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I'm getting 60 FPS

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This game could use some optimization to be sure, but in the meantime, try getting some fast single core processors. My Devil's Canyon runs at 5 GHz since it's perm overclocked and I find myself usually at 144 fps (144 hz monitor) on max settings. I don't do wvw and in a major pve event like when people were spamming anom for beetle mount my fps drops to like 30 but with that many people I personally find that to be somewhat reasonable.


Edit: I should mention I'm only gaming on 1080p. Trying for 4k gaming on this game would be extremely expensive and I suggest instead exploring if you appreciate 144 fps gaming on a modest sized monitor because it's a lot more reasonable and cheaper. In general, 4k gaming on single core games is not practical because of technological mismatches.

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> @"Gregious.8903" said:

> This game could use some optimization to be sure, but in the meantime, try getting some fast single core processors. My Devil's Canyon runs at 5 GHz since it's perm overclocked and I find myself usually at 144 fps (144 hz monitor) on max settings. I don't do wvw and in a major pve event like when people were spamming anom for beetle mount my fps drops to like 30 but with that many people I personally find that to be somewhat reasonable.


> Edit: I should mention I'm only gaming on 1080p. Trying for 4k gaming on this game would be extremely expensive and I suggest instead exploring if you appreciate 144 fps gaming on a modest sized monitor because it's a lot more reasonable and cheaper. In general, 4k gaming on single core games is not practical because of technological mismatches.


I run it on 4k res with settings on high, highest and ultra. I have an i7-7700K (oc'd at 4.6GHz), a GTX1070 Ti and 16GB RAM (DDR4). And SSD of course. I get about 100 FPS and also worst case scenario I bottom out at 30+ FPS as well when it gets really demanding. Though I can tell that flashy effects are what's most demanding in that.


So it's not the cheapest PC but also not top of the line and I can run 4k just fine. So not sure what you mean with extremely expensive and technological mismatches.

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An old game like this probably has lots of players using old computers too. I'm happy enough running it on my 6 year old i5 3570k, and just using the onboard graphics since my card died. I doubt Anet want to throw away customers like me because you didn't realise you should check what would work best.

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Get used to it bud, that's how MMORPG's do. I got a i7 6700k, 16gb ram and MSI GeForce 1070 Gaming X, and I hardly get 60fps anywhere, probably on empty maps or hidden, desolate corners of Lion's Arch and that's it. Zergs and events my FPS drops to 35-45.


MMORPG's are way different than other games, in the sense that even though they might not have the best graphics/effects, the do have a ton of stuff happening at the same time on your screen, which make your setup work heavily. While you might be getting above 60FPS on games like Overwatch for exmaple, on GW2 you have like 50 people throwing 50 spells every second, plus mobs doing their own thin plus the boss throwing massive AoE spells (Looking at you, frozen maw event) that's gonna dip the FPS on even the most advanced rigs.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> The game has gotten slower to load because of changes that they have made. It used to take me about 5 secs to load a map and now 2-3 times that; even with a new more powerful PC.


> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Long-map-load-times-after-patch/page/2#post5142084


I find loading for me is dependent on these factors:

* Number of people with shiny fashion.

* Number of environmental effects and special mechanics.

* Size of map.


Labyrinth loads very quickly for me this year, while Mistlock Sanctuary takes nearly 30 seconds (and 60 seconds the first time). LA takes longer, while Rata is quicker.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > when i can run MMO's and single player games that need about 3X more power but run it smoothly on max yet GW2 lags all the time you'll know it's GW2, not the PC.

> >

> > When you say MMOs it depends on which ones and when you say single player games then no. A single player game cannot be compared to an MMO with a persistent world because having players around you requires a lot and that clearly doesn't happen in single player games for very obvious reasons. That's comparing apples with pears in other words.


> play skyrim with 4K texture mods, high performance ENB and spawn about 50 NPC's, i can easily run that even with all the spell effects and sounds and whats not.

