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Where does the commander get their power from?


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Where does the commander get their power from? Heroic deeds, peaked strength, and even plausible magical energies can go into making this character strong, but taking on elder dragons and gods now? Zhaitan, you had a mass airship armada, and mordremoth you cheated a physical fight by entering the dragon's mind. This time around in PoF you accomplish some fairly unimaginable feats, even for this fantasy realm. Is there any lore or explanation for how the commander is able to become this beast of power that can overthrow a god whilst fighing an elder dragon? It would help my suspension of disbelief if there was at least something.

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> @Samnang.1879 said:

> The sword that what's that charr's name Rytlock or something gave him. See attack 4 and 5, it's OP lol... I loved it.


Sohothin, reignited by Balthazar himself, probably had something to do with it...

We also killed Abbadon in GW1


Edit: and all that surge of magical power from that dead god got put into Kormir, just in case anyone forgot/was wondering

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We've also been at ground zero for some HUGE magical upheavals. From what we've learned, that means that we're pretty much soaked in magical energy. Enough that at this point, some creatures would be mutated and insane.


We're not playing "some creature", though. We're playing someone with a strong will that refuses to die. Someone that focuses their entire being on doing what needs to be done. All that magic is going towards that.


You want to know what Ascension is? ::points to the Commander:: That is Ascension, in its purest, rawest form. The Commander is no longer human, or norn, or charr, or whatever. They're far from being a god, but they've taken that first step and are no longer a mere mortal.

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>! The only reason why you survive the fight against Balthazar the third time is because of Aurene, so in that situation the Commander gets their power from her, and Sohothin I guess. First time, obviously Vlast saves you, and second... well you don't survive the second do you. While you're in the mists, fighting the Eater of Souls is what brings you back to life, which if I'm recalling correctly, Balthazar had it put there to absorb souls to use in his forged army, hence why not many others can resurrect themselves; the Eater of Souls is not native to the Domain of the Lost.

I have to admit. The story in this expansion was probably the most farfetched, and a typical "You are the chosen one" type story. The fight against Zhaitan was the most believable for me, and I do much prefer stories where you are a part of the machine, rather than the one person that saves the world.


>! I really didn't like the part in LS Season 3 where the Commander retires from The Pact.

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The commander's power comes from the basic story telling. The already done to death **fantasy cliches**, the usual **plot armor** and **the "Chosen One" sydrome**.

Whether this is due to their limited capacity to develop a proper story, being held back by the boundries of the MMORPG genre which includes the players who are not looking for a deep and too involving story rather than any giving hero wish fullfillment or the fact that they lack the proper writers to put down anything able rival the better fantasy books is up to debate.

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> @Nasuradin.8495 said:

> > @Samnang.1879 said:

> > The sword that what's that charr's name Rytlock or something gave him. See attack 4 and 5, it's OP lol... I loved it.


> Sohothin, reignited by Balthazar himself, probably had something to do with it...

> We also killed Abbadon in GW1


> Edit: and all that surge of magical power from that dead god got put into Kormir, just in case anyone forgot/was wondering


Yup that's the name, I'm not good with remembering names.


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> @DietPepsi.4371 said:

> I have to admit. The story in this expansion was probably the most farfetched, and a typical "You are the chosen one" type story. The fight against Zhaitan was the most believable for me, and I do much prefer stories where you are a part of the machine, rather than the one person that saves the world.


And I have to agree. Being a figurehead was fine, but this expansion dropped all pretenses of "everyone must work together to defeat the enemy", and instead became typical power fantasy. We're the dragonborn now.


Being the 'chosen one' cheapens all accomplishes, because we were 'fated' to succeed.

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @DietPepsi.4371 said:

> > I have to admit. The story in this expansion was probably the most farfetched, and a typical "You are the chosen one" type story. The fight against Zhaitan was the most believable for me, and I do much prefer stories where you are a part of the machine, rather than the one person that saves the world.


> And I have to agree. Being a figurehead was fine, but this expansion dropped all pretenses of "everyone must work together to defeat the enemy", and instead became typical power fantasy. We're the dragonborn now.


Perhaps one reason for this change is that people complained how we were just parts of the machine and not godly creatures in the original story. I did like the original way too.


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> @Henry.5713 said:

> The commander's power comes from the basic story telling. The already done to death **fantasy cliches**


Fantasy is one thing, this is outright inconsistent, you either introduce a god empowered by three different elder dragons or you let a mortal and his pet kill him, not both.


I personally couldn't swallow the ending, I just didn't buy it. But to each their own, at least the dialogue is good and Taimi is hilarious.


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> @Daharahj.1325 said:

> > @Henry.5713 said:

> > The commander's power comes from the basic story telling. The already done to death **fantasy cliches**


> Fantasy is one thing, this is outright inconsistent, you either introduce a god empowered by three different elder dragons or you let a mortal and his pet kill him, not both.


> I personally couldn't swallow the ending, I just didn't buy it. But to each their own, at least the dialogue is good and Taimi is hilarious.



The entire thing went completely downhill towards the end. Canach and Taimi make everything more fun but that is about it.

Does indeed make very little sense that a single mortal would be able to deal with the god of war this easily. The entire thing gives you this feeling that they wanted to go for something much bigger but had to drop too many story lines and side stories due to time constraints. The fight against Zhaitan had much more build up with recruiting different forces to form an army before you went into the final battle alongside your many allies. Here the way you took over the undead forces, a force that was expendable and so there was no need to invovle any characters or have any drama, was too quick and easy. And even then, all these force did for you was to fight some trash enemies while you ended up doing absolutely everything yourself as per usual.



