic also identifies the rev as unique from all the other classes. tl;dr I was thinking why not have Revenant its own skill set not relying to the Legends. Legends could serve as more of a Utiliy Bar change just like how elementalists work but the Utility Bar is changed, and each swap will contain an energy bar which the utility skills would consume and once depleted it just goes back to the regular Rev utility bar and would go on cooldown (or if the rev unequips it, it can have its own cd before swapping into another legendary). Ofcourse this may sound OP but it gives more freedom to the revenant class as general since legendaries will all be accessible and can be used but it depends on your traits which one you are going to use specialized on using. Heck they could even affect the weapon skills you have depending on the weapon on hand depending on which legendary you have to give more variety due to revenants lack of weapon skills. It doesn't have to be all the weapon slot be changed, it can be just 1 skill out of a weapon set depending on the legendary you are using. This may be a lot to ask and difficult to balance, but again just a concept if you guys can give feedback that's completely appreciated.


> The Legendaries already change your Utility skills. You just have access to two at a time. Additionally, at present, when you switch your Legends your Energy goes back to 50%. I also don't find the profession too predictable. Swapping Legends also already goes on CD. Revenant seems to do most of what you suggested already.


No what I was thinking is that each legendary designates your Revenants identity, more like a costume or mask per se, but not as a stand alone revenant without any legendary that you are currently invoking. So I was thinking if the revenant could have his own skillset and invoke the legendaries on demand, kinda how a FB use his virtues on demand which acts as a kit, but instead of your weapon bar being changed its your utilities.

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So where would the skills on Herald's own utility skill bar come from, and how many choices would we get? I'm confused since we already have so many utility skills on different Legends already, coming up with new utility skills might be too difficult. It doesn't really fit the theme of Revenant either, since a Rev is supposed to channel power from legends - without a legend, what would the Rev be? Unless that's your intention then by all means elaborate more.

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> @"killerbee.4716" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > > @"killerbee.4716" said:

> > > I was just wondering what is actually missing with the Revenant class in general. We get it that its a Warrior class that has cool Legendarys. And I think this is were the problem lies which I think may have already been cited many times before. It makes the class too predictable and too limited but this mechanic also identifies the rev as unique from all the other classes. tl;dr I was thinking why not have Revenant its own skill set not relying to the Legends. Legends could serve as more of a Utiliy Bar change just like how elementalists work but the Utility Bar is changed, and each swap will contain an energy bar which the utility skills would consume and once depleted it just goes back to the regular Rev utility bar and would go on cooldown (or if the rev unequips it, it can have its own cd before swapping into another legendary). Ofcourse this may sound OP but it gives more freedom to the revenant class as general since legendaries will all be accessible and can be used but it depends on your traits which one you are going to use specialized on using. Heck they could even affect the weapon skills you have depending on the weapon on hand depending on which legendary you have to give more variety due to revenants lack of weapon skills. It doesn't have to be all the weapon slot be changed, it can be just 1 skill out of a weapon set depending on the legendary you are using. This may be a lot to ask and difficult to balance, but again just a concept if you guys can give feedback that's completely appreciated.

> >

> > The Legendaries already change your Utility skills. You just have access to two at a time. Additionally, at present, when you switch your Legends your Energy goes back to 50%. I also don't find the profession too predictable. Swapping Legends also already goes on CD. Revenant seems to do most of what you suggested already.


> No what I was thinking is that each legendary designates your Revenants identity, more like a costume or mask per se, but not as a stand alone revenant without any legendary that you are currently invoking. So I was thinking if the revenant could have his own skillset and invoke the legendaries on demand, kinda how a FB use his virtues on demand which acts as a kit, but instead of your weapon bar being changed its your utilities.


Yeah, no. Each Legend already has its own skill set. You already invoke your Legendaries on demand. When you invoke your Legend on demand your Utility bar changes in the same fashion that the Firebrand's Tomes. This is already happening. The solution for Revenant is not to give you more Legends to access at a time. The problems the profession faces is not related to not having enough Utility skills to call upon when you're in game. And unless you are in the middle of a fight or pvp I can swap out my Legendaries at any moment. If I want to change things up from Glint and replace it with Jalis I just click a few buttons and I'm good to go. They have enough issues trying to get the profession balanced and working well with just managing two Legends. Do you really think adding more is going to make things better? Not likely.


Also, you only have to look at Elementalist to see how such a concept can go awry.


As for costumes and masks and identities, there is nothing you can do with that concept mechanically. That is purely in the head of the player.

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