> that's equal to playing GW2, running it 2X and playing a heavy meta event.

> skyrim runs smoothly, GW2 runs like sandpaper.


Nope, your machine, because I can do that in GW2 and have it run smoothly.

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> @"Ronnie Hu.1694" said:

> i just bought a ryzen 5 2600 today. i cant reach 60 fps. most of the time. ???


Ryzens are Streamer CPUs, Gamer CPUs need faster core speed, like 5GHz+

most games cannot use more than 4 cores


second, you are not playing First Person Shooter where you need micro second response time; your television probably only runs ar 24-30fps

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i7-8700/gtx 1070/1 tera ssd/16 gig ram


big fights is where i see big performance drops so i have to turn char limits to lowest for what...35-45 fps? my old 4 core rig had half that so I guess it's a gain. i just hope the next game can display large amounts of players without tanking fps.

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I am not saying the game is optimized, not even one bit.

But my i7 8700K @4.7 Ghz with GTX 1080ti can give me a decent experience with any amount of on screen craziness . And that is all settings maxed out.

In my experience, even people who think they know computers have plenty of stuff running in the background making the whole gaming experience sub-par.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > when i can run MMO's and single player games that need about 3X more power but run it smoothly on max yet GW2 lags all the time you'll know it's GW2, not the PC.

> > >

> > > When you say MMOs it depends on which ones and when you say single player games then no. A single player game cannot be compared to an MMO with a persistent world because having players around you requires a lot and that clearly doesn't happen in single player games for very obvious reasons. That's comparing apples with pears in other words.

> >

> > play skyrim with 4K texture mods, high performance ENB and spawn about 50 NPC's, i can easily run that even with all the spell effects and sounds and whats not.

> > that's equal to playing GW2, running it 2X and playing a heavy meta event.

> > skyrim runs smoothly, GW2 runs like sandpaper.


> Npc's aren't the same as player characters and you seem to forget that aside from heavy events having way more than 50 players from my experience, there are also tons of npc's there at the same time. So regardless, your comparison falls completely flat as far as I'm concerned.


> I run GW2 in 4k res with high settings and it runs fine for me. Heavy meta's do drop the FPS as there are many players but it still runs smooth so I have no "sandpaper" issues. Do mind that in quieter areas I easily get over 100 FPS, so I can take a drop when there's lots of players around. In such heavy events I can totally play my character normally. No choppiness etc.


> What can I say... I just don't have the experience that you do. So how would you explain that?


you have a much more powerful CPU then i do, that's the problem here.

also, you seem to forget the massive amount of random effects NPC's will do beyond anyone's control, even in GW2 the effects are mild compared to what NPC's do in skyrim.

also, you seem to forget that having 4K res and having 4K res textures are two completely different things, the size of every single texture in my skyrim is far beyond what GW2 offers, they hardly have 1K textures at most.

so every time i walk in GW2 the draw distance is peanuts for my PC despite my lower end CPU, in skyrim it needs allot more power to draw all the textures out yet still plays without any problems at all.


so again, GW2 is unstable and they know this.

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I have a Ryzen 5 1600 at 3.4GHz, 24 gb of RAM and an RX480 8gb. I have most settings to high, model limit to low. FPS around 40 to 60 at all times, including Istan. I cap them at 30 for WvW to not experience disgusting frame jumps whenever the blobs collide, besides that I unfortunately suffer from a GPU that coil whines and high FPS make playing without a headset somewhat annoying.


It's all very playable, as long as its stable. That's the only thing that matters. Anything else is luxury.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > > when i can run MMO's and single player games that need about 3X more power but run it smoothly on max yet GW2 lags all the time you'll know it's GW2, not the PC.

> > > >

> > > > When you say MMOs it depends on which ones and when you say single player games then no. A single player game cannot be compared to an MMO with a persistent world because having players around you requires a lot and that clearly doesn't happen in single player games for very obvious reasons. That's comparing apples with pears in other words.

