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(Druid) Magi or Harrier or who cares?


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I do daily T4 fractals (no CMs) as a DPS role mostly (Weaver, Holo, BS Warr) and I want to try a healing/support role since PvE Monk was my main in GW1 and I really miss being in that role.


I'm gearing up my Druid and I see people running either Harrier or Magi stats. They're both a pain in the neck to get, but I have Mists stuff anyway, so acquisition is not a problem. My logic is that Harrier is better because of boon duration and since I read a lot that "even Harrier is overhealing", Magi's isn't really necessary. Yet the big bad meta builds have full Magi trinkets as the "optimal" variant. I'm not one to follow meta builds blindly (I major toughness trinkets with minor power/prec/fer mix for my Warr and believe you me it comes in handy when rezzing downed pugs), but here I have zero experience so I feel like there's something I'm missing with the Magi build. Is it the extra HP from Vitality?


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Full harrier is the lazy variant. You dont need 100% boon duration to provide 25 might so you can exchange some pieces for magi fir more heals and health. My build comes from sc member that said to me that 50% boon duration is enough to solodruid in raids. She suggested harrier armor amd rest magi with sigils of transference, water on staff and renewal on warhorn

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I'm leaning more towards the "optimal" i.e. Harrier + Magi variant right now. There just seems to be no upside to using full Harrier vs. Harrier armor/weps and Magi trinkets (minus backpiece).


Thanks folks. Can't wait to start healing (now if I could just find a HP train that isn't 90% done when I join it, hehe)

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I'm currently running the "I can't be bothered to fully convert" variant, and am running full armor and weapons as Harrier, and then Accessories as clerics from the long ago times before support ranger was something other than a meme i ran, and i have no issues maintaining boons.


I slapped on some of those 33% boon uptime sigils just to shut some people up about not having 100% boon duration, but have had 0 issues clearing any content or pulling aggro etc.

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I am using full harrier for my Druid in raids to keep my boon up time to 95%-95.6%

In Fractals, I change my back and one accessory (both legendary) to clerics to keep my boon up time to 100%


Would have been nice to get a set like harrier , but with Healing Power as a main attribute instead of Power.

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