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Zerk Mirage Build


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Is there a viable Mirage build with berserk gear?

So far I find Duelling 111, Domination, 222 and Mirage 131 (numbers corresponding to the traits being chosen)

Along side Axe, sword & Staff being used.


If anyone can show me a better build I would appreciate it!

I understand condi is meta, but I fancie a zerk build

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> @"kazaa.9140" said:

> Is there a viable Mirage build with berserk gear?

> So far I find Duelling 111, Domination, 222 and Mirage 131 (numbers corresponding to the traits being chosen)

> Along side Axe, sword & Staff being used.


> If anyone can show me a better build I would appreciate it!

> I understand condi is meta, but I fancie a zerk build


Berserk mirage for open world ?


If you just want to tag some things in zergs etc get a greatsword xD

God of power builds is chrono ,not mirage (cuz of phantasm ressumon)

Dont blame me if you wouldNT like it :bleep_bloop:

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Any build can be ‘viable’, but power mirage has a reservation for a kick at high end PvE (T4, raids and that stuff). Also power Mesmers don’t get to use full zerk unless they want their phantasms to be ridiculously unreliable, have to run some 70-30% split with assasins/zerk (I personally run zerk trinkets everything else assasins, yet that’s still not enough), to the point where even with runes you have less power than a full Harrier setup. But it’s optimal somehow(?).

- Unless you REALLY need to use axe, I think that even core mes (Dom/Duel/Illu) would generally do better than mirage with power dmg. At the very least it can deal burst dmg better and generate its own might stacks/boons.

- MH sword (especially with OH sword) is strictly better than anything else power related except GS, which is only good for trash mob burst or range. So the weapon sets **have to be Sw/Sw** + GS or (“empty”)/X (usually focus). Of course, this is *more effiecient*, not necessarily *better (fun to play)*.

- The non-mirage traits look alright, except Fencer’s Finesse (in duel) can be taken because sword should be used. I don’t know which mirage traits are useful since most of them don’t complement a zerk power build in the first place. Mostly just utilities/extra effects.

- If you want to run Illu somewhere (probably on top of dom/mirage), run traits 1-2-1. Dom is better on non-phantspamming builds (non-chronos), however.


Power mirage is particularly useful for tagging and or mobility, but falls extremely short compared to the meta pChrono, whose trump cards are not only phantasm resummon (alongside the use of a broken skill/bug/‘legal’ exploit), but also alacrity+improved alacrity and decent self quickness coverage if using Illu (SC has the Dom variant on benchmarks, but I prefer Illu instead).

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