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blobby at sea time


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That video doesn't look like sea to me. If the timing on the video is base on server time then it basically past 12am for sea.


If you ever in t1/2, come on sea time which is 2-3 hours before your video, you will know what stacked blob is. We literally had outman buff for 1.5 hours on weekend few weeks ago, having to deal with blob that has mithril and even a few diamonds in them, with our noobish and puny zerg of mostly silvers and bronze.


If there ever is a elo system for wvw, people who know how big of a gap between servers.


Anyway, you play at a awkward timing which to begin with, has very little guilds in entire of na region. Honestly speaking, you need to bolster your numbers because most guilds regardless of servers in that timing easily run more than 15.


Lastly, give up on recruiting vet, most vets only stack servers. All guilds on non stacked servers all have to take in newbies and spends numerous months grooming them while not having guarantee results. Or, just join the stacked servers for easy way out.

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=) been doing wvw since 2013 so, i know what a qued blobbed is.


i have fought jq's sea time walking loot bags lead by waha. for months.


but that withstanding,


slayers will not be transferring.


also we have no interest in buying players to transfer and is satisfied with the current roster or making any allies.




on the topic,


well, it would be fun. and i think it wohld work out if people choose to have smaller groups by choice.


not forcing people since there is no enforcing system in this mode and wvw is dead in connection to competition, pride, or points.


maybe it could work.





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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> Old JQ SEA blob cannot even be compared to the current stacked SEA blobs in T1/T2.

> At least old JQ SEA blob still consist of good mixture of newbies and vets, the current stacked SEA blobs are majority vets. Is a disgusting sight.


=) if you say so.


i mean, if you guys have problems in t1 t2, it must be something.

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