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Pain Absorption Bug

Healingz R Us.7240

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Pain Absorption's tooltip shows the Resistance Application to be 2.25 seconds from skill usage.

Pain Absorption's tooltip shows the Resistance Application from the Demonic Defiance trait to stack another 3.25 seconds.


Demonic Defiance trait in the Corruption line shows to apply 2.25 seconds of Resistance on Legendary Demon skill use.


The actual amount of Resistance applied, whether in or out of combat, from Pain Absorption is 3.25 seconds total (mechanic that adds +1 second resistance per condi pulled from ally untested).


This skill, whether in or out of combat, should stack to 5.5 seconds of "base" Resistance application when used with the Demonic Defiance trait.


Screenshot attached [https://imgur.com/a/Egks21D](https://imgur.com/a/Egks21D "https://imgur.com/a/Egks21D")


-Rev of Boa

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as far as I understand:

you gain traited 3.25s of resistance when using the skill (trait increases to 3.25 not by 3.25) and deliver to affected allies 2.25s of resistance.


and ontop of that you get 1s of resistance on you for each condi you pull from allies affected.


differentiating between "self-resistance" and just "resistance" seems indicating that.

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