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Does decay effect your Matchmaking? Ive tested and it appears to be a massive YES


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Over 3 accounts and 9 separate times this season I have been able to consistently gather that despite what ANET has previously said decay DOES effect your matchmaking.


After letting these accounts decay the average rank(in a given game) has GREALY decreased whenever decay is applied. At one point I let myself decay to like 900 rating and only saw bronze to low silver players despite the account in question being ranked at just under 1400.


On another occasion a low plat account(the one im on now), saw only on average silver players after decay had applied.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Decay does not affect matchmaking.

> Source: Have looked at the code with a programmer.


Really? A season ago when i was in gold 2 i was playing and got a user that went by the name branndon at the time he was a top10 ele that streamed in twitch id watch him alot. One time he got placed in my game and i was freaking out as to why am i playing a top10 when im only a gold 2. I started talking to him and asked him why hes not streaming id like to watch, he said he was only on to get ride of his decay.

Juat my 2 cents of decay and match making.

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