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healing power scourge


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Been theroy crafting a bit and decided that when i'm going "healing" scourge that will be going with Harriers stats, dagger/focus and staff.


simply put, when going healing i'll be going top line for scourge for more targets and less micro, barrier and might gen. Barrier gets buffed by healing power, so healing power gear, same thing for passive might gen (barrier application) concentration is important. Dagger has the best (imo) life force generation and it's mostly a power weaon, so power for damage stat.


I was thinking of going seraphs and still being able to run bip and generate might and do dmg and heal but it's healing power is lower than i would like and honestly, seraphs is like a hybrid healer/condi.


So full harriers with runes of altruism is what i'll be trying to get a full set of.

Here is the build i was thinking



skills 8 and 9 are situational, and traits can be optional.

Soul marks for LF gen with staff

Vampiric rituals if you need protection rather than healing, same thing for vampiric presence.


I'm excited to get a full set and try it out in a fractal or raid sometime.



EDIT : anyone know where to get harriers lol

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Transfusion is your main source of healing, I think shamans gear is actually better for spamming all shroud abilities on cooldown and still doing some damage with a blood/soul/scourge build. The healing power scaling is bad so having more "ammo" is more valuable.

Tested this out on cairn in a meme builds run with one of my guilds and it sort of almost worked but was held back by people with agony being too far away, the group being too spread out in later stages of the fight, and porting downed players with agony under the group.

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> @Tobias.8632 said:

> Transfusion is your main source of healing, I think shamans gear is actually better for spamming all shroud abilities on cooldown and still doing some damage with a blood/soul/scourge build. The healing power scaling is bad so having more "ammo" is more valuable.

> Tested this out on cairn in a meme builds run with one of my guilds and it sort of almost worked but was held back by people with agony being too far away, the group being too spread out in later stages of the fight, and porting downed players with agony under the group.


FYI, apparently Barrier also gets cut by Agony like healing. It probably shouldn't, but it does.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @Tobias.8632 said:

> > Transfusion is your main source of healing, I think shamans gear is actually better for spamming all shroud abilities on cooldown and still doing some damage with a blood/soul/scourge build. The healing power scaling is bad so having more "ammo" is more valuable.

> > Tested this out on cairn in a meme builds run with one of my guilds and it sort of almost worked but was held back by people with agony being too far away, the group being too spread out in later stages of the fight, and porting downed players with agony under the group.


> FYI, apparently Barrier also gets cut by Agony like healing. It probably shouldn't, but it does.


cut as in agony goes through barrier?

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> @Lexan.5930 said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > @Tobias.8632 said:

> > > Transfusion is your main source of healing, I think shamans gear is actually better for spamming all shroud abilities on cooldown and still doing some damage with a blood/soul/scourge build. The healing power scaling is bad so having more "ammo" is more valuable.

> > > Tested this out on cairn in a meme builds run with one of my guilds and it sort of almost worked but was held back by people with agony being too far away, the group being too spread out in later stages of the fight, and porting downed players with agony under the group.

> >

> > FYI, apparently Barrier also gets cut by Agony like healing. It probably shouldn't, but it does.


> cut as in agony goes through barrier?


As in if you are inflicted with agony, it reduces the amount of Barrier you get by 70%.

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> @Tobias.8632 said:

> > @Nyel.1843 said:

> > How is Transfusion even working with Scourge F4?


> You press f4 and then you get 9 aoe healing pulses, one every second. if your character is in range of a downed player, they get ported to your character's location same as always.


Ah so it's not tied to the effect of Scourge F4. Thank you.

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> @Nyel.1843 said:

> > @Tobias.8632 said:

> > > @Nyel.1843 said:

> > > How is Transfusion even working with Scourge F4?

> >

> > You press f4 and then you get 9 aoe healing pulses, one every second. if your character is in range of a downed player, they get ported to your character's location same as always.


> Ah so it's not tied to the effect of Scourge F4. Thank you.


you dont need to fear an enemy to get the effect. You just hit f4 and the fear goes off on activate, but the healing pulses out for the 9 seconds

Have to do more testing but i believe the center of the effect is your character not your shade, so the shade helps with damage and barrier application but the heal itself only comes from you

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> @Lexan.5930 said:

> > @Nyel.1843 said:

> > > @Tobias.8632 said:

> > > > @Nyel.1843 said:

> > > > How is Transfusion even working with Scourge F4?

