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Fix blocking design


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I will talk from a PvP, WvW view :

Taking a step back on mirage discussions,


_EDIT : because it seems that I write chinese : it's not about nerfing or somewhat but about increasing mesmer builds diversity._


Can we one day have (sorry for one more time repetition considering the plethora of messages that talk about it but **it is a global issue for diversity**.) :

* Chronophantasma : no longer resummon phantasms, phantasms just attack twice. (aka not trigger illusions summon traits 2 times.)

* Continumm Split : no longer work on ulti or have a 180 CD. (aka not use ulti twice or reduce ulti cd.)


I will not stand out all example who show how bad it is for mesmer globally (The last chronotank 2.0 hype has one more time highlighted that as long as we have thoses 2 mechanics.) but come on it's been 3 years that we have this issue.


## **We will not be able to have healthy balancing** as long as these mechanisms exist, considering our core mechanic (illusions.), particulary considering core mesmer.


Like who would take SoH, TW or MI in mirage build ?

it's not so much that jaunt is strong (actually it's probably our best ulti) that other are weak because balanced with CS as side effect.


Also, is there actually other class that has 9 utilitary with no traits ?

Or maybe they consider the illusion utilitary is filled with the multiple effects on summon ?

In that case, once we resolve the chronophantasma problem, can we balance well illusions effects ?

Hope that glamours will recover traits soon.



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Me saying mesmer is op while maining it since beginning ?

I just want to reduce the gap between core and specialisations to have more build diversity. And i'm convinced that thoses two mechanisms are blocking it.


How did you imagine that a core spec can be at the same level than extension spec as long as our main illusion mecanic and ulti have side effects in chrono build ?

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1) there are viable core spec (core gards, core thief and to a lesser extend core ranger >> war .).

2) they show a will to reduce the gap (necro core example even if no 100% completed.).

3) considering mesmer, if the main limitation is the two mentions above, it does not cost much to work on it.


By definition every writer in this forum other than thoses who give response to new player is wasting his time.

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