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Diving into Weaver (Sw/D) and curious what peoples rotations are for PvE


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I'm using Resto, Earth and Fire signet atm along with Glyph of Lesser/Regular Ele. Still unlocking Weaver stuff but I'm just curious how people are rotating elements and what they're generally sticking with? Elementalist is a class that always intimidated me (had no problems on Engi tho) since I tend to camp whatever element I was in and wasn't great at switching to reflect a fight. Fire for groups and air for single target. I would usually skip right over earth (unless it was a group fight against something that required more cc) and only really switch to water (usually too late) to try to recover if I was taking a beating.


Add in dual attunement and I can't say I've had great results. That said, Weaver is IMO the coolest idea for a new elite spec and I would really like to try to learn to use it, at least for PvE to start with

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Honestly I have no gear aside from the exotics given when boosted (I still had my HoT boost and used it on Ele since it was one of the few I never finished leveling) and have no idea what to do for traits. I suck at builds and given that basically there's weaver, arcane and elements, I'm having trouble even deciding since I can't even decide what primary element I'll stick with most of the time.

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If memory serves, the Level 80 boost gives Soldier's gear. Good to learn with, sure. The trait lines can usually be ran without their associated element. For example, power builds prefer running the Air line for it's damage modifiers.


How do you prefer to play, or what is your goal for now? DPS (Power or Conditions), support, or control?



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Simply put? Kill stuff without dying. I've been enjoying that Weaver is actually one of the tougher characters I've played due to Fire/Earth and Water/Water (ESPECIALLY this). I'm generally more a fan of conditions due to the fact that it's more of a "drop it and watch it" kinda playstyle, at least allowing for more room to dodge and reposition etc without as much of a dps drop. Also, I just love watching things melt from a crap ton of afflictions. In a non-evil kind of way. Mostly.


Also, my friend wants to roll a new Asura with me and an Asura staff weaver seems fitting, and I generally like to have only 1 build per character (also, the Caladbolg sword/dagger combo is too good to drop on my Sylvari even if I wanted to switch to Staff). So if I go condition or power now, I'll probably go with the other on the Staff Weaver.


Long story short I suppose, either Condition or Power, whichever one goes better with Sw/D and use the other for Staff. Or if one is really suited to staff, I'll go with the other for Sw/D.

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Sword/x on Weaver actually looks to do better with conditions or hybrid damage, and Staff Weaver is very, very good at power damage.


I'm looking at a second build that uses Seraph's gear, mixing Fire/Earth for conditions and might stacking. Sword also gives you a water field with Water #2, which you can blast for AoE healing.


The Fire, Earth, and Arcane trait lines are good for conditions, specifically burning and bleeding. Earth and Arcane can also provide good survivability, in my opinion.

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I play a hybrid condi celestial earth/fire/weaver build with sword/dagger, and most of the time in combat i'm switching between earth and fire, for the fields and blast finishers. And with the weapon setup its nice since fire 2 is firefield and earth 4+5 are blast finishers, while earth 2 is a blast finisher and fire 4 is a fire field, so no matter what earth/fire combo you got, you got a field and a finisher (for the fury and stuff).


I switch to water almost only for heals or the evade on water 2, and use air almost exclusively for the CC on 2 and 5, and of course ride the lightning. On mobs that survive longer I also use full air attunement sometimes for the nice burst from air/air 3.


Sword has really low cooldowns (for ele) on the 2s (and water and earth evade nicely) which is great, so they're almost always ready again when you come back to an element.

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Even tho i prefer staff for mostly everything, the time i spent with sword was either Fire/Air/Weav or Fire/Arcane/Weav , and i just cycled thru the elements, while maintaining fire up.


Something like Fire/Fire>Earth/Fire>Fire/Earth>Air/Fire, rinse and repeat. Ofcouse it depends on what you need, like barrier from earth fire, or heal stuff from water, but generally i try to maintain fire on my bar while cycling earth and air

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> @"Aether McLoud.1975" said:

> I play a hybrid condi celestial earth/fire/weaver build with sword/dagger, and most of the time in combat i'm switching between earth and fire, for the fields and blast finishers. And with the weapon setup its nice since fire 2 is firefield and earth 4+5 are blast finishers, while earth 2 is a blast finisher and fire 4 is a fire field, so no matter what earth/fire combo you got, you got a field and a finisher (for the fury and stuff).


> I switch to water almost only for heals or the evade on water 2, and use air almost exclusively for the CC on 2 and 5, and of course ride the lightning. On mobs that survive longer I also use full air attunement sometimes for the nice burst from air/air 3.


> Sword has really low cooldowns (for ele) on the 2s (and water and earth evade nicely) which is great, so they're almost always ready again when you come back to an element.



^ this, 100% on the dot.

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S/D with Celestial and Water/Arcane/Weaver. Using condi crystal and power food. Build is this: [gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYncMAF5it4C+MA0RgFTAjIBEAaA3n508cuYKWADBA-jBCBABCu/A/aBcUJIAnAAzU+pvOASV/JgHAApAyTnG-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYncMAF5it4C+MA0RgFTAjIBEAaA3n508cuYKWADBA-jBCBABCu/A/aBcUJIAnAAzU+pvOASV/JgHAApAyTnG-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYncMAF5it4C+MA0RgFTAjIBEAaA3n508cuYKWADBA-jBCBABCu/A/aBcUJIAnAAzU+pvOASV/JgHAApAyTnG-e")


Main rotation is earth - fire - repeat on attune cooldown. Using Primoridal Stance to apply heavy conditions. Make sure to get 3 full swings on sword 1 before switching.

Switch to water as required for condi-cleanse and soothing mist. Switching to water removes 2 conditions. Dodging in water removes a condition + maybe burn/chill.


Some combos I like a lot:


Fire + Earth: Sword 2 + Dagger 4 + Dagger 5 (might from fire field blast x2)

Earth + Fire: Dagger 4 + Earth 2 (might from fire field blast) + Dagger 5

Water + Earth: Sword 2 + Dagger 4 + Dagger 5 (heal from water field blast x2)

Water Sword 2 + Air Sword 2 (heal from water field leap -- have to be fast for this to work)

Water Sword 2+ Earth Sword 2 (heal from water field blast -- have to be fast for this to work)


The Arcane line gives frequent boons, including protection 50% up-time with the Fire + Earth main rotation.



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