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Bug: Tower Down [Merged]

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> @"Trapper.3846" said:

> > @"April Sun In Cuba.7631" said:

> > I too decided to clear everything myself before talking to Tonn because there is a risen that spawns inside of the first tower(or at least glitches inside of it when approached from the front), and having Tonn destroy the tower as soon as you reach it- makes it impossible to get him out. However, it does glitch out of the tower if you walk around it for a bit and if it is not destroyed. Another option, that I applied, was simply clearing everything backwards and solo. Moving to the third tower first and then swimming to the second one and approaching first one from behind, when approaching from behind the risen that used to glitch inside- did not enter the tower, since there was no body between it and my character- there were no issues with it glitching out. However, the krait cause could also be the actual reason. Thus, when at the third tower while solo- wait out for each of the krait waves to spawn(one from behind the tower and then one from the eastern coast line).

> >

> > Though, personally, I think it was the risen that glitches inside the first tower that caused this.


> Basically after 4 or so attempts at this and each one failing for one bug or another....I did this. Cleared everything solo BEFORE talking to Tonn, making sure to check each tower for glitched risen, which there were a few. In the end, this solution worked for me, easy enough. Took a little time but not much more than what it would have doing the quest as designed (which fails and bugs most of the time anyways) . SO... a BIG thanks to you for posting this, because it worked for me !!


On the 7th try, 2 of my own and 5 with various forum workarounds, this worked for me. As per Trapper and April Sun, start the instance and DO NOT talk to Tonn. By the time you are reading this, you are very familiar with the run. Run past everything to the back of the third tower. Kill everything, including the Krait in the water. If they are out of range, wait a while up the hill, they will come to you. Head SW across the beach to tower 2, start at the back and kill everything in the area, then do the same for tower 1. Work your way through the caves between the towers and kill everything. Head back through the caves to Tonn, killing everything, including the Skale near the entrance. Clear it all. Now, talk to Tonn and follow the pack Marmox . Tonn should destroy tower 1, then tower 2, then back through the caves to tower 3. (Note: between 2 and 3, there were a few spiders. Not sure if they were pop-ups, or I missed them when clearing the caves, but I'm not doing this again to find out. Kill them). Finally, tower 3. There should be no opposition left. Lead Tonn down near tower 3, he should destroy it. You already cleared everything, so nothing should be trapped in the rubble. And here's what I think is the key to this whole mess. At this point, 3 new spawns appear, along with the objective "Clear The Beach". So, clear the beach. Kill that last 3. All the times Tonn would not Talk, he stayed where he was when he blew up tower. Now, he's halfway up the path to the Marmox, and willing to Talk.

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Exactly the same situation for me. I stopped counting after my tenth try. First couple of times Tonn wouldn't set explosives on the last tower. Then I tried, as someone above suggested, Just rushing the instance. It helped, all the towers got blown up (not always though), and I could move on to the "clear the beachhead" objective. I always kill the Krait last, I get the conversation cutscene and all... but cannot speak to Tonn anyway. I don't think it's possible to complete this quest at all. I am yet to try clearing the whole thing before even talking to Tonn in the first place... This is a bit ridiculous to be honest. I am not enjoying this at all, feels like hacking the game rather then living the story >.>

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I came here to thank and abide to this guides, tho I did a bit different.


Without speaking to Tonn, I went to the first two towers and killed every risen there - Beside the risen glitched inside the rock that sustains the first tower, there is another by a mini island which I didn't see in my previous attempts. Then I swam to the third tower, where I killed EVERY RISEN, including four by the water - which I supposed are the ones that comes out when you kill the elite, but I killed that pack, anyway. Then I killed the others in the way back to Tonn, revived all Sylvari, spoke to the Tactician, and came back to pick Tonn. He blewed all the towers and I managed to talk to him in the end.


Thanks for those who spent time to discover this walkthrough. ^^ Hope mine helps as well.

