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Jack Redline.5379

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> >

> > I dont care if you take anything from what i say. I saying that in comon use a word thief and thus the class itself doesnt identify in any manner with magic.

> > And the point why am i continuously doing so is that you are trying to force not only me but also other people to believe that thief is related and does use magic.

> > You are stating your evidence i am stating mine. I dont care at all if you will accept it or no. You are not supposed to. We are here (in thief spec topics) to discuss what we think thief shuold be further. And since ever thief was DPS using tricks and deception to become a good class we love to play. You came up with this support magic thief thing just i dunno month or so ago. And for some reason you are trying to force other ppl mostly those who think of theif as i do to believe you are right about this. You are literally asking Anet to change Thief into something it never was nor it is even now. I am simply pointing out you are wrong. I dont care if you learn from it. That is all up to you.


> I don't really care for the support shadow magic thing, so I'd appreciate if you wouldn't accuse me of being wrong about something I didn't say. I'm simply saying making up a bunch of stuff about how ANet couldn't put drugs into the game etc isn't evidence by any reasonable definition of the word and it actually weakens your argument more than you think it supports it.


> Does that mean I want a shadow mage? Not really, I agree it doesn't fit the theme of thief and would rather see something based more around riposte and blocks. But denying the obvious fact that in the lore all classes use magic in some way, even if it's a pre-prepared thing, makes no sense lore wise.


yeah shadow mage could be a next necro elite granting them a little stealth and mobility with their one hand swords, i see more necros than thieves while roaming in WvW so they should get a spec suited for it.


for thief i still would prefer a torch(preferably dual wield) with a more AoE oriented condi or hybrid spec - basically an arsonist. from deadeye we have seen that they are ready to swap out steal so one could make it 'set fire' throwing a torch to deal AoE dmg+burn. with bountiful theft+ SoHthis would have the effect that thief would gain an AoE boonrip with pretty decent priority + interrupt wich would be really powerfull. going from there it could become a really good teamfighter. maybe a litte OP for todays specs but you know the other professions also will get new toys.


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Ranger->Druid (Mage)

Guardian->Firebrand(moar mageish)

Warrior->Spellbreaker(Antimage hah this doesnt count)

Revenant->Renegade/Summoner(mage too right?)

Even necro drops shroud to be more mage with scourge :D


I dont see a problem make thief with scepter or some kind of support. I got it you cannot +1 ppl but you still can with core DD and DE so whats the point? E-Specs let you play same class diferently and if it means thief can get some "more actual spells" well go for it. Some people will love it.

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> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:


With each mew espec one old becomes more obsolete. That is why if they would make mageish support espec for thief it would be bad for all previous specs since all othrer classes would get something else that would make them even more deadly and old classes wont be able to deal with them

Also some people will NOT love it.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:


> With each mew espec one old becomes more obsolete. That is why if they would make mageish support espec for thief it would be bad for all previous specs since all othrer classes would get something else that would make them even more deadly and old classes wont be able to deal with them

> Also some people will NOT love it.


Its like with everything im not dám of Kalla zoo but hey some ppl love it.


Thats why they doing these reworks right like Herald gets, to offer different stuff And not JUST better spec.


If Thief gets support spec, i believe dd And de And core Will be better DPS wise.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:


> With each mew espec one old becomes more obsolete. That is why if they would make mageish support espec for thief it would be bad for all previous specs since all othrer classes would get something else that would make them even more deadly and old classes wont be able to deal with them

> Also some people will NOT love it.


They use magic shadowstep is a spell form from first game dont mean they are casters just that they use the tools and abillities they have at their disposal to acomplish the task. For what defines casters the common view would only fit ele and scourge and druid. A caster specs dont have to be bad just new tools (wich can be magic too) since all have some magical abillity.

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If anything, we need Thugs. Brutes who knock peoples doors down and demand "protection" money. Imagine knocking down the door to another players home-instance and stealing everything they own. This works well for two reasons: Thieves get to do what they're actually made for, and Anet get's to sell home-instances that don't have doors we can kick down to spare people from being robbed... For Gems, ofcourse.


It's a win-win for Anet and us thieves.

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