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Boss Week??


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> @killermanjaro.5670 said:

> I don't think I've ever been around for a "boss week", what is it? A week of tougher versions of bosses with better rewards or something?


Boss week was a thing they did after the update to Tequatl. Basically just daily achievements based on the world bosses.

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Leave some S1 things in S1 seriously. Newcomers have and have had access to almost every S1 item. Leave the sunless wings alone. They got shatterer wings without having to do the achievement, surely that's enough. At least we can content ourselves with the fact newcomers will never get our ball caps (looks best on charr and asura ijs) ah well.

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> @Tasida.4085 said:

> Leave some S1 things in S1 seriously. Newcomers have and have had access to almost every S1 item. Leave the sunless wings alone. They got shatterer wings without having to do the achievement, surely that's enough. At least we can content ourselves with the fact newcomers will never get our ball caps (looks best on charr and asura ijs) ah well.


"I was here years ago so now new players aren't allowed to experrience fun events because reasons."

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> > @Tasida.4085 said:

> > Leave some S1 things in S1 seriously. Newcomers have and have had access to almost every S1 item. Leave the sunless wings alone. They got shatterer wings without having to do the achievement, surely that's enough. At least we can content ourselves with the fact newcomers will never get our ball caps (looks best on charr and asura ijs) ah well.


> "I was here years ago so now new players aren't allowed to experrience fun events because reasons."


Thumbs way down. Check your entitlement plz.


You are not entitled to wings.

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> @Tasida.4085 said:

> Leave some S1 things in S1 seriously. Newcomers have and have had access to almost every S1 item. Leave the sunless wings alone. They got shatterer wings without having to do the achievement, surely that's enough. At least we can content ourselves with the fact newcomers will never get our ball caps (looks best on charr and asura ijs) ah well.



Personally I have played since release, as well through S1, and i don't care if new players get some items I have that were "exclusive". If using these skins will make their own game more enjoyable, all power to them. Their appearance doesn't affect me, and I don't need to be an ahole demanding exclusivity when it doesn't affect my gameplay at all.


The only thing I feel sorry about in regards to new players is that they will never be able to experience some of the amazing encounters and moments from S1. That's a punishment enough.

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> @Tasida.4085 said:

> Well no excuses they should've been there for S1.....It's not like it wasn't advertised enough. And yes we were entitled and apparently ANET thought so too else we'd not have ball caps. I don't care if newcomers got S1 stuff, just leave a few of them alone is all that i'm saying.


That's downright dumb statement. You can't expect everyone in the world to be ready for some arbitrary event or a game just because you are. The fact you (and certain number of population) got to play through that content while everyone that happened to joined after gets a cinematic, is exclusivity enough. If you didn't care if they got S1 stuff, you wouldn't be crying about any of those items (you contradicted yourself in a single sentence, bravo). You are okay for them to make items non-exclusive as long they are not items you own, by the sound of what you're saying.

I get it, that you, for whatever reason in your life, got to participate in these events, but not everyone did. Even I missed some. I have enjoyed a few exclusives through years too, and many of them got added to the S1 packs or boxes or whatever at a later date. Not only doesn't that bother me, but quite frankly I haven't seen too many newcomers even try to hunt that stuff. They newcomers have enough content to go after, that only few of them go after old content. It still feels awesome for me to use those items, it doesn't bother me if I see someone else using them (which is rare to start with). I don't care if they made every single item obtainable in some or the other way. Fashion of your characters is only important really important to you. If these skins would motivate these people to find time to play longer or more and stay in the world rather than leave within weeks of expansion, I'd say go for it Anet. I'd rather keep the people than to be a special cookie.

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I have to echo those who want to share. I'm hesitant to embrace long-term exclusivity. If there are a few things, like the cap, that stay exclusive to early content or launch, that's fine. Ultimately, I'd rather people have access to more options, so they can get the most out of the game.


Personally, I really enjoyed playing S1. It doesn't look like that gameplay will be available soon, if ever. When I look back on it, that time felt like "our" story, whereas the new material feels like "my" story. I love the current material too, but S1 will be a unique experience that I get to treasure for a long time.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > @Tasida.4085 said:

> > > Leave some S1 things in S1 seriously. Newcomers have and have had access to almost every S1 item. Leave the sunless wings alone. They got shatterer wings without having to do the achievement, surely that's enough. At least we can content ourselves with the fact newcomers will never get our ball caps (looks best on charr and asura ijs) ah well.

> >

> > "I was here years ago so now new players aren't allowed to experrience fun events because reasons."


> Thumbs way down. Check your entitlement plz.


> You are not entitled to wings.


You people are the only entitled ones here. This was an honest question by OP to have an **_event_** come back. Go read it again, nowhere did OP ask for wings of the sunless to make a return. But you guys are so hung up in your sense of exclusivity about that one skin (which is nothing short of entitlement in the first place, so its highly ironic you are calling us entitled) that you refuse to even entertain the notion of a fun event coming back for everyone to enjoy.


Seriously, you guys are literally calling for an event that people enjoyed to not be brought back because you can't bear the thought of new players hypothetically getting a skin you got years ago. That is the definition of entitlement. Go play another game with that toxic attitude.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > > @Tasida.4085 said:

> > > > Leave some S1 things in S1 seriously. Newcomers have and have had access to almost every S1 item. Leave the sunless wings alone. They got shatterer wings without having to do the achievement, surely that's enough. At least we can content ourselves with the fact newcomers will never get our ball caps (looks best on charr and asura ijs) ah well.

> > >

> > > "I was here years ago so now new players aren't allowed to experrience fun events because reasons."

> >

> > Thumbs way down. Check your entitlement plz.

> >

> > You are not entitled to wings.


