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Core Thief Burst thief in sPvP and WvW?


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Hello, I'm a returning player and in metabattle I only see core S/d builds. I'm currently in pvp and I want to know If it's viable to do a burst damage with d/p or d/d with a core thief (I only have the standard edition).


Also what gear I get?, I was thinking a full berserker armor+ full Valkirie trinkets (almost 16k hp) for WvW


Thanks you!

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Hi, thanks for the response.


I'm playing S/D core in sPvP and is very good, but last time I played pvp was at 2013 and there isnt any elite spec. I build a long time ago a d/p with lot of crit and stealth, It was very fun (a glass cannon so is only good in short combat), and I missed it it's like high risk high reward. I like d/d for cloak and dagger, but as a glass cannon I dont want to announce I'm going to go to my enemy jaja, so d/p to do a combo stealth and backstabing/ shadow shot (as gap closer only because I lost the stealth bonus). I made this quick build (dont know its viability since I'm lost right now: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAoaVlsMhSnYjTwwJw/EHwE1OQXuUQnABQGw7hYYGA-jFCBABA8AASRfDOq/og5PBcuHIp8DXlgFt/AA-w


I heard in lot os places that d/p DD is the new standard in thief, why so? I'm reading the specialization and I dont understand why is superior to a core d/p.

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> @"Scenic.6408" said:

> I heard in lot os places that d/p DD is the new standard in thief, why so? I'm reading the specialization and I dont understand why is superior to a core d/p.


It's not really standard since people will play what they want to play. I am a big advocate on other builds then the meta. The Meta is there for people that needs a place to start to know what is effective for a specific role. D/P has good mobility and pressure because of the shadow shot and head shot. Then once they are out of dodge and on cool down; you start to steal and take them out. Also, they have combo to go invisible anywhere at anytime - HS+BP. However, you have to watch the spacing and watch your target and other enemies near you since they can take you out easy ESPECIALLY during wvw Zerg battles. It's a well rounded build since you are not putting all your eggs one basket but has high potential burst. That's what I experience since I am currently running D/P DD as of right now in WVW.

- Watch Noody(Really skilled D/P DD thief) I learn so much from him!


I like using D/D core - since I used to do air/fire sigils with marauder gear and berserk rings/amulet with DA/TR/AC. It's a similar build to S/D meta build but with some similar to the D/P meta build too to get that burst. My only issue I had with it was chasing people which I love doing that and I was too slow compared to D/P and S/D since I had only steal,shadow step and Infiltrator's Signet which has CDs compared to their Infiltrator's Strike and Shadow Shot. X_x


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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> Due to mobility on dodge(the long swift). U can kite rly good and spike in good moments. Good d/p daredevil can prolly never die i think


They nerfed UC to oblivion and reduced Daredevil's endurence refunding - UC applies exhaustion regardless of whether or not you cleanse a condition. Acrobatics is generally the stronger traitline unless you invest big into endurance refunding effects.


As for the OP - most specs from PoF are too tanky for core thief to burst well. At 4k power or more and 261 crit damage in WvW it's not uncommon for me to only backstab for 4-8k on most professions due to the sheer amount of damage reduction they have and how oppressive durable stats + offensive traits are now with increased skill coefficients and reduced cooldowns on post-expansion content. That is, if you can also peel through all the invulns and negation before dying. Especially since DA/CS/Tr is just way too bad on defenses.


If you want reliable burst damage, you play D/P Deadeye. That's about it.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > Due to mobility on dodge(the long swift). U can kite rly good and spike in good moments. Good d/p daredevil can prolly never die i think


> They nerfed UC to oblivion and reduced Daredevil's endurence refunding - UC applies exhaustion regardless of whether or not you cleanse a condition.


Wait what? No it doesn't apply Exhaustion when you do not remove some inhibiting conditions.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> They nerfed UC to oblivion and reduced Daredevil's endurence refunding - UC applies exhaustion regardless of whether or not you cleanse a condition.

Not true, though it may as well since it's criteria is any one of 3 very common conditions. Especially Cripple, which every profession has access to on multiple skills *and* utilities *and* traits on relatively low cooldowns...

> If you want reliable burst damage, you play D/P Deadeye. That's about it.

D/P Daredevil CS/Trick/DrD has a similar opening burst, and can followup a stomp better with quickness/IS. It's just not as safe *as often.* You can secure a kill easier than D/P Deadeye, but doing so in a group of enemies *and* living to do it again requires waiting out the full cooldown of shadowstep.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Scenic.6408" said:

> Hello, I'm a returning player and in metabattle I only see core S/d builds. I'm currently in pvp and I want to know If it's viable to do a burst damage with d/p or d/d with a core thief (I only have the standard edition).


> Also what gear I get?, I was thinking a full berserker armor+ full Valkirie trinkets (almost 16k hp) for WvW


> Thanks you!


I pretty much only play d/d you can run burst builds on all the specs.


Here is one of my core builds



This is a fun daredevil build



And this a a cool deadeye build that doesn't totally rely on stealth.



You can easily swap roll for initiative for assasins signet, but I like having an extra oh shit button, and I also consistently get 10k backstabs on the core and daredevil builds and 12-18k on the deadeye without assasins signet.


For wvw I run marauder armor and zerk/valk trinkets, and valk weapons.

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