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Bug: Tower Down [Merged]

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I've tried it 3 times in a row, the third time i finally managed it by killing the kraits last before talking to Tonn. The NPCs attack the kraits all the time so it was hard to pull them away. I didn't have a problem with blowing up the towers, though first time a risen was stuck inside the first blown up tower, and was hard to kill that way. Second time I managed to pull him out before the tower exploded.

Conclusion: possibly always following the marmox and keeping the party together may be the key to successfully explode the towers, killing kraits last does seem to be the solution for the Tonn dialogue. Still, it's annoying. If they need to be killed last for whatever reason, let them spawn last.

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I fixed it by killing everything but the Kraits before talking to Tonn, then (important) do not get close enough to the third tower to activate Tonn blowing up the tower, kill the 2 waves of kraits and risen first. There may be some Kraits in the tower as well so you may need to inch around the tower and tag them somehow without activating Tonn. Then get in range of the tower and some more risen will spawn after it blows up. This worked for me.

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Had the same problem, but managed to do it (after several tries). What worked for me was to kill everything from long range, ensuring that Tonn's trigger to destroy the tower only happened after every mob (krait and undead) was dead. I cleared as much as I could before triggering the "clear the beach of the unded" then ran back and killed everything before letting Tonn head over to the tower and blow it up. I *think* the issue may be that if Tonn gets into combat after having destroyed the tower, it changes his status in some way.

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Same here basically, first two tries, he didn't wanna blow up the third tower.

Invited a friend along to see if she could help. Got the same result on the third try (third tower didn't get blown up).

Tried once more with that same friend, tower finally got blown up. -> I am already being extremely happy -> I get angry cause I can't talk to him after his 'speech'

Conclusion: 4 tries, 0 worked...

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I've attempted to complete this quest 4 times now, going to log off and try again another day. Will try and kill all on map besides risen krait before talking to Tonn on my next attempt, but very disappointed - I've been playing the game for only three weeks - and was loving it until this crap!

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> @"April Sun In Cuba.7631" said:

> I too decided to clear everything myself before talking to Tonn because there is a risen that spawns inside of the first tower(or at least glitches inside of it when approached from the front), and having Tonn destroy the tower as soon as you reach it- makes it impossible to get him out. However, it does glitch out of the tower if you walk around it for a bit and if it is not destroyed. Another option, that I applied, was simply clearing everything backwards and solo. Moving to the third tower first and then swimming to the second one and approaching first one from behind, when approaching from behind the risen that used to glitch inside- did not enter the tower, since there was no body between it and my character- there were no issues with it glitching out. However, the krait cause could also be the actual reason. Thus, when at the third tower while solo- wait out for each of the krait waves to spawn(one from behind the tower and then one from the eastern coast line).


> Though, personally, I think it was the risen that glitches inside the first tower that caused this.


Basically after 4 or so attempts at this and each one failing for one bug or another....I did this. Cleared everything solo BEFORE talking to Tonn, making sure to check each tower for glitched risen, which there were a few. In the end, this solution worked for me, easy enough. Took a little time but not much more than what it would have doing the quest as designed (which fails and bugs most of the time anyways) . SO... a BIG thanks to you for posting this, because it worked for me !!

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> @"Jijimuge.4675" said:

> Had the same problem, but managed to do it (after several tries). What worked for me was to kill everything from long range, ensuring that Tonn's trigger to destroy the tower only happened after every mob (krait and undead) was dead. I cleared as much as I could before triggering the "clear the beach of the unded" then ran back and killed everything before letting Tonn head over to the tower and blow it up. I *think* the issue may be that if Tonn gets into combat after having destroyed the tower, it changes his status in some way.


I can more or less confirm this. Not letting Tonn get into combat after blowing the last tower up seems to be what fixed it for me. Just clear everything, trigger the tower, then run back and shoot the last spawn from max range.

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Finally managed to get through this, 5th time lucky I guess. I had tried running through clearing everything (bar the krait) but didn't have any luck. What helped on my last attempt was the CTRL key which highlight all enemies in the vicinity, turns out I kept missing a risen on a little island between the 1st and 2nd towers (there are also a couple that hide in bushes and are easy to miss). I also made sure that after blowing the last tower I killed the regular risen that spawn as fast as possible before killing the krait last. I was also checking that I could "talk" to Tonn periodically whilst escorting them. if you find that he has changed to "greet" then you may have to reset.

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Finding bugs is annoying, finding bugs that have been around for years is worse! Doesn't every character have to do this mission? How is this still bugged after 4 years? I have sent in bug reports for both times I got stuck (once the Pack Marmox wouldn't keep going, the second time Demolitionist Tom wouldn't move after blowing up the 2nd tower). The second run I went ahead and killed all the mobs on the way to and near the towers before talking to Demolitionist Tom, as suggested by Zoebe.


This is my 2nd story line mission in a row that has bugs. Is every story line from now on going to have major bugs like this?

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Just got stuck on this twice now. First time, he refused to blow up the tower - this was possibly triggered by my speaking with the Wyld Hunt tactician before reaching the tower? Second time around, I didn't interact with any of the npc's and we got the cutscene after the tower... but then he just stood there waiting for me to "talk" to him while I was only allowed to "greet".

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In contradiction to every thing above, I spoke to Tonn and then just ran through every single mob to the first tower. Didn't kill a single thing. At the first tower, Tonn spawns beside you and blows the tower up. I kept moving, didn't kill a single mob and ran to the second tower. He spawned beside me and blew the the second tower up.


I then ran through the caves, ignoring everything spiders and all. Got the the third tower and killed the Veteran, all thrall, any krait that came out of the water and their spawn. Meanwhile, all of the team (donkey etc) was back at the very first hill probably dead.


Once all was dead near third tower - and I mean ALL, (but everything behind me was still alive), I moved foward and Tonn destroyed it. Another few undead spawned and Tonn helped me kill them. Maybe 6 mobs later, I could talk to Tonn and FINISH the QUEST!


Meanwhile, on my map the entire team - donkey and all - hadn't even made it up the hill into the first cave, let alone to the first, second or third tower.


From this, I would say that the biggest problem is not Tonn, but the team mates. In my previous TWELVE attempts, the donkey has sometimes ran back up the hill after the third tower.


This attempt took me about 5 mins (compared to twenty when attempting to clear map first) as I just ran and didn't fight a thing until the end... Go figure.

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I made it through on the third try. Things I now realize I did wrong:

1. I killed the Krait by the third tower before we blew it up

2. I didn't talk to the resurrected Wyld Hunt Tactician

Neither of these are obvious, there's pretty much no way I could have known this without reading about the bugs in forum threads and the wiki. The solutions could be to insert something in the story line to tell you this or simply remove them as contingents for continuing to the next step.

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I made it through on the third try. Things I now realize I did "wrong":

1. I killed the Krait by the third tower before we blew it up

2. I didn't talk to the resurrected Wyld Hunt Tactician

Neither of these are obvious, there's pretty much no way I could have known this without reading about the bugs in forum threads and the wiki. The solutions could be to insert something in the story line to tell you this or simply remove them as contingents for continuing to the next step.

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Roshtaak's solution above worked for me. Just ran through everything. Tonn will blow up the all the towers regardless once you reach them. On the third tower, I killed the regular mobs, then the veteran, and finally the kraits. Then Tonn gave me the dialogue option to finish the instance.

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Can also confirm that there's actually no need to kill anything near the first and second tower, just run through. At the third tower just try to kill things from distance so that Tonn doesn't stay in combat. Was finally able to finis the quest!

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