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Sword Auto and Identity


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Hey all.

It shouldn't be super out of left field to say that the sword is the Revenant's rapid attacking power weapon of choice: Its 2nd skill sends out 3 fast attacks, its 3rd skill does 5 quick strikes, and its 4th skill does 6 hits! Changing the sword's auto chain animation has been brought up before, so why not alter it to properly reflect the quicker-slasher-upper identity that the sword has?


My idea for this is to give the 1st and 2nd steps of the auto chain 2 hits each and keep the 3rd as a hit with delayed rift. I don't really want to tamper with the weapon's stats itself, so ideally each auto chain step's overall damage/cast-time/effects would remain the same.


I know this isn't really a priority of the team, and changing animations is no easy task, but it doesn't hurt to dream haha

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Maybe not change the entire animation but the cast time to make it faster. or give the sword the animation of the ranger 2.sword auto (the quick stab). they wouldnt need to do entire new sword animations, but kinda mix other sword animations together. they could but as you said it would be difficult and would take much time.

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Is the animation tied to the weapon or the weapon AND the race of the rev?


The reason I ask is that I really like the sword animation on my Charr Rev, but I also use beefy looking sword models (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Hero%27s_Sword) because it fits my vision of this bulky cat running around hitting stuff. If I had instead wanted to build an agile dual wielding blademaster type character, I wouldn't have gone with a Charr.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Is the animation tied to the weapon or the weapon AND the race of the rev?


Yes, to a greater or lesser extent. Obviously Asura wield weapons very differently, even if the other visual effects are identical. Some are very slight differences, though.



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