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Poll for the masses Who do you think are the best 5 warriors in pvp these days out of EU/NA


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I'll admit this thread is being started because some weebo who made grand claims about being the best warrior in game could beat anyone and never loses blah blah naturally said player was on an alt troll account .When I asked the main account owners name it was someone who I met before and considered to be barely average and I'm just trying to see if other people arrive at that same conclusion via poll. Ofc I cant mention said players name here on the forums but id be interested to see if that same name pops up in the warrior poll and if not then the silence will speak for its self...my choices for the few warriors I know in my humble opinion would be





Erza Scarlet


While I consider them to most likely be at the same level regarding warrior after watching countless wars come and go and swap to alt classes to main something else these 2 stick in my mind. They might not be the legit best in the game but if I got asked this poll from someone else these two warriors would be my picks. Naturally not everyone is going to agree but I'm curious to hear/see yals opinions ...and also to see if said unmentionable persons name comes up I somehow doubt it but lets see


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I know Rosales Lionheart is a really good warrior but beyond that I don't keep up with who people think the best on each class are because there's too much outside stuff going on to determine that. (I.E. scenarios that they are good in are not defined, there's a ton of cheating going on so views due to rating is skewed, matchmaking is wonky, etc.)

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Rytlock, ow nvm..


Meh i dont like most of those known youtube/stream warriors.. i often found very good players doing nothing but 1v1 in pvp..


But thats 1v1.. not really pvp teamplay.

Some can do well in teamplay. Others 1v1.. and others (youtube heroes) do very good in wvw against 5 shit new noob players.. they often find themself extremely good and want to be praised.



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To CrashTheGrey "I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess this person talking themselves up was HadiTheEdgemaster right?" Yes you are correct to an extent ..said player was on an alt account claiming to be this person hadi the edgemaster ...I took the liberty of adding both players to the friends list out of a curious nature somehow both were online at the same time its possible it wasn't hadi the edgemaster merely someone pretending to be or its possible said player was multi boxing who knows ...but far as hadi the edgemaster in general goes iv seen em around before not to be a asshole but tbh I wasn't impressed by anything I witnessed nothing about that warrior stood out that made him/her any better than a dozen other warriors I come across

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> @"aimz.6287" said:

> Saevus, Rosa, Poelala, Hadi.. they are top warriors in game easily


I once fought against Poelala in a training duel.


Now I see he's one of the top warriors in the game.


No wonder I was getting recked XD


Edit: I'll give him this; He's a very good warrior.

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