> You people are the only entitled ones here. This was an honest question by OP to have an **_event_** come back. Go read it again, nowhere did OP ask for wings of the sunless to make a return. But you guys are so hung up in your sense of exclusivity about that one skin (which is nothing short of entitlement in the first place, so its highly ironic you are calling us entitled) that you refuse to even entertain the notion of a fun event coming back for everyone to enjoy.


> Seriously, you guys are literally calling for an event that people enjoyed to not be brought back because you can't bear the thought of new players hypothetically getting a skin you got years ago. That is the definition of entitlement. Go play another game with that toxic attitude.


You are silly. This has nothing to do with OPs post or I would have QUOTED OPS POST.


This is about you

And YOUR comment.

You know, the one I replied to.

As quoted above.


I was showing solidarity with Tasida.

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"We want expansion real content not trickle of water from biweekly living world"


"We want shorter dungeons"


"We dont want temporary content"


"We want reliable ways to get item x"



No living world meta events

Dungeons axed. Fractals only

No jubilee, festival, April Fools

Grind, map currency


Wait. Waiiiit.

What do my ears hear?


"Wahhh I want things like s1"

"Wahhh no meta in pof"

"Wahhh no dungeons. Too hard. Need solo "

"Wahhh I miss everything before HoT"



"Muh inventory space"

"I don't like grind :(((("



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Are you all right, @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" ? You seem a little volatile. I can tell that you truly enjoyed the original Living Story model, as did I. However, I enjoy this model as well. There were periods of time during S1 that I couldn't play for different reasons (not long periods of time), but missing some action during a chapter with no ability to go back and finish it up (earn reward) was disappointing.

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I completely do agree here with OriOri I have to say... the way some people behave here on the forums in an entitled way when it comes down to rewards from older game content is more than ridiculous and an absolute point to feel yourself embarassed for those people being the same people with that you play the same game..seriously!!


This is also the reason, why we can't still earn in GW2 anymore such nice thigns, like in Halloween the Memoires...cause whenever the topic is some kind of skin reward, people go nuts here and put out their pitchforks and torches like going on a civil war for "their rights" lol that they may be the only ones in GW2 which are allowed here to have said skins, only because they had the luck/time to be online in GW2 at the right moment at the right place ....

Seriously, people which think this way absolutely have to grow up ...


PS: oh and onto the actual topic, I want to say..personally I'd love to see Boss Weeks returnign as some kind of little filler content, especially if they use them onto either some of the older bosses to revamp them, like they did it with Tequal with the introduction of new boss specific achievements, improved rewards ect.


Next Boss, which should receive finalyl this kind of treatment, should be the Claw of Jorma,g this stupid chore of a bad designed battle is logn overdue for a remake, that makes this battle more epic, more rewarding and in fact simply just more fun. anet did it with Tequatl, they did it with the Shatter - oinly the Claw of Jormag is still missing from the original vanilla game dragon champion bosses to get reworked and to receive better rewards and own achievements with an nice meta achievement for doing all of its smaller battle related achievements.


But also all the other World Bosses should in my opinion receive this treatment, that its basicalyl enough content for quite some Boss Weeks for the future, that Naet could potentially make as small fillers in between Living Story Patches, or Festivals ect and its something, that doesn#t require too much of work to make it happen, to focus slowly onto 1 World Boss after another every few months, to make the encounters more fun and rewarding, bringign this old content up to date for 2017 technological standards!!

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> @crashburntoo.7431 said:

> Are you all right, @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" ? You seem a little volatile. I can tell that you truly enjoyed the original Living Story model, as did I. However, I enjoy this model as well. There were periods of time during S1 that I couldn't play for different reasons (not long periods of time), but missing some action during a chapter with no ability to go back and finish it up (earn reward) was disappointing.


I am rustled. Yes.


I too missed out on many things. Dragon bash, original Halloween... but I would never demand those things from players who were there.


I could explain in a non ramble way if you like.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> I completely do agree here with OriOri I have to say... the way some people behave here on the forums in an entitled way when it comes down to rewards from older game content is more than ridiculous and an absolute point to feel yourself embarassed for those people being the same people with that you play the same game..seriously!!


> This is also the reason, why we can't still earn in GW2 anymore such nice thigns, like in Halloween the Memoires...cause whenever the topic is some kind of skin reward, people go nuts here and put out their pitchforks and torches like going on a civil war for "their rights" lol that they may be the only ones in GW2 which are allowed here to have said skins, only because they had the luck/time to be online in GW2 at the right moment at the right place ....

> Seriously, people which think this way absolutely have to grow up ...



I missed Dragon bash, Halloween, Karka, Molten Alliance


I want ghastly grinning shield: 3k

I want greatsaw: 2k

I want holo wings: unobtainable

I want hobosack: 6k

I want Jetpack: 400g

I want mini karka: ??

I want sclerite weaponset: 2k ish



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I respect the symbolic value of feeling like you were part of something historic for those players MORE THAN I VALUE MY PERSONAL WANTS AND ENTITLEMENT.


That's the difference between you and I.

You just want gimmedats for yourself.

I want to retain the monetary, symbolic, and emotional value for those who came before you.


And I am willing to give up any of these items to do that.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > @Tasida.4085 said:

> > > Leave some S1 things in S1 seriously. Newcomers have and have had access to almost every S1 item. Leave the sunless wings alone. They got shatterer wings without having to do the achievement, surely that's enough. At least we can content ourselves with the fact newcomers will never get our ball caps (looks best on charr and asura ijs) ah well.

> >

> > "I was here years ago so now new players aren't allowed to experrience fun events because reasons."


> Thumbs way down. Check your entitlement plz.


> You are not entitled to wings.


Remember the good old days when we didn't have to give a second thought to whether our community was the friendliest in MMOs?

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