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Sorry for the double post, but I cannot figure out how to edit my previous one :) I managed to complete the mission. It took a couple of more tries though. Here is what worked for me. At the beginning of the quest I did not talk to Tonn, instead I have run through the whole instance and killed everything, bar the krait (which might have been a bit risky, if my suspicions about the bug are correct). After i cleared it all i went back to Tonn and triggered the group by talking to him. Then i have followed them through out the whole instance, trying to keep them as close together as possible. I have been at all times keeping an eye on Tonn, to see if my F option on him was "talk" or "greet". The first thing I have noticed is that he did not bug after the second tower. During all of my previous attempts, he would freeze in the bushes next to the second tower with a "greet" option. He would only spring back to normal when I approched the third tower. This time it was different, this time he kept close 100% of the time. Second thing I ve noticed is that the "talk" option changes to "greet" when Tonn gets into a fight and when the fight is over, he goes back to "talk". I noticed this, when I was backtracking the tunnel, after the second tower, undead spiders spawn there, and you cannot "preclear" them. After reaching the beach with the third tower, the NPCs started to res the wild hunt, who in turn pulled the krait immediatly. I was forced to kill all the krait before reaching the third tower. To my surprise, after all the enemies were dead and still with the "talk" option on him, Tonn detonated the last tower. The cutscene was triggered, and after it Tonn had the "talk" option available.


Here is what I suspect the bug really is. The cutscene after clearing the beach is triggered instantly after the last enemy dies. If Tonn at that point has the "greet" status (ie. he is taking part in the fight), it does not clear on him. This is why it is importnat to keep him clear of the fight at the end. What I would try is to kill the kreit at the end as well, before triggering the group all together, to make the chance for success even greater. I do not know why Tonn does not detonate the towers sometimes (usualy the third one, sometimes the second one as well). Perhaps this NPC has an issue with getting out of the battle mode? Unfortunately I cannot investigate it from the QA perspective further, because the quest is done for me :)

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Yup, this quest is very broken. Just returned after 4/5 years and encountered this disappointment.


My experience:

Attempt 1 (grouped with 1 friend) - Tonn would not blow up third tower.

Attempt 2 (grouped with 1 friend) - Tonn would not blow up third tower.

Attempt 3 (solo) - Could not speak to Tonn after clearing the beach objective completes and cutscene played.

Attempt 4 (solo) - Made sure not to kill Krait until after the third tower was destroyed as suggested on wiki. Could not speak to Tonn after clearing the beach objective completes and cutscene played.


![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/278232052094992394/470656833133215744/unknown.png "")


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Okay, so this is what worked for me. After doing the quest multiple times with the methods mentioned above, someone in my Guild said that I should 1) clear all mobs going from 3, over the water to 2 and then 1, and then talk to Tonn, like one said in an earlier comment (also kill the 4 mobs in the water at tower 3). The difference is this: DON'T PUSH. Be just a little behind the NPCs and let them kill whatever spawns when they walk through. Take it slow. They are immortal in this quest so it's no problem.

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Hey guys! I know I'm a bit late to this post but I just manged to complete this story quest with a guild mate and that changed some things. Before I only had 2 krait spawn in the water to the left of the tower, and then 2 that came up from the water behind it. When I went in with a guild mate, 4 krait spawned in each location so I believe thats what I was missing in all the 6 runs I did previously solo.


If you are still stuck on this one, try to get someone else to come with you! It might set the instance to a "completable" state. Good luck!

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Yes, looks like Averios.6012 is correct; the problem is Tonn's combat status when the last cutscene starts. Before initially starting Tonn, I ran to the third tower and cleared all around it, including veteran and the kraits that come out of the sea. Then I ran back to entrance, started it, ran to tower 1, then to tower 2, then to tower 3 without killing anything else. Tonn blew up third tower while not being in combat, the remaining risen spawned and got killed, and afterwards I could talk to Tonn to finish.

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Had the same issue, tried the solutions but none worked.