> > >

> > > You press f4 and then you get 9 aoe healing pulses, one every second. if your character is in range of a downed player, they get ported to your character's location same as always.

> >

> > Ah so it's not tied to the effect of Scourge F4. Thank you.


> you dont need to fear an enemy to get the effect. You just hit f4 and the fear goes off on activate, but the healing pulses out for the 9 seconds

> Have to do more testing but i believe the center of the effect is your character not your shade, so the shade helps with damage and barrier application but the heal itself only comes from you


Transfusion pulses only from you out to 600 range. It does, however, always hit 5 targets, regardless of if you have Sand Savant traited.

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I'd say shamans or at least some condi build would allow for more personal damage while still achieving the same goal. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRBLfhG2JRvQVvYbNgZvAbvYpbw07pF1k60DYjFAo6AjgDFA-jByGQBCZ/BydSAIk6PnT/AAOCAXUJIueAAKU5HA-e


This for example. With a huge hp pool it should be easy to sustain LF while staying on scepter torch.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> Marshal gear would make far more sense. You can't really put the concentration on Harrier to use, and Marshal's will give you way better damage while still having a major in healing power.


The Concentration is great for Boon Uptime with the Might Generation from Barrier application, as well as the conversions from Nefarious Favor. Also works wonders if you decide to run Feed From Corruption. I wouldn't push more than ~50% Boon Duration personally, but it's pretty sweet to have.


Transfusion comes strictly from you the player when you use Garish Pillar, and it always has the effect whether the Fear hits anything or not. Every single pulse will potentially pull in downs as well, so if someone goes down or comes within range after you pop Garish Pillar, then they will be ported to your feet on the next pulse.

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This is my theorycrafted take after having done some testing in other sets: (Wanting to properly test this build, but unsure about how to get harriers stuff without leggie armour)



Harriers everything/altruism runes, concentration food+util (to min max, could possibly manage to replace 1 armour peice with something else, as boon duration is over 100%)


**Things to note:**


Serpent Syphon is replacable depending on situation (barrier+might from barrier per second is a little boost, but the least contributing)

Ghastly breach could potentially be replaced with flesh golem for more CC



Weapon swap to do a quick heal

F4 for longer heals (such as gorse slow CC)

F5 for delayed big heal when expected (such as above along with F4)





Heal skill

Serpent syphon


_Might stacking_ (theoretically, around 30 stacks of might per second per person sheet average (i.e. all stacked on top of each other))

Heal skill from altruism runes + barrier might application

Torch 5 is your biggest might producer. I can reliably stack 12 might with this skill alone

BiP is your second largest might producer, so alternate this with when your torch 5 is half way through CD

Dessicate - cast when it comes off CD each time

Ghastly breach - similar to BiP, due to longer BiP CD compared to Torch 5 - i recommend plugging this in every 3rd torch cast i.e. torch 5, ghastly, torch 5, BiP at 50%, Torch 5, BiP off CD, torch 5, Ghastly (or there abouts)

Barriers give might too (best to worst might production):



Heal skill (already mentioned)

Serpent Syphon



Feel free to give feedback:)

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> @Steelpusher.1684 said:

> This is my theorycrafted take after having done some testing in other sets: (Wanting to properly test this build, but unsure about how to get harriers stuff without leggie armour)

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRAof4fnE9CV3gV9Cm9Cs9iluBTvnOUTqUdgRQha6BsxCAA-jxxGQBA4JAsUlfpZ/hbqfIoq/AVlg56kAQKAAXAA-e


> Harriers everything/altruism runes, concentration food+util (to min max, could possibly manage to replace 1 armour peice with something else, as boon duration is over 100%)


> **Things to note:**

> _Adaptability:_

> Serpent Syphon is replacable depending on situation (barrier+might from barrier per second is a little boost, but the least contributing)

> Ghastly breach could potentially be replaced with flesh golem for more CC


> _Heals_

> Weapon swap to do a quick heal

> F4 for longer heals (such as gorse slow CC)

> F5 for delayed big heal when expected (such as above along with F4)


