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Q: Being unexperienced for any T1 Fractal (or dungeon maybe?), will I be a burden to a group?

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T1-T2 are very new player friendly. T3 has a large ramp up, T2 to T3 feels a lot larger than T3 to T4. I pugged everything to a personal level 100 and still pug all my T4 dailies, I'd say 90% of all groups are great, so just jump right into T1s and make your way up - it doesn't take that long either. One tip I would say is if you get a daily that's easy and a much higher level than your personal fractal level; then try farm that as much as you can to get easy personal levels.

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Asking for people to be experienced in T1s makes about as much sense as asking kindergarteners to be at the level of high schoolers. Everyone had to start somewhere which makes T1s exactly the place where you should go to start at that 'somewhere'.

Dungeons are a different story as they are old, abandoned content but were never aimed at complete beginners (at least the explorable modes aren't). I wouldn't suggest dungeons as a first step unless you run with experienced friends or anyone willing to take you along.

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Fractals T1 and Dungeons are so easy (except some Arah paths) that, from my experience, all you need is 2 people that know them well and the other 3 can be first timers and do the content without much problems (obviously, it's going to take longer than, for example, 5 exp people or 4 exp + 1 newbie, but it's quite doable); and of course they're willing to listen to the experienced people. Hell, I even had an experience in Arah paths, where 4 of us were having quite some trouble getting through and then some thief from LFG joined and carried all 4 of us. xD

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T1 if they are a t4 group doing daily's, or guildy's they can blow through as fast in t1 with 4 man as 5 man, watch lfg for what you need or make one and be open about being new, you'll find helpful people. open your encryptions for money and save up infusions, each tier are the same levels they just add a mechanic or 2 here and there.

Many higher tier fractalers enjoy t1 as they can blow it up while not paying attention.

Ask questions where you need too.

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