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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @DietPepsi.4371 said:

> Being the 'chosen one' cheapens all accomplishes, because we were 'fated' to succeed.


Isn’t that the case with every RPG? If you fail the goal, you start over because the story is designed for you to succeed. You’re fated to win regardless. If you don’t beat the big bad in the end, the story is never completed.

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Zhaitan case just because commander kill him with battle ship cannon. :p


Mordremoth case commander and the gang combine their force strike his weakpoint which give them some chance.


Bathazar case I assume just because he's on weak state since other God strip out his power and even he become more powerful each time story progress but still far from his original power other than that for entire PoF story I feel like Bathazar not so much care to about commander at all we just run in to him ourselve. :p

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> @Tomahawk.7361 said:

> **possible spoilers**


> Where does the commander get their power from? Heroic deeds, peaked strength, and even plausible magical energies can go into making this character strong, but taking on elder dragons and gods now? Zhaitan, you had a mass airship armada, and mordremoth you cheated a physical fight by entering the dragon's mind. This time around in PoF you accomplish some fairly unimaginable feats, even for this fantasy realm. Is there any lore or explanation for how the commander is able to become this beast of power that can overthrow a god whilst fighing an elder dragon? It would help my suspension of disbelief if there was at least something.


First off, while Balthazar is a vastly powerful entity, he's no longer the god he used to be. Not even the same league. Notice how Kormir had a very visible bright aura around herself? Notice how Balthazar didn't? Remember the tales about people going blind by staring at the gods for too long?


Second, Aurene. The story doesn't exactly explain it, but this is the second time we see the bond between the Commander and Aurene used to overcome a challenge (first was a training mission set up by the Exalted). I think the idea is this bond goes much deeper than simple teamwork and empowers them both somehow.


Third, Kralkatorrik. I imagine part of Balthazar's power was busy dealing with the elder dragon. I imagine it wasn't a small part, too. After all, Balthazar didn't confront Kralkatorrik directly, instead he sought to attack his weakness. This suggests the dragon is probably the stronger entity at the moment of the conflict, and even while being attacked he'd pose a considerable threat. The Commander and Aurene did not have to overcome Balthazar's power, they only had to tip the balance, make him lose control.

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I'm a Norn Warrior and contrary to popular belief Norns are not simply "big humans" but actually akin to mythological giants that are way, waaaay stronger than a human being. A Norn character should be able to annihilate any other race (with the possible exception of a Charr - maybe) in PvP if you were going by the lore, heh.

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The commander is not alone in that fight. Aurene is there helping, Kralkatorrik is there "helping", and most of all we are using a weapon literally powered by Balthazar (Sohothin) against him. I would say anyone with a Crystal Dragon bond could have achieved the same. The commander was the least useful in that fight.

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In the first battle with Balthazar, the commander is saved by Vlast

In the second fight with Balthazar, the commander dies, because they have no help from anyone

In the battle with the War Beast the commander has help from the elder dragon Kralkatorrik, plus they use Sohothin

In the final fight with Balthazar the commander has help from Aurene, plus the sword Sohothin


Btw in the battle with Zhaitan, one beam from the Glory of Tyria was enough to cut its tail, that's how powerful that super weapon was

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U know I find funny is people try to make games realistic with forgetting that it's.... Fake. Its not for logic to determine what's real in the game but imagination. Imagination is what will make you understand. I will say mine is human. So physical strength isn't it. However each time when starting a new character you are chosen by a god. And the god you chose gave you certain powers. Which means if you are given god like powers you can also achieve being god like. However exceeding being more powerful then a god is wrong. For no one is greater than their father. Or teacher. Or giver of powers. But you can become the same is power or magic, etc. As for other characters you are also given some type of strong spirit. Same thing goes for them. Defeating a god is not impossible. There's a reason why he was imprisoned. For him to be imprisoned means he has the most weakness out of all the gods. Second he was taking more power and he still isn't that strong. It honestly sounds like flash season with zoom. Killing people to take power then making little armies. Also when making an army. Balthazar uses power. Since he doesn't have much power already. Using it on making an army also depletes power and strength and magic etc. So when fighting him he's already not to full strength. So you go in there with already god like powers. And as young people. We always grow. You can only grow till your powers are as strong as a god. Once you hit that you can't go. So us coming to kill Balthazar. Friendship, a Will to not die and be revived, and adrenaline. Adrenaline is Something people always forget which is a major way to always kill someone. That's how we take our power to higher limits. That is how we killed him.

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You may be confusing the word god with the word God. One is someone with a lot of power, and the other indicates omnipotence. We can see that the gods of Tyria are really just people with a lot power with the same foibles as any mortal. They do not embody what you might think of when you use the word God. We can see from prior history that a "mortal" can become a god that they themselves took down, and so there's nothing odd about a "mortal" taking down your run of the mill, regular old (and tantrum-laden) god. Balthazar wasn't even gaining in godly stature despite absorbing power, and despite his claim that he'd then be the only god; he knew full well the other gods were leaving. He sounded grandiose by claiming he would be the only god, but not because of what he was doing. He seems to be the god of trickery to boot.

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Disappointed in the whole build up with your team only to leave them 'guarding different gates' while you single-handedly had to mow down the entire army and go through barriers machines....one of the most tedious and dumbest lead-up-to fights to be honest.


Also disappointed in that you had to wield Sohothin the whole entire chapter (not just the last fight), I really wished we could have temporarily absorbed Sohothin's powers into our main weapons, I wanted a god's powers infused into my six shooters and kill that son of a bitch with god-slaying bullets not swinging a fiery sword like a fucking heathen. My commander is a GUNSLINGER for christ's sake.

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