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Tempest Overloads and Stability


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Why do we have to choose between of of the most important trait for an Auramancer (Vigor and Regen when gaining an aura) and being able to successfully complete an overload? It's basically guaranteed you will be interrupted if you don't have stability, even in most PvE fights almost every enemy at least in new zones is scripted to stun, knockback etc as soon as you engage them. Five seconds of cast time is just asking to be interupted.


So these two traits contradict each other. Would you rather:

a) Gain useful boons on Aura (overload completion) BUT almost never be able to complete an overload


b) Be able to Overload most of the time, but never gain useful boons when completed.


This dichotomy is really annoying and is the main thing stopping me playing tempest. I would like to see Overloads gain one stack of stability by default in a future patch, and maybe buff the other trait to 20% overload damage to compensate.

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Well in group content you probably have someone spamming some stab, vigor or regen to you so problem solved.

If you are thinking solo play I get that you can either have an unstoppable overload and be positive to kill your adversary or risk to abort the burst but have a safe landing with vigor and regen on aura (with ability). Seems solid to me.

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> @"eaman.7562" said:

> Well in group content you probably have someone spamming some stab, vigor or regen to you so problem solved.

> If you are thinking solo play I get that you can either have an unstoppable overload and be positive to kill your adversary or risk to abort the burst but have a safe landing with vigor and regen on aura (with ability). Seems solid to me.


In pvp 1 stack of stabil is usless. In a group fight u have at least a mesmer well pulsing aoe, or ranger cc or warrior cc, or gaurdian cc, or necro cc theres so much cc that 1 stack gets ignored just making the trait rather useless and lackluster. But it if gave more stack like 5 it propbavly still wont be effecfive b.c of all the boon rip. But at least u wouldnt be stoped by a mear sneeze.

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I disagree.

The dichotomy isn't present in PvE really. For regular content Harmonious Conduit is better since sustain comes from ending things quickly for out of combat healing.

For Fractals/Raids you should already know the boss mechanics well enough to know when you can and can't Overload.

Earth Overload also comes with a built-in 3 stacks of stability.


Designwise it's a good thing as you have to make a meaningful choice between traits. All professions have restrictions like this to keep their potency in check e.g. sPvP Soulbeast having to choose between longer quickness uptime through Fresh Reinforcement or counter projectile hate to deal any damage at all taking Unstoppable Bond, raid Mesmers have to devote a whole traitline purely to get the 10-man SoI with all the other traits in Inspiration being mostly irrelevant.


The problem is that even with maximally invested Auras, you can't spam them often enough to save your or anyone's life in competitive formats.

Overloads aren't strong enough anymore either with what tools other professions have now. Once upon a time in sPvP, getting off an overload meant you won the capture point. Now it just means some Scourge is going to Trail of Anguish/Ghastly Breach/Shade spam all over your face or some Spellbreaker's going to murder you regardless of what you try to do as Tempest. And if you cannot function well neither at the main team nor at side node? What's your purpose then?

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> That's the thing about ele. Choices, decisions, sacrifices. Even our GM traits are useless by themselves.


After they added in aura clears on fire line its made vigor / reg on auras pointless unless your going for that super clear. There realty no longer a chose just the best effect chooses on tempest line.


Tempest is in real bad shape as an support class.

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