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Bug: Tower Down [Merged]

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I'm stuck at this point on 2 characters. Very frustrating, tried all of the methods above but still only get the ability to "Greet", I cannot talk to Tonn. Support tickets sent... Regretting my decision to protect innocents now. I've seen posts from as early as 2013 on the bugs in this story mission. Please fix this. It's time to fix this. I need these missions for the mastery points.

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> @"Opus Holder.9520" said:

> > @"Trapper.3846" said:

> > > @"April Sun In Cuba.7631" said:


> On the 7th try, 2 of my own and 5 with various forum workarounds, this worked for me. As per Trapper and April Sun, start the instance and DO NOT talk to Tonn. By the time you are reading this, you are very familiar with the run. Run past everything to the back of the third tower. Kill everything, including the Krait in the water. If they are out of range, wait a while up the hill, they will come to you. Head SW across the beach to tower 2, start at the back and kill everything in the area, then do the same for tower 1. Work your way through the caves between the towers and kill everything. Head back through the caves to Tonn, killing everything, including the Skale near the entrance. Clear it all. Now, talk to Tonn and follow the pack Marmox . Tonn should destroy tower 1, then tower 2, then back through the caves to tower 3. (Note: between 2 and 3, there were a few spiders. Not sure if they were pop-ups, or I missed them when clearing the caves, but I'm not doing this again to find out. Kill them). Finally, tower 3. There should be no opposition left. Lead Tonn down near tower 3, he should destroy it. You already cleared everything, so nothing should be trapped in the rubble. And here's what I think is the key to this whole mess. At this point, 3 new spawns appear, along with the objective "Clear The Beach". So, clear the beach. Kill that last 3. All the times Tonn would not Talk, he stayed where he was when he blew up tower. Now, he's halfway up the path to the Marmox, and willing to Talk.


This also worked for me, thanks all...


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It is absolutely absurd than this bug still exists. I have been replaying the mission for 3 hours without any success. Half the time he won't talk to me at the end and the other half of the time he won't place the final bomb.


Edit: Finally successfully finished it by killing EVERYTHING before talking to Tonn at the start. Then closely following the caravan the entire way and listening to the full conversation at the end.

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So I went ahead and killed everything and now I can't talk to him.. Only have the "greet" option. Do I really have to listen to the whole convo? I have to redo the whole thing AGAIN FOR THE THIRD TIME and watch the whole cut scene just so I can "talk" talk to the guy instead of "greet" UGH!

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> @"xtiffany.6503" said:

> I have this problem too. Very annoying.


If you don't kill krait first the asura will expode the tower and give you the next step but insted of talk you can just greeat him..very bad for us. I will come again if i figure out how to work around it. Every body have problems with this instance i hope they will pach it

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> @"erion.6104" said:

> > @"xtiffany.6503" said:

> > I have this problem too. Very annoying.


> If you don't kill krait first the asura will expode the tower and give you the next step but insted of talk you can just greeat him..very bad for us. I will come again if i figure out how to work around it. Every body have problems with this instance i hope they will pach it


I figured out this quest. I didn't' talk to Tonn at the start, ran through and killed everything except the krait. ran back to the front and talked to Tonn. Ran through and they exploded the towers. Killed the Krait after the third was blown. DO NOT SKIP THE CUT SCENE AT THE END. If you do you will need to re do the thing again. Just watch it no need to be impatient like me lol

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I had to do this quest three times. After it bugged on the end of the first attempt, I found this thread. That attempt, I just ran through, killed everything while Tonn blew up the towers, always keeping the pack animal nearby. Second attempt, I ran through, killed nothing even while Tonn blew up the towers, and then killed everything around the third tower. However, I may have killed the veteran early. Third attempt, which was successful, I ran through killing the things that were in the way, did not go out of my way to kill anything else, and tried to kill the risen around each tower before a Tonn blew them up and was successful for the first two. On the third, I was not successful at killing everything before it got blown up, but I did not touch the veteran, one of my minions or maybe an npc from the team did, because it was gone before I got to it. However, this attempt was successful, and I was able to talk to Tonn.

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I also conform that Opus Holder s method works. When I cleared all enemies but missed 1 enemy near the1st tower, it was trapped when Tonn destroyed it. The quest couldnt be completed. The point is to clear all enemies near the towers before the quest starts. There are some in (!) and behind the towers and in the water, who can be trapped when the towers are demolished. I casted AoE on the towers to see if anything remains. Oh i also revived the sylvani and talked with her before the quest begins..

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