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Fractal gear suggestions


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So i have a dedicated mesmer for fractals. Atm my armor and weapons are commander-gear. What would ppl suggest for trinkets? just full commander aswell?

(Im running "Runes of Leadership".) I havent done much fractals. Im lvl 42 atm.


Also, what do ppl think about full harrier?

[gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseWncfClfi9fCGoBEgClnjq+PT0H9sACgED-jRRAxAA2fYr6PqVCGVfQZlfAA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseWncfClfi9fCGoBEgClnjq+PT0H9sACgED-jRRAxAA2fYr6PqVCGVfQZlfAA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseWncfClfi9fCGoBEgClnjq+PT0H9sACgED-jRRAxAA2fYr6PqVCGVfQZlfAA-e")


Thats 94% Boon duration without counting "Chaos traitline" and "Sigil of concentraiton". On top of that, Wells heals for 2300hp and you heal allies when you summon an Illusion.










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Using both the boon duration from chaos and the sigil too + full harrier is a huge waste since boon druation doesnt stack over 100% so with 94% boon duration you would get the max cap possible with 3 boons on you without using weapon swap. IMO harrier is only good if you do the 3 dps strat but even with that people can dodge almost all of the things that would kill them as a fractal chrono you have 100% boon duration with almost full berserker since 33%+22%+15% = 70% (150AR) boon duration without any concentration from the gear.

If you want to be sure about yourself aim for 67% rest is berserker and in fractals you will overcap it anyway but like this it gives you some safe space to screw things up

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I run commander/harrier combination in T4 and it works perfectly. You can get 100% boon duration quite easily. And the healing you provide is great. But note, its a bit redundant if your designated healer is really good. Unless they aren't, you will complement them great. On fractals that can get a little bit chaotic that extra healing can be great and a lifesaver.


Obviously, if you are running this you wont be using sigil of concentration. And if you are, rather use some combination of berserker/harrier/zealot (depending on what secondary role you want) and get around 67% boon duration.

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I was considering running Commander weap/arm with harrier trinkets, but the precision from commander becomes rather low. So i thought full harrier would be prefered.

Commander weap/arm + Harrier trinkets only heal 300 more pr. Well, compared to Commander weap/arm + Zerker trinkets.


If i were to run full Harrier i guess i could skip the Chaos traitline and go :


[gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAsemmcfCtfilnj6sACgEDdC+gGo+PT0HF-jRRAxAA2fQtSwo6DKr8br6PAA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAsemmcfCtfilnj6sACgEDdC+gGo+PT0HF-jRRAxAA2fQtSwo6DKr8br6PAA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAsemmcfCtfilnj6sACgEDdC+gGo+PT0HF-jRRAxAA2fQtSwo6DKr8br6PAA-e")


With the "zerker input", i´d go :

[gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseGWWNq6jNavWzYYH6pyNYECAA-jRBXABAo8DW1fKd/hHUCCq+AA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseGWWNq6jNavWzYYH6pyNYECAA-jRBXABAo8DW1fKd/hHUCCq+AA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseGWWNq6jNavWzYYH6pyNYECAA-jRBXABAo8DW1fKd/hHUCCq+AA-e")


I guess the question is, whether or not i want to do damage aswell.


( I dont really have a designated healer - i just play with randoms :) )


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The thing is, that you use chaos for the boons and not the boon duration in it.Using inpiration is good and such but it has a flaw you dont get the 15% CD reduc on shaters and cSplit is considered as a shater so with Illu/X/Chrono you have around 87 sec CD on split compared to 105 sec on Insp/x/Chrono. Also in your build i see you use Dueling, iirc Dueling doesnt give as much DPS as Illusions since there you have 2 MW charges/Confusion deals more damage(even with no condi gear can spike kinda high)/also your phantasms deal 25% more damage(i think)+the 8sec 2% damage per phantasm spawn per stack

The only case i see using Insp if you need a lot of aegis like Chaos last boss or 100CM first boss sub 33%

Also last time i was looking into this kind of builds i seen that healing power scales VERY bad so a lot of healing power will make very little to the healing you do. If you want to heal you should go Insp for sure, but you can only use it(or rather i recommend using it) on bosses that you kill fast since you will have problems at providing consistent boons due to the CD on cSplit

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Thanks for all your thoughts and advice.


I`ve ended up with this. If there is something off, let me know.

[gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAW8encfC9filfCGoBMrhlhjCdFuhSo+SD1T1MAWgGC-jBCBQBYR5HAOIAnRJICV/Bf6Go4TAIAXAg+t/AA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAW8encfC9filfCGoBMrhlhjCdFuhSo+SD1T1MAWgGC-jBCBQBYR5HAOIAnRJICV/Bf6Go4TAIAXAg+t/AA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAW8encfC9filfCGoBMrhlhjCdFuhSo+SD1T1MAWgGC-jBCBQBYR5HAOIAnRJICV/Bf6Go4TAIAXAg+t/AA-e")


(When i win the lottery, i`ll throw in Power/Agoni infusions)


It`s "only" 51% Boon duration but thats not taking "Chaotic Persistence", "Sigil of Concentration" and AR-Potion into account. Should be fine right ? :)


I know staff isnt used much, but i really enjoy it and im able to spam alot of boons with double "chaos Storm". If it doesnt work, i`ll just switch to sword/sword- or focus.



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