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You removed titles for a season, so how about adding teams for a season?

Crab Fear.1624

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> @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:

> Automated Tournaments and Unranked already allow for 5x premades to farm everyone else. Leave ranked as is.


No competition in unranked and AT's don't allow friends to compete and play at their own discretion... Not everyone is a school leaver or unemployed...


Some of us who have jobs and put thousands of dollars into this game got the back hand from all this mess on removing team queue.... for 5 years we were happy and then one day BAM, it was gone... Then we get told to "just leave it"?... yea, those double standards are fantastic.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:

> > Automated Tournaments and Unranked already allow for 5x premades to farm everyone else. Leave ranked as is.


> No competition in unranked and AT's don't allow friends to compete and play at their own discretion... Not everyone is a school leaver or unemployed...


But the primary reason there is no competition in unranked is due to the 5x premades that farm there and push most players to ranked, even in the off season. This makes no sense if competition is your argument.



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> @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:

> > > Automated Tournaments and Unranked already allow for 5x premades to farm everyone else. Leave ranked as is.

> >

> > No competition in unranked and AT's don't allow friends to compete and play at their own discretion... Not everyone is a school leaver or unemployed...


> But the primary reason there is no competition in unranked is due to the 5x premades that farm there and push most players to ranked, even in the off season. This makes no sense if competition is your argument.




Ah I see, you have the PUG perspective while I have the organised play side of this coin...


Because theres no team queue at our discretion besides unranked, you end up with your situation, organised players vs pugs on random builds... Which is no competition for me and a less than delightful experience for those on the other team.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > So the top 10 will be like 120-0 on the leaderboard?


> Actually, if you played ATs you'd realize those top 10 players aren't nearly as good as win trading makes them look. You can form a plat 1/2 team and give those guys a run for their money or even sometimes beat them, and that's when you're with a rando unpolished team who has never practiced together. God forbid a group of 5 people actually cared enough to seriously practice for a monthly AT, it wouldn't be too hard to match their clout. It's just that no one practices together as a team like that anymore after GW2 left the ESL, so there is a serious lack of technical team skills nowadays.


> Telling ya, if they reintroduced a 5v5 team based leaderboard, people would practice again and things would balance out. I don't want to hear "GW2 is too casual, the player base likes it casual" because the truth is that Arenanet's decisions is what made GW2 so casual by limiting our options for competitive play. It wasn't some driving mentality of the player base.


Agreed. On a fair playing field you can beat those cheaters with a PUG. When you cheat to win you have no clout or respect.

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