> _Barriers_

> F1

> F3

> Heal skill

> Serpent syphon


> _Might stacking_ (theoretically, around 30 stacks of might per second per person sheet average (i.e. all stacked on top of each other))

> Heal skill from altruism runes + barrier might application

> Torch 5 is your biggest might producer. I can reliably stack 12 might with this skill alone

> BiP is your second largest might producer, so alternate this with when your torch 5 is half way through CD

> Dessicate - cast when it comes off CD each time

> Ghastly breach - similar to BiP, due to longer BiP CD compared to Torch 5 - i recommend plugging this in every 3rd torch cast i.e. torch 5, ghastly, torch 5, BiP at 50%, Torch 5, BiP off CD, torch 5, Ghastly (or there abouts)

> Barriers give might too (best to worst might production):

> F3

> F1

> Heal skill (already mentioned)

> Serpent Syphon



> Feel free to give feedback:)


seems almost a waste to take torch and not be running condi stats but i see your point for just pure might generation. I'm interested what the might generation is from your tables if you take out torch and just have barrier from shroud, desiccate, and heal skill, with shroud skill CD reduction. If with the concentration at 100% it reaches around 20 might per second sustainable, then with altruism and fury, thats close to replacing the might gen from a PS warrior.


thanks for the the calculations, and for agreeing with me on gear and rune choices :)


you can get harriers gear from pvp vendors, already picked up trinkets and waiting to get armor once i get some grandmaster marks




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Update on the build - I have managed to get most of the gear together (missing amulet, one ring and one accessory right now - i.e. a LOT of stats), and It works a treat in open world. Tested it in dungeon group last night as might gen+support (including non-stacking/non-meta approaches to fights to REALLY test the support factor), and it was really good. The might gen ramping can be significantly faster than on PS warrs, allowing encounters to be over even quicker (20+ stacks of might in time frame of a warrior being able to get into berserker mode after headbutt). The shield gen is good, with 50% uptime on group (when not being removed from hits), and then the heals help to recover lost health quite nicely. Due to try the build in raid situation later as secondary healer+PS replacement. I will update you about how that goes too:)

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> @Steelpusher.1684 said:

> Update on the build - I have managed to get most of the gear together (missing amulet, one ring and one accessory right now - i.e. a LOT of stats), and It works a treat in open world. Tested it in dungeon group last night as might gen+support (including non-stacking/non-meta approaches to fights to REALLY test the support factor), and it was really good. The might gen ramping can be significantly faster than on PS warrs, allowing encounters to be over even quicker (20+ stacks of might in time frame of a warrior being able to get into berserker mode after headbutt). The shield gen is good, with 50% uptime on group (when not being removed from hits), and then the heals help to recover lost health quite nicely. Due to try the build in raid situation later as secondary healer+PS replacement. I will update you about how that goes too:)


ohhhhh thats exciting. I'm working on my set. If your missing some trinkets i sugest pvp vendor if you have the tokens, they are pretty inexpensive and you can choose harrier. I need 1 more ring to have all my trinkets, and i'm 2/6 ascended armor pieces. Trying to find the weapons is gonna be harder, dont know if theres a harrier weapons inscription recipe out yet.

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I dont have pvp tokens...wvw is my only other gamemode, and havent found anything in terms of selectable ascended stuff from them. Just gonna wait on the magnetite shards to slowly build up these last few peices.


As for raiding, the might outstrips ps warrior. Gave one quick yolo attempt as solo might giver, and it pumped out almost as much might as 2 PS warr players, and that is despite a massive rotation screw up x). This is potentially bigbig news, as this allows the possibility of a full heal, heal scourge, 2 chrono and 6 dps setup:D

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I'm very tempted to play as PVE support scourge but how useful are they shield?are they just decoration? Or do they make any notable different in you team?


I the disc priest from wow is my main and after seeing the necro with Shields and support I feel very tempted to play with but I am not sure how useful is it in PVE (group)

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With the harriers gear, my heal alone gives theives and guardians max shielding... that is 50% extra effective health for a short time. In dungeons, the shield does make a difference. Raids, the shields made the main healers job easier. As for things like solo support for high fractals, I doubt it can work unless you have a team that is good enough to not need much heals.

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