> > >

> > > play skyrim with 4K texture mods, high performance ENB and spawn about 50 NPC's, i can easily run that even with all the spell effects and sounds and whats not.

> > > that's equal to playing GW2, running it 2X and playing a heavy meta event.

> > > skyrim runs smoothly, GW2 runs like sandpaper.

> >

> > Npc's aren't the same as player characters and you seem to forget that aside from heavy events having way more than 50 players from my experience, there are also tons of npc's there at the same time. So regardless, your comparison falls completely flat as far as I'm concerned.

> >

> > I run GW2 in 4k res with high settings and it runs fine for me. Heavy meta's do drop the FPS as there are many players but it still runs smooth so I have no "sandpaper" issues. Do mind that in quieter areas I easily get over 100 FPS, so I can take a drop when there's lots of players around. In such heavy events I can totally play my character normally. No choppiness etc.

> >

> > What can I say... I just don't have the experience that you do. So how would you explain that?


> you have a much more powerful CPU then i do, that's the problem here.

> also, you seem to forget the massive amount of random effects NPC's will do beyond anyone's control, even in GW2 the effects are mild compared to what NPC's do in skyrim.

> also, you seem to forget that having 4K res and having 4K res textures are two completely different things, the size of every single texture in my skyrim is far beyond what GW2 offers, they hardly have 1K textures at most.

> so every time i walk in GW2 the draw distance is peanuts for my PC despite my lower end CPU, in skyrim it needs allot more power to draw all the textures out yet still plays without any problems at all.


> so again, GW2 is unstable and they know this.

I would go as far as to say that any MMO has issues like that because they're MMOs. I mean, you have your view on that comparison and I would never make that comparison because for me it's apples and pears but I do agree that MMOs tend to come with a level of instability that single player games don't have because of the nature of the beast.


It has been noted as well that GW2 came out in a time where they were thinking in single cores with more and more GHz and that didn't quite happen as we know. So in no way am I saying that GW2 is perfect or couldn't be optimized. What I am saying is that for what it is people have, in my view, unrealistic expectations of what this game can or should deliver.


Now, I'm certainly not here to pick a fight or get trenched in, so I'll leave it at that. I do have a pretty good CPU, though not the newest generation, and that works wonders for a game like this. Also have 16GB RAM (DDR4) helps a lot compared to 8GB and I suspect that


I wouldn't be opposed to GW2 toning down on flashy stuff in general because I'm not a fan of that and it does add to the burden. I just think that some comparisons make no sense and that basing expectations on those for GW2 is pointless. The engine is what it is. They aren't going to replace it and I'm sure that they do optimizations that they can. They need to keep doing that but I don't think that you'll ever get with GW2 what you would want it to be. It will require a better CPU (and enough RAM is also helpful like 16GB). And with each expansion more stuff gets added and graphics get upgraded and also the requirements for your PC do go up with that.


The game today is not the game from 2012.


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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > > when i can run MMO's and single player games that need about 3X more power but run it smoothly on max yet GW2 lags all the time you'll know it's GW2, not the PC.

> > > >

> > > > When you say MMOs it depends on which ones and when you say single player games then no. A single player game cannot be compared to an MMO with a persistent world because having players around you requires a lot and that clearly doesn't happen in single player games for very obvious reasons. That's comparing apples with pears in other words.

> > >

> > > play skyrim with 4K texture mods, high performance ENB and spawn about 50 NPC's, i can easily run that even with all the spell effects and sounds and whats not.

> > > that's equal to playing GW2, running it 2X and playing a heavy meta event.

> > > skyrim runs smoothly, GW2 runs like sandpaper.

> >

> > Npc's aren't the same as player characters and you seem to forget that aside from heavy events having way more than 50 players from my experience, there are also tons of npc's there at the same time. So regardless, your comparison falls completely flat as far as I'm concerned.