When i finally cleared the mission the only thing i did different was watching the cutscene/dialogue right after clearing the beach and I had a friend who assisted me in the instance.

I have no idea if any of that contributed to Tonn not being bugged or if the quest is just a lucky dice roll to get through

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I did this about 5 times with the same issues as everyone else, so by the sixth time I was fed up. So I started the quest, killed most of the beginning mobs (before the cave), and then thought 'screw it' and ran past every single mob following that. I did not kill a single thing and Tonn stayed with me and blew up all three towers. When it was time to clear the beach, I did so by killing everything on the beach (including all the krait) and it didn't complete, so I had to go up and kill the two abomination and the other mobs with them, and then it completed and WONDER OF WONDERS I could speak to Tonn!


**So the solution:** Don't kill anything until you reach the beach. Good luck!


(Oh, and I don't know if this is relevant, but I'm a minion necromancer and I didn't summon any of them for that successful run.)

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I hit this bug, I tried several times before reading a couple posts. Trying what they said. What worked for me as well as not starting the actual mission, going through and killing every last mob, then starting the mission. The only fight was the risen spiders, otherwise it was a smooth mission.


Annoying as heck having to gimmick the quest to finish it though.

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> @"GaryREM.4025" said:

> Well, tried one more time.


> Kept the group together, left some fallen alive. Avoided the risen Krait so that they were killed on third tower last.


> The quest was completed!


> Added this to the Wiki.


I've done probably 20 variations of this over the last few hours and still cannot get Tonn to talk to me at the end. Is there something special I'm missing? A sign as to when I should kill _____?

Very frustrating to have your story completely stuck.

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So i had the same bug, couldnt blow up the third tower. I did what you guys said. Cleared the whole instance before starting the escort. I succesfully took down the third tower. Then the quest tells me to talk to Tonn but i cant. I can only greet him. Already retried 4 times and the same thing happened. I cant talk to Tonn after i take down all the towers


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I managed to do it today on my third attempt, following the solutions you posted, specifically i have done:

- Kill everything in the paths to the towers (Krait included) before speak with Tonn.

- Speak with Tonn and trigger the caravan.

- Follow the quest and place the bombs in all the towers

- After Tonn place the last bomb on third tower he get stuck on the ramp in the beach. The last wave of three raisen spawns. It's crucial at this point to kill the last mob out of aggro distance of Tonn.

- After the last mob is killed cutscene plays, and if Tonn doesn't aggro anything after the cutscene you can spek to him.

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I went through this, too today. In my case Tonn blew up every tower just fine. Then when it says "talk to Tonn" he wouldn't talk to me, so no more quest progress after leading those morons through the caves. Very encouraging, such fun. And once again i thought: if you can't manage to get the story bug-free after all those years, at least MAKE SOME MORE FUCKING SAVING POINTS WHITHIN THE MISSION SO WE DON'T HAVE TO DO THE SAME DULL SHIT ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!! thanks for listening...

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> @"NymtheNightmare.6092" said:

> After my 4th attempt I am going to have to give this a shot even though I am so tired of this bug. My question is that will it be here for every story line for my characters I do?


No, you can choose three different story lines here. It depends on what you answer to the pale tree after the arah vision story part. I wouldn't pic the first answer again. The other story parts are not bugged afaik.

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ok so here are my steps:


escorted the pack to all 3 towers

killed all undead i saw (will get back to it little later)

at last tower i skipped the dialog with tonn (the one that starts automatically)


now Tonn stands still not talking just like another undead (wish i could headshot him right now)

so after reading this post

gone back to the first towers and i found 4 or 5 corpses still standing there (just like Tonn)


damn im gonna be happy when he is gonna get blown up! i feel so bad now that i felt bad for him the first time i did it with ranger :-D


now only the text of the quest line should be changed when you tell his gf he is dead something like: sorry he was a douche who got 2 hours of my life! (maybe more...)


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