> >

> > I run GW2 in 4k res with high settings and it runs fine for me. Heavy meta's do drop the FPS as there are many players but it still runs smooth so I have no "sandpaper" issues. Do mind that in quieter areas I easily get over 100 FPS, so I can take a drop when there's lots of players around. In such heavy events I can totally play my character normally. No choppiness etc.

> >

> > What can I say... I just don't have the experience that you do. So how would you explain that?


> you have a much more powerful CPU then i do, that's the problem here.

> also, you seem to forget the massive amount of random effects NPC's will do beyond anyone's control, even in GW2 the effects are mild compared to what NPC's do in skyrim.

> also, you seem to forget that having 4K res and having 4K res textures are two completely different things, the size of every single texture in my skyrim is far beyond what GW2 offers, they hardly have 1K textures at most.

> so every time i walk in GW2 the draw distance is peanuts for my PC despite my lower end CPU, in skyrim it needs allot more power to draw all the textures out yet still plays without any problems at all.


> so again, GW2 is unstable and they know this.


It's not unstable. It's one of the most stable games out there.


The problem is the game is only utilizing one core and that includes the rendering engine. The engine overall is built on DX9 which doesn't have a means of utilizing such hardware when it was released years ago.


Your Skyrim runs at a higher frame rate because the CPU isn't being utilized for other player characters or even monsters, since it's a single-player game (or generally isn't rendering many PC's at once). The engine and AI operating the NPC's in SKyrim know what's going to be rendered and where it's moving before you do, and the game won't render things not visible, with behaviors for NPC's already largely pre-calculated/processing, unlike an MMO, because the need for rendering isn't strictly required from the perspective of the viewport and its fringes, so the data transfer between components happens more seamlessly since predictions can be made. In GW2, your GPU is being utilized for the map, and that's about it, and with so much on one thread, it gets bogged down quite quickly.


This won't be much different for most MMO's in areas with lots of players. It's maybe more noticeable in GW2 mostly just because the maps tend to be more populated than most other games, it's running an old engine, and because thanks to it being a more complex game as far as positioning goes, it passes more data about who's where than other games. Remember, unlike a single-player game, location data and the likes for everything in the game is being processed on another computer - a server - and your PC is just being bombarded constantly with location updates and needs to re-render everything and update positioning/track all those objects constantly.


It's also why when you go somewhere unpopulated without much action, you should have a fairly high frame rate. Going to a downscaled map with few mobs usually gets me well over the 120 fps mark.


The textures, animations, and so on are honestly negligible as far as performance goes, and you chose a CPU with lower per-core performance which makes it perform (slightly) worse than one with higher clock speed. All those cores are meaningless for GW2 and most MMO's as a whole, since they're usually built on older engines which can't utilize the technology since they lack API support for multi-core processing.


GW2 could see some major gains by utilizing a modern graphics engine, sure. But the thing is, that's literally a requirement of rewriting the entire game and a lot of the underlying tools and scripts. ANet actually tried to do this before the game launched by making the game work in DX10, but despite their tech team's brilliance, they just didn't have the expertise or confidence to do it while making a stable game that didn't crash all the time. Multiprocessor programming is really, really hard, and if you think it isn't, I suggest trying to take a course on it (Maurice Herlihy has an excellent book on the subject) and then trying to do it on the scale of a game. Even the simplest programs can become brain-benders when trying to optimize things. Not to mention, most of the major benefits come from DX12, which most older computers capable of running the game currently physically cannot support, which may lose players.


So yeah, ANet knows about it, but I can say with confidence nothing is probably changing for a long while just because of the scope of what would need to change. Odds are, it'll pop up in GW3, if it's even ever made, or maybe several years down the line if ANet is still succeeding with the game and their programmers are bored (doubtful).


You just can't compare an MMO to a single player game as far as performance goes. It sucks, but it